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期中归类复习(一)1 Look, the children _(sing) the song _(happy).2 The lion _(catch) the mouse , but he let it go.3 Sam and Bobby _ (watch) fireworks tomorrow evening.4 What can people do _(protect) the Earth?5 Trees can help _(keep) the air clean.6 New Year is coming.All the children are getting very _(excite)7 Would you like _(be) a doctor?8 All the students are very _.They cheer _(excite).9 My parent _(be) good at _(cook).10 Can you help _(I) with my homework?Sorry, I will help _(I) mother clean the house.11 The boys _(高兴地喊) now.12 The mouse helped the lion and _(出来)13 Is Miss Li the teachers office now?No,she _(take) photos in the garden.14 Su Hai want _(is) a teacher.15 Tim usually _(finish) his homework before dinner.16 My mother never _(watch) TV at night.17 He always _(hit) the ball hard.18 Mike _(感觉困) in the morning.19 Su Yang and Su Hai _(干得好) at home. 期中归类复习(二)20 I w_ to school every morning.21 The girl _(刷牙) at six in the morning.22 My teacher _(not listen) to music on Sundays.23 There _(be) any water in the bottle this morning.24 Please come _(have) breakfast.25 He sees some horses _(run) in the playground.26 The jacket fits me _(good).27 Let's go into _(Bobby) bedroom.28 _(who) toy cars are they?They are Tina's.29 He feels _(sadly).30 He has a _(health) diet.31 I always have a lot of _(vegetable) and _(meat).32 I like _(sweet),but Liu Tao doesn't like _(sweet) food.33 I'd like _(watch) TV.34 My sister likes _(eat) noodles for breakfast.35 Jack _(do not) eat vegetables every day.36 There _(be) a lot of _(rice) in the bag.37 My parents have some _(fish) for lunch.38 There _(be) any milk in the fridge just now.39 You have _(go) to the supermarket.40 Here _(be) a lot of meat for the party. 期中归类复习(三)41 Be _(快的).We are late for the party.42 Su Yang was very glad to _(遇见) Bens cousin,Jack.43 Listen! Someone _(大笑).What happened?44 How about _(watch) the running race?45 Su Hai, _(put) your hands on the desk.46 _(在一个健康的饮食中), there is a lot of fruit and vegetables.47 My brother _(买了一些肉) yesterday.48 I always have my _(饭) on time.49 We always _(完成) our homework before dinner.50 We should study _(努力地) every day.51 There are some _(老鼠) in this room.52 I _(visit) my grandparents next Sunday.53 Yang Ling has _(a little) apples for lunch.54 How can we cross the road _(safe)?55 How many _(drive) can you see?56 We must keep _(safety) on the road.57 Follow these _(traffic) rules please.58 How _(cross) the road _(safe)?59 How many _(visit) are there in the park?60 How can we swim in the river _(safety)?61 Here _(be) any water in the glass. 期中归类复习(四) 1 He went to school on foot.(改同义句) He _ _ school.2 Did the men catch the lion?(改为陈述句) _3 Liu Tao and I became good friends.(对划线部分提问)4 你打算去哪里?我打算去森林。 _ are you going? Im going to the _.5 他看起来很伤心。 He _ _ _.6 狮子从网中逃出来了。 The lion _ out _ the net.7 老鼠用他尖锐的牙齿咬网。 The mouse _ the net _ his sharp teeth.8 我妈妈看起来很开心。 My mother _ _.9 那个女孩小心地用她的手摸着那个婴儿。 That girl _ the baby with her hands _.10 The lion has big and sharp teeth.(同义句) The lions teeth _ big and _. We often eat a turkey at Christmas.(提问) _ _ you often _ at Christmas?11 The Children's Day comes before Teachers' Day.(同义句) Teachers' Day _ _ Children's Day.12 I watched a film last Sunday.(提问) _ _ you _ last Sunday?13 Whose jacket is this?(同义句) Whose _ _ jacket?14 I always go to the farm for the holiday.(提问) _ _ you always _ for the holiday?16 让我带着你们参观我们的学校。 Let _17 让他领着他们参观一下我们的工厂。 Let _18 让我们一起去刘涛的家吧。 Let's _19 王兵有许多好习惯。 Wang Bing _20 我妈妈总是把东西放整齐。 My mother _21 你很了解Eric吗? Do you _ Eric _? 我爷爷每天早餐吃一些面包和牛奶。My grandfather _ and _day.22 我们每周应该吃几个鸡蛋。 We should _.23 我能喝些西瓜汁吗? Can I _?24 杨玲每天只吃一点点米饭。 Yang Ling _.25 你有一个健康的饮食吗? Do you _?26 They are going to the cinema tomorrow.(用last week改写句子) They _ _ the cinema last week.27 第二天,妈妈早早地将我叫了起来。 The _ day, Mum woke me _ _.28 从那时起,他们成为了好朋友。


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