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Unit 7 It's raining! section A,Peter,Tom,Linda,Jim,Q1: What are they talking about?,Weather 'weð,Q2: How is the weather in Shanghai?,=What is the weather like in Shanghai?,Q3: How is the weather in Moscow?,mska,It is cloudy.,( cloud cloudy),It is snowing.,snow snowy,n.,adj.,n./v.,adj.,Moscow, Russia,(俄罗斯首都),Its windy.,Then, Peter makes a phone call to his aunt.,/bstn/,Boston, America,_ in Beijing?,Its sunny.,After that, Peter makes a phone call to his friend Julie.,How is the weather,=?,=Whats the weather like in Beijing?,Its raining. 正在下雨 Its rainy多雨的(形容词),At last, Peter makes a phone call to his uncle.,_ in Toronto?,=,How is the weather,Whats the weather like?,t'rnto,Toronto, Canada,Group Work,P: Hello, this is Peter. Who is that? T: Hello, this is Tom speaking. How are you Peter? P: Im fine. Hows the weather in Moscow, Tom? T: Its cloudy. Where are you? What is the weather like in Shanghai? P: T: .,If you are Peter, can you make a phone call?,Peter,Tom,Linda,Jim,Jim,Linda,What are they talking about ?,2a. Listen and number the pictures. 1-4,2,3,4,Jim,Linda,2b. Listen again. Match the names with the activities.,1. _ Uncle Joe a. is playing computer games . 2. _ Jeff b. is cooking 3. _ Mary c. is playing basketball 4. _ Aunt Sally d. is watching TV,c,a,d,b,Beijing,Toronto,Boston,Moscow,USA,Four students a group,Choose the reporter,四人一组,假如你们四人分别在不同的城市,其中一人是记者。正在进行电话采访。采访结束后写出调查报告。,A:Hi, this is How is the weather in . B: Its . in A: What are you doing? B: Im. A: C:,Report: My name is I am in . Its today. I am . Her name is .She is in . Its .there. She is His name is He is in . Its there. He is .,Steve,Rick,Listen to the conversation and answer the question,1. Are they talking face to face? 2. Who does Steve want to talk to?,Reading,Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions.,1. Whats Steve doing? _ _ 2. Whats Ricks brother doing? _ 3. What does Steve want Ricks brother to do? _,Hes studying at his friends home.,He wants Ricks brother to call back.,Hes playing basketball with some friends at the park.,Read the conversation in 2d again and fill in the blanks in the proper way (用所给词的适当形式填空),The weather Is _()sun .RICK _(talk)on the phone with Steve now. Steve _(play) basketball. And they _(have) a good time. His brother isnt at home . He _(study) at his friends home. So Steve asks Rick to _(take ) a message for him .,sunny,Is talking,Is playing,are having,Is studying,take,Summary(小结),1.Vocabulary about weather:,cloudy / rainy / snowy / sunny / windy,2. Sentences : a. How to ask about the weather?,-How is the weather? Its -What is the weather like in?Itsin,b. How to ask about what others are doing?,What is he/she doing? He/She is Whatre they doing? Theyre ,Thanks for your listening!,Let me tell you,In western countries , people usually talk about the weather . But Chinese usually ask if they ate meals. (在西方国家人们通常谈论天气但在中国人们通常会问您吃过了吗?)幻灯片 15,


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