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Unit 7,It's raining!,Period 1 Section A Grammar Focus,snowy v. 下雪 n. 雪,sunny adj. 晴朗的,windy adj. 多风的,cloudy adj. 多云的,New words,The weather is good today.,Yes, its sunny/cloudy/windy.,Warming up,Talk about the weather., Hows the weather in Beijing? = Whats the weather like in Beijing?, Its sunny.,Presentation, Its cloudy., Hows the weather in Shanghai? = Whats the weather like in Shanghai?,Shanghai, Its snowy., Hows the weather in New York? = Whats the weather like in New York?,New York, Hows the weather in London? = Whats the weather like in London?, Its windy.,London, Its raining., Hows the weather in Kunming? = Whats the weather like in Kunming?,Kunming,Pairwork,A: How is the weather? = Whats the weather like?,B: Its ,sunny,snowy,cloudy,rainy,总结:如何询问天气(一),A: How is the weather ? = Whats the weather like ?,天气怎么样?,B: Its cloudy/ sunny/ rainy/ windy/ snowy.,它是多云的/晴朗的/多雨的/多风的/下雪的。,Hows the weather?,Its sunny.,Whats he doing?,Hes playing the guitar.,Pair work,Hows the weather?,Its windy.,What are they doing?,Theyre walking.,Hows the weather?,Its snowing.,What are they doing now?,Theyre cooking.,Hows the weather?,Its raining.,What are they doing?,Theyre playing soccer.,A: _ the weather? B: Its _. A: What _ they _? B: They _ _.,Hows,sunny,are doing,are painting,看图片,补全对话。,Practice,A: _ the _? B: Its _. A: _ are _ doing? B: _ are _ a _.,Hows weather,snowy,What they,They making snowman,A: How is it going ? = How are things ? = How are you (doing)?,情况怎么样? 过得怎么样?,B: Great! / Pretty good./Not bad./ Terrible!,很好 很好 不错 可怕,5,总结:如何问好(二),Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. Then practice the conversations with a partner.,3a,be play study talk do make,1. A: What are you doing? B: I _ my homework. I always _ my homework in the evening. 2. A: Whats John doing right now? B: He _ soccer. He _ soccer every Saturday. 3. A: _ Julie _ English right now? B: No, she isnt. She _ Chinese.,Check the answers.,am doing,plays,Is studying,do,is playing,is studying,4. A: What are Julie and Jane doing? B: They _ soup. They can _ very good soup. 5. A: _ Lisa _ on the phone again? B: Yes, she _ on the phone for three hours every day!,are making,make,talks,Is talking,Its sunny. Hes playing the guitar.,Its windy. Theyre walking,Its snowing. Theyre cooking.,Its hot . Hes writing.,Its raining. Theyre playing soccer.,3b,Yuan Yuan from CCTV is interviewing people in five different places. Fill in the chart below.,Period 2 Section A 1a-2d,1a,Match the words with the pictures a-e.,raining _ windy _ cloudy _ sunny _ snowing _,a,c,e,b,d,Listen and write these city names in the boxes above.,1b,Beijing Moscow Toronto Boston Shanghai,Listening,Beijing,Moscow,Shanghai,Toronto,Boston,Listen and number the pictures 1-4.,2a,3,2,4,Listening,Listen again. Match the names with the activities.,c Uncle Joe _ Jeff _ Mary _ Aunt Sally,2b,a,d,b,a. is playing computer games. b. is cooking. c. is playing basketball. d. is watching TV.,Talk about the people with a partner., Whats Uncle Joe doing?,2c, Hes playing basketball.,Pairwork, Whats Aunt Sally doing?, Shes cooking in the kitchen., Whats Mary doing?, Shes watching TV., Whats Jeff doing?, Hes playing computer games.,Period 3 Section B 1a-2c,hot adj. 热的,warm adj. 暖和的,cold adj. 冷的,dry adj. 干燥的,New words,cool adj. 凉爽的,1. _ dry 3. _ cool 5. _ hot 2. _ cold 4. _ warm,Match the words with the picture.,1a,d,e,a,b,c,Hows the weather in picture d?,Its dry.,1b,Ask and answer questions about the weather in the pictures in 1a.,Hows the weather in picture e?,Hows the weather in picture c?,Its hot.,Its cool.,Hows the weather in picture a?,Hows the weather in picture b?,Its warm.,Its cold.,Hows the weather?,Its windy and cool.,Guessing,Its raining.,Hows the weather?,Its sunny and hot.,Hows the weather?,Hows the weather?,Its snowy and cold.,Hows the weather?,Its dry.,总结:如何询问气候(三),A: How is the weather ? = Whats the weather like ?,天气怎么样?,B: Its dry / cold / cool / warm / hot.,它是干燥的/寒冷的/凉爽的/温暖的/炎热的。,Listen and write what Mary and Eric answer to Hows it going.,1c,not bad.,Listening,Listen again. Write the answers to What are you doing and Hows the weather.,visiting her grandmother,1d,hot, dry and sunny.,having a party,terrible. Its cold and raining.,2a,Talk about the pictures below with a partner. Hows the weather? What are the people doing?,Talking,Hows the weather?,Its sunny and warm.,What is she doing?,Shes drinking orange juice.,Hows the weather?,Its cloudy and cool.,What are they doing?,They are climbing the mountains.,Hows the weather?,Its raining.,What is she doing?,Shes writing a letter.,Match


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