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,Step 1 Consolidation,Step 2 fast-reading,Step 3 detail reading,Step 5 talking and writing,Step 6 homework,A visit to the moon,Step 4 summary,UNIT 4 A visit to the moon(Consolidation),1. 有一个去太空旅行的机会,have a chance to make a trip into space,2.启航/出发,3. 升空,4. 逃脱地球重力的牵引,5. 落到地上,7. 向前迈步,6. 感到高兴 /感到振奋,8. 既然,9. 熟练掌握,10. 燃烧起火,be off,rise into the air,escape the pull of the earths gravity,fall to the ground,cheer up,step forward,now that,break out,get the hang of,Enjoy the video and guess who the little boy is and what his great invention is?,NEWTON AND THE APPLE,He is Isaac Newton, the famous scientist who has discovered gravity.,Do you know what gravity is? Can you tell me the names of them on the following pictures according to the knowledge of Physics?,gravity: force that attracts objects in space towards each other. 万有引力,重力,地心引力,Gravity,Pull,Float,Gravity,Do you want to go to the moon? Imagine what you will feel when you are in space?,Float in the universe Weightless,Step 2,Fast reading,How does the passage get organized? A. By telling old stories B. By giving reasons only C. By showing a topic and telling personal Experiences D. By using examples and giving solutions,Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4,Fast reading,Step 2,Match the main idea in each paragragh,Returning to the earth,An exciting experience on the Moon,A brief introduction of a space trip with my friend,Three changes of gravity during the trip,Read the passage quickly, finish the true or false questions:,The force of of gravity would change four times on their journey . ( ) 2. When they were on the moon, they would not feel the gravity because there was no gravity on the moon. ( ) 3. Since the gravity has changed, their walk didnt need a lot of practice. ( ),F,F,F,Step 3,Detailed reading,Read Para 2 carefully and underline 3 sentences that show the changes of the gravity. as he left in space on the moon,Step 3,Detailed reading,very strong,disappeared,very light,Detail reading: Read Para 2 carefully and underline 3 sentences that are about the changes of the force of the gravity. (as he left, in space, on the moon),Step 3,Detailed reading,Read Para. 4 and answer: Was their returning painful? What happened to the spaceship?,Yes. Fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship.,Detailed reading,Step 3,Summary:,Last month I visited the moon with my friend. Before we left, I was told the force of g_ would change three times on our journey. Then we took off. As we left the earth, I became very h_. gradually the weight l_. when I was in space, it d_. we f_ weightlessly in the cabin and I c_ _. when i was on the moon, I was surprised to find out even walking needs lots of practice n_ _ gravity changed. The returning of the earth was very f_. we were amazed to watch fire b_ _ on the outside of the ship.,gravity,heavy,lessened,disappeared,floated,cheered up,now that,frightening,break out,Step 4,Life is different on a spaceship.There is very little gravity so that things float around. In pairs discuss what you need if you travel to the moon: To protect your skin To stop you flying off the moons surface and into space To stop your food floating away,Speaking and writing,Step 5,There is little gravity so that things float around. Discuss what you need if you travel to the moon: How to protect your skin,Useful words and expressions:,Please pay attention to Dont forget to Youd better Please check that Make sure that You must/mustnt You need Watch out for Please look at,所带物品: a spacesuit太空服/ oxygen can 氧气罐 / sunglasses太阳镜 原因: 1. 如果月球上太冷太空服可以供给你热水,如果温度太高,太空服会将水冷却; 2. 因为月球上几乎无氧气,所以一定要确保随身携带氧气罐; 3. 千万不要忘了带太阳镜,因为它可以保护眼睛和皮肤免遭伤害。,So much for today. Thank you very much. Good bye!,Changes of my feeling during the visit to the Moon,Before we left, I felt very n_s, because this was the first time that I had been to the Moon. As the rocket rose into the air, I felt c_s and f_ed. When we get closer to the moon, I was very c_ful. When we get to the Moon, I was very e_ted.,nervous,curious,frightened,excited,cheerful,Homework 1. 阅读英语辅导报Unit 4 第一版 女宇航员刘洋的故事。 2. 完成句子 1. 既然你已得到一个机会,你最好充分利用它。(now that/ make use of) 2. 我们邻居有一座跟我们家一样大的房子。(asas.) 3. 经过十天的培训,工人们组件掌握了生产流程中的技能。(get the hang of) 4. 一定要来参加我的生日宴会。(do) 5. 为使她高兴,她丈夫带她去听音乐会。(cheer),Step 6,


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