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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,SectionB,Is there anear your home?,Guess the places in section A:,go along,turn right,turn left,on the left,on the right,Look and say,Dont turn right.,No walking .,go straight,Turn left,Turn right,go up ,go down ,go / walk,at the first crossing,at the second crossing,2. Go along Bridge Street and turn right at the second crossing. Go straight and she will see it on your left.,How can the girl get to the park?,Center Street,across,go across the street,across : 表示从一定范围的一边到另一边,动作在物体表面进行,go through the park,through,through :从中间穿过,动作在里面进行,1a. Match the words with the signs.,a.go along b. turn right c.turn left,1._ 2._ 3. _,a,c,b,1,2,3,4,5,6,Challenge yourself-挑战自我,First, go straight. Then, turn right and go straight. Next, turn left. Last, go straight.,How can the mouse get the orange?,-Excuse me.Is there a hospital near here? around here in the neighborhood,-Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn right. Its down Center Street on the right (沿中央大街的右边).,Center ST,-Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?,-Yes, there is. Just go straight down /along Bridge Street and turn left . The hotel is on the left. Its across from the bank.,HOTEL,Bridge ST,BANK,G,B,F,D,C,E,A,PARK STREET,You are at A. Go straight down the Park Street. Its on the right. Now you are at _. You are at A. Go straight and turn right. Its down the City Street on the right. Now you are at _. You are at A. Go straight and turn left and right. Now you are at _.,CITY STREET,B,C,F,Library,Restaurant,Bank,Supermarket,Post Office,Park,Renmin Street,Center ST,North ST,Police station,hospital,1,Go along RENMIN ST and turn right at the first crossing. Go along Center Street and you will find it on the right. Its across from the park.,Library,Restaurant,Bank,Supermarket,Post Office,Park,Renmin Street,Center ST,North ST,Police station,hospital,2,2. Go along Renmin Street and turn right at the second crossing. Go along/ down North Street and you will see it on your left. Its across from the park.,Library,Restaurant,Bank,Supermarket,Post Office,Park,Renmin Street,Center ST,North ST,Police station,hospital,3,3. Go along Renmin Street and turn left at the second crossing. Go up North Street and you will see it on the left. Its across from the Police Station.,1b. Listen and write.,1b. Listen and write.,A _ B _,restaurant,hotel,1c. Listen again and fill in the blanks.,1c. Listen again and fill in the blanks.,A: Excuse me. Is there a _ around here? B: Yes, there is. Just go _ Bridge Street and turn _ When you see the library. Go along Long Street and its on the _. Its _ _ the supermarket and across from the _. A: Thanks!And is there a restaurant near the _? B:Yes. _ along New Street. _ right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left, _ _ the pay phone. A: Thank you very much. B: Youre welcome.,hotel,along,left,right,next to,bank,hotel,Go,Turn,across from,Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? Nancy: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Its next to a supermarket. Paul: Thank you very much. Nancy: Youre welcome.,Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.,1. Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?,Yes, there is. Go straight down New Street and turn right. There is a pay phone on the right.,2.Where is the bank?,Go straight down New Street and turn right. Turn left at Bridge Street. The bank is across from the street.,1d. Imagine you and your parter are two People in the picture in 1b. Ask and answer.,A: Is there a supermarket near here? B: Yes, there is. Go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the library. A: Got it. I go along Bridge Street and turn left when I see the library.,School Park Zoo Bridge Street Supermarket Bank,The supermarket is _ _ the bank. The zoo is _ _ the bank. The park is _ the school _ the zoo.,across from,across from,between,and,Exercises,穿过马路_ 向左转_ 向右转_ 在附近_ 笔直向前走_ 在左边_ 在右边_ 看到图书馆的的时候,往左转弯_ 餐馆在你的右手边_,go across the road,near here / in the neighborhood/ around here,turn left,turn right,go straight,on the left,on the right,Complete the phrases.,Turn left when you see the library,The restaurant is on your left,Draw a map and then make up a dialogue.,Homework,Thank You!,e.g.: A: How do you get to the bookstore? B: Get on the bus 600 at the station. get off the bus at the bookstore. A: Thanks!,2a. Check () the places near your home


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