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2015-2016学年小升初测试卷一(时长80min, 总分100分)校区_ 姓名_总分_一、音标。选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词 (5分)( ) 1. A. baby B. day C.says D. cake ( ) 2. A. right B.bike C.like D. live ( ) 3. A. coat B. lot C.know D. hole( ) 4. A. how B. row C. now D. house( ) 5. A. hour B. hear C. hair D. he二、选择题。 (15分)( ) 1. My sister is two years _ than me.A. old B. older C. the older( ) 2. Our classroom is brighter than _.A. your B. yours C. you( ) 3. Tony feels very _ because he failed his English test.A. happy B. excited C. sad( ) 4. How did Betty _ home yesterday?A. went B. got C. go( ) 5. My father _ to Beijing last Sunday.A. flew B. fly C. flies( ) 6. Tom _ shopping with his mom at weekends.A. doesnt go B. dont go C. isnt go( ) 7. The students often go back to school _ Sunday evening.A. in B. on C. at( ) 8.-_ are you going to London with? - My grandma.A. Who B.What C. Where( ) 9. -_. Where is the post office?A. Thanks. B. Nice to meet you. C. Excuse me.( ) 10. Im hungry. Please bring me some _.A. books B. chairs C. cakes( ) 11. The Whites _ Guangzhou next week.A. visit B. visited C.are going to visit( ) 12. -Is there a trash bin near here?A. Yes, it is. B. No, there isnt. C. Yes, there are.( ) 13. - Where _ you just now? -I _ in the playground.A. are, were B. did, was C. were, was( ) 14. I want to _. It is fun!A. go camping B. going camping C. go camp( ) 15. Listen! Who _ in the room?A. sings B.is singing C. sing三、根据中文写出单词的正确形式,一空一词。(本大题10分)1. The boy is as _(强壮) as the other children.2. Could you tell me how to get to the _(医院)。3. Look! Mr. Wang is _(骑)a bike to Tongsha Park.4. David always _(做) his homework first after school.5. I _(去) for a while in the park yesterday afternoon.6. Tom likes _ (爬) mountains with his brother.7. Mary, do not _(说话) in the library, please.8. Is your father _ (生气的)now?9. My aunt and her son _ (是) doctors.10. I want to go to the zoo to see some _(猴子).四、从栏中找出能与栏中句子相对应的答语。(10分) A. Im feeling better today.B. Its younger than Sarahs.C. Oh, because she passed her test.D. I went hiking with my friends.E. Im 170 cm tall.F. Good idea.G. I plan to go to some big cities in China for my long holiday.H. By bus or by subway.I. I have a toothache.J. Yes, there is a very big one in my school.( ) 1. How tall are you?( ) 2. Lets go fishing tomorrow.( ) 3. How old are you?( ) 4. Whats the matter with you?( ) 5. Is there a library in your school?( ) 6. How are you feeling now?( ) 7. Why does Lucy look excited?( ) 8. What did you do yesterday?( ) 9. Where are you going for your summer?( )10. How do they go to work every year?五、完形填空。(本大题10分) My uncle Tom is a manager (经理)of a hotel. Next week, he _1_ a three-day holiday. He is going to take a trip. He _ like cars, so he is going to travel _ train.On the first day, hes going to England _ he likes English culture(文化). And hes going to stay _ a friends home. On the second day, hes going to visit London and do some _ there. Hes going to go to a theater to _ the opera (歌剧). In the evening, he is going to a pub to have a _with his friends. On the last day, hes going to the beach and _ the sun there. When he comes back, he will buy _ a present. Im looking forward to that.( ) 1. A. takes B. is going to take C. take( ) 2. A.doesnt B. isnt C. dont( ) 3. A. by B. in C.on( ) 4. A. so B. because C.but( ) 5. A. with B.to C. at( ) 6. A. sightseeing B. reading C.cooking( ) 7. A. look B. watch C. listen( ) 8. A. takes B. is going to take C. take( ) 9. A. like B.enjoy C. have( ) 10. A. I B. he C. me六、阅读。根据短文内容选择正确答案。(本大题20分) ASam is a little boy and he is only seven years old. One day he goes to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket and goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out, he buys a second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes again and buys


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