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1. 简短自我介绍,大学介绍,导师介绍Good morning, Professor. xxx. It is really my honor to have this chance for the interview. May I introduce myself first? My name is xxx, 26. I'm currently a Ph. D candidate in xxx university and supervisored by Pro. xxx, who is the director of the xxx Institute. My major is xxx. In the past four years, most of my work involves the xxx, xxx science and xxx. During my studies, I have spent considerable amount of time reading related literature and paid close attention to the state-of-the-art research progresses. To my mind, these experiences equipped me with a solid theoretical foundation in this field. Meanwhile, the experiences of participating in several national research projects largely strengthened my experimental operating skills.Besides, I am a lively and easygoing girl. In my leisure time, I like to play pingpong and work out, or invite some of my friends to go to the karaoke houses for singing. The reason why I am applying for the visiting opportunity is that I want to enhance my understanding of the neural mechanisms of conduct disorder and antisocial behaviors. Since your team have done many extraordinary work in this field, I really want to get some guidance and learn more under your supervision. 2. 为什么要读博:Explain that why you intend to apply to the Schools doctoral program? why you are pursuing a PhD? Focus on your research idea, demonstrate how your experiments or theoretical work will be able to answer your research question and how the project might contribute to the field.I have been fascinated by the xxx since I was young. At that moment I was often curious about: why we, human beings have thoughts? Do animals think and what make our thoughts different? And of course, this questions were too difficult for a child because of a lack of knowledge and life experiences. That is why I chose xxx as my major when I went into xxxUniversity. During past years in the university, I was driven by a true passion for these questions and made great efforts to seek answers. After taking a number of specialized courses, I had got a basic understanding of xxx and xxx. Meanwhile, I became interested in the study of the xxx and xxx (i.e., 具体研究方向). To my mind, xxx and xxx enables us to have access to investigate the xxx (把自己的研究方向往上面套).3. 毕业以后的打算或未来五年的计划/你感兴趣的projects or topics/planned dissertation/explain what you plan to do/describe the plans for your own research work; describe your hypotheses, how they will be tested, experimenta/how you intend to answer your research questions/paradigms, techniques, how the data will be analyzed, etc. you should assure your audience that you know whats missing and that (and how) you intend to acquire the required knowledge during your time at the School. A clearly structured and easy-to-follow presentation will help to do so./You may want to give a realistic time frame in which you plan to complete your project, too./ Your proposal needs to show why the intended research is important and to justify the eort of doing the research./ Give information about your estimated timetable (if possible in table form)My research aims to understand the . - 描述研究方向以及已有研究局限性或值得继续深入研究的内容. Why should this be the case? xxx, . is still unclear.The disorder I have spent most time investigating is ., largely through the study of young people at very high risk of developing the disorder. I am now interested in understanding what predicts their functional outcome, and how abnormalities of . can be corrected through pharmaceutical interventions.My main areas of interest concern . and . More specifically, I am keen on the . in adolescents with psychiatric disorders. Besides, I also want to know the role that genetic and environmental factors play in these changes.4. 你现在实验室的介绍With the intention of pursuing advanced knowledge, I enrolled in the . Institute of the . University as a postgraduate student. As a research institute that lays great emphasis on . work, academics here mainly focus on the . and ., such as ., etc. . University is among the first group admitted into both Project 211, a project of building national key universities and colleges for the 21stcentury, and Project 985, a joint constructive project of building world-class universities co-sponsored by the Chinese central government and local governments. My supervisor, Prof. . is the director (简单介绍你的导师的学术方向以及成果)5. 硕士课题介绍(简介、工作时间安排、导师作用)Engaged in a project entitled “.”, which was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The goal of this project was to find . In this study, .I served as one of the major researchers. Responsible for ., collecting . data and . data .6. 为什么选择我们学校/研究所? why the graduate school you are applying to is the right one for you?( location, research opportunities or faculty at the university you are applying to. Well, I know that my current knowledge is far from suffici


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