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正方主辩陈词:I am very glad to stand for the pro side 1st speaker,our opinion is that the people can be judged by their looks. First of all, as the proverb sayings :”eyes are the window of the spirit” that is to say, a persons eyes can reflect his mind, so we can judge peoples qulity through their eyes. besides, there is a saying in the Buddhism ,”appearance can be created by the mind”(相由心生)the mean is that peoples appearance can show their character, spirit and internal quality. you could own the active, charming looks if you have the optimistic mind, on the countrary, if you have the pessimistic mind,you could have the sad,dejected looks. such as 林黛玉,she always have the pessimistic ,oppressed ideas no matter what situations she meets, so the novel describe her as follows: she is a thin and little person,her eyes are faint and vacant, she always in the condition of weakness and anxious .in the ancient times, there is a type of people who can get your basic informations, your family and life, who even can predict your future through observe your looks, personally, this is unscientific but it have a certain base. sometimes, thieves can be found easily because their facial expressions is different from ordinary people. all these illustrate our view clearly, the people can be judged by their looks.1. 正方:Confucius said“ judge people by their looks and lose ziyu”以貌取人失之子羽So if we judge people by their looks we will lose the excellent talents.反方:excellent people have a special kind of temperament(气质), their looks are distinctive .what's more,Some special industry have strict requirement for looks.so we can judge people by their looks 。2. 反方:Everyong has the heart of loving beauty,And beautiful people are very popular, So Looks is very important for success 正方: We think that looks is areflectiononly of human , how may it have substantial impact for our development ? The most famous scientist of the modern -hawking, he palsys,but has a heart interest and persistence to scientific,that makes his life brilliant.3. .反方:Many people attach importance to beauty, as they change their looks by the makeup even by face-lifting。And anyone likes to stay with the beautiful people,so so we can judge people by their looks正方:Tagore said: "you can use the appearance of beauty to evaluate a flower, or a butterfly, but you can't evaluate a person. And Goethe had said“Beautiful looks can only please temporary,Inner beauty can delight others unfailing "外貌美只能取悦一时,内心美方能经久不衰!So inner beauty is more important.All in all,In our life, many things are judge by our looks,for example ,when you meet first meet a friend ,you will judge him by his looks.In addition a person's first impression to others is looks. So we think people can be judged by their looks.


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