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超声波探伤通用规程UT General Specification14/14 Material: EN-GJS-400-18U-LT REFERRENCE: EN 12680-3 检验规程内容: Content 1.0适用范围/scope 2.0参考规范/reference 3.0检验人员/ NDT-Personnel4.0超声波检测/ Ultrasonic testing5.0检验报告/Examination report1.0 适用范围 / scope本规范是铸件的检验规程和验收标准。本规范覆盖检验区域。This specification is the inspection procedures and acceptance criteria of casting. Inspection areas are covered by this specification.2.0参考规范/referenceGB9445-99:中国机械工程无损检测学会无损检测人员资格及鉴定/non-destructive testing institution of the Chinese mechanical engineering society qualification and certification of NDT personnelEN473 : NDT 无损探伤试验人员的资格和资格证-总则/ qualification and certification of NDT personnelgeneral principles.SNT-TC-1A:无损探伤人员资质/ qualification and certification of NDT personnelEN12680-3:铸造-超声探伤-第3部分:球墨铸铁/Founding-Ultrasonic examination -part 3: Spherical graphite cast iron castings.ISO 8501-1:表面粗糙度/visual assessment of surface cleanliness993062:超声波设备的校准/Ultrasonic equipment calibration and verificationEN126681:无损检测超声设备的特点和验证第1部分:仪表。EN 12668-1:Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination equipment - Part 1: instruments.EN126683:无损检测超声设备的特点和验证第3部分:设备组合。EN 12668-3:Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic examination equipment - Part 3: Combined equipment.EN12223:无损检测超声检测校准试块No.1的规范。EN 12223:None destructive testing Ultrasonic examination - Specification of calibration block no.1.3.0检验人员/ NDT-PersonnelNDT人员至少应获得一个下述标准证书的认证:NDT-Personnel must be qualified to one of the following certification standards: GB9445-99:中国机械工程无损检测学会无损检测人员资格及鉴定/nondestructive testing institution of the Chinese mechanical engineering society qualification and certification of NDT personnelEN473 : NDT 无损探伤试验人员的资格和资格证-总则/ qualification and certification of NDT personnelgeneral principles.SNT-TC-1A:无损探伤人员资质/ qualification and certification of NDT personnel根据EN 473 或ASNT SNT-TC-1A的规定,所有无损试验的检验员,都要经过培训达到2级的资质水平。他们若不够2级水平,则应在2级甚至3级资质水平的人员指导下工作。供货方的3级人员,应定期培训自己的NDT工作人员。All NDT inspectors must be trained and certified lever 2 inspectors according to EN 473 or ASNT SNT-TC -1A or they should perform the test under direct supervision of a lever 2 or lever 3(according to one of the earlier mentioned standards)inspector. The lever 3 inspector of supplier should do periodic training for their inspectors. 4 超声波检测/Ultrasonic testing4.1表面条件/surface conditioning在零件作超声波检查以前,表面要达到ISO 8501-1规定的表面质量Sa2.5级。Prior to UT the surface quality of the component must reach Sa 2 1/2 in accordance with ISO 8501-1.未经机加工的粗糙表面应根据所需的检查要求进行打磨。Rough surfaces on un-machined items shall be ground to the extent necessary for performing the examination.所有的待检表面应无溶渣、剥落、灰尘和其它可能妨碍检查的杂质。All surfaces to be inspected shall be free of dross, scale, dirt and other foreign matter that may interfere with the inspection.4.2检查范围/Extent of examination应根据所述的零部件适用质量规范进行超声波探测评估。Ultrasonic testing shall be evaluated in the zones as stated in applicable quality specification for the specific component.4.3设备和耦合介质灵敏度/Equipment and coupling medium 4.3.1超声波探伤仪 Ultrasonic instrument 超声波探伤仪须符合EN 12668-1中规定的要求(本厂使用EPOCH 4和EPOCH LT),须具有以下特点: The uultrasonic instrument shall meet the requirements given in EN12668-1(The instrument EPOCH 4 and EPOCH LT shall be used in my factory)and shall have the following character:-量程设定,设定范围需至少为10mm2m,需能够连续选择,需适合于钢中传播的纵波和横波;-range setting, from at least 10mm to 2m continuously selectable, for longitudinal and transverse;-增益,须能够在一个至少为80dB的范围内进行调节,调节的最大差级为2dB,测量精度为1 dB;-gain, adjustable in 2dB maximum steps over a range of at least 80dB with measuring accuracy of 1dB;-时基和垂直线性度须小于显示屏幕调节范围的5%,水平线性小于1%;-time-base and vertical linearities less than 5% of the adjustment range of the screen, the horizontal linearity shall be better than 1%;4.3.2探头和传感器的频率/Probes and transducer frequencies-采用单晶探头和双晶探头的脉冲回波技术中,其适用的频率为2MHZ,-suitability for nominal frequencies 2 MHZ in pulse-echo technique with single-crystal and twin-crystal probes.-以下探头至少要有一个被使用: SEB2-00(MSEB2)和B2S(MB2S)或者有一个相同特性的探头。探头SEB2-00 (MSEB2)用于铸件壁厚0200mm处,探头B2S(MB2S)用于铸件壁厚200500mm处。 首先使用SEB2-00 和B2S探头检测, 当需要精确测量缺陷的边界时使用MSEB2-00 和MB2S探头。-Following probe head must have at least one to be used: SEB2-00 ( MSEB2) and B2S ( MB2S) or have a same characteristic probe head. The probes of SEB2-00 (MSEB2) are used for the casting thickness of 0200mm. The probes of B2S ( MB2S) are used for the casting thickness of 200500mm. First use the probe of SEB2-00 and B2S for inspection. If needs to identify the actual borderline of the defects, use the probes of MSEB2-00 and MB2S. -声束直径的补偿/ the compensation of diameter of sound beam为了判定一个缺陷的大小是“可测量”还是“不可测量”,声束的直径可以进行补偿。补偿可以通过计算(对在远场中的单晶探头),或根据平底孔的测量值(双晶探头)进行。声束直径的补偿只能被用在不可测量缺陷的部分。-In order to determine the size of an i


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