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,cui yan,我和你,心连心,同住地球村。为梦想,千里行,相会在北京。来吧,朋友,伸出你的手。我和你,心连心,永远一家人。 You and me, from one world, we are family. Travel dream ,a thousand miles meeting in Beijing. Come together, put your hand in mine. You and me, from one world, we are family. a thousand miles meeting in Beijing. 我和你,心连心,同住地球村。为梦想,千里行,相会在北京。 Come on, friends,伸出你的手。 You and me, from one world, we are family. You and me, from one world, we are family.,Enjoy one song,Q1: What is the name of the song?,Q2: What was it made for?,You and me (我和你),It was made for _ _.,the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,Unit2,Did you watch the opening ceremony(开幕式) of the Beijing Olympic Games?,When and where will the next Olympic Games be held ?,In 2012 ,London,1. How often do we hold the Olympic Games?,2. How many gold medals did China get in the 2008 Olympic Games ?,Every four years,51 gold medals,Lets have a competition.,3. What are the mascots for the Beijing Olympic Games ?,Bird Nest,Water Cube,4. Whats the main stadium of the 2008 Olympic Games?,What do the five rings stand for?,Asia,Europe,Africa,America,Oceania,5. What do the five rings stand for?,The five interlocking rings stand for,friendship of five continents.,One World, One Dream,6. Whats the motto of the Beijing Olympic Games?,7. What are the three words that show the spirits(精神) of the Olympic Games?,swifter,higher,stronger,Using The following words to fill in the blank .,Every athlete should try to run_, jump_ , and throw_. They do their best to win medals.,faster,higher,further,8. Who was Chinas first gold medal winner ?and for what event?,Xu Haifeng for shooting,9. When & where did the modern Olympic Games start?,In Athens in 1896,10. When & where did the ancient Olympic Games start?,In Olympia, Greece in 776 B.C.,11. How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games?,only one, Greece,12.What will people do at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games? A.running B. Light the torch C. Have a party,SINCE 776BC,IN GREECE,Olympic torch,Olympic flame,The fire represents life and enthusiasm. 圣火象征着发源于古希腊的文明之光,它照耀着人类前进的道路,激励着人类追求光明、追求理想,朝着崇高的目标不断进取。,13.What was rewarded to the winners in ancient Olympic Games?,olive wreath,For the Ancient Greeks, the olive tree was a symbol of peace, wisdom and victory.,Olive wreath,gold,silver,bronze,Olympic Medals,14.What is rewarded to the winners in modern Olympic games ?,Yes,No,all over the world,only in Greece,both,only men,medals,olive wreath,every 4 years,every 4 years,More events,Less events,Brainstorming,Tell me the names of the events of the Olympic Games according to the following pictures.,Step2: Speaking,Wrestling,boxing,Horse riding,Weightlifting,Gymnastics,High jump,basketball,basketball,badminton,Table tennis,Tennis,football,swimming,diving,sailing,Shooting,skiing,Skating,running,hurdle,AN INTERVIEW,step3,Task: Talking about sport,interviewer,interviewee,have an interview,(采访者),(被采访者),Q2: what sport do you like best?,Q1: what sport do you like ?,I likebecause,I likebest,I am interested inbecause/when,My favorite sport is/ I practice,Q3: who is your favorite athlete?,My favorite athlete is.I like him /her because,Q4: What have you learned from your hobby?,1.We have learnt some new words about the Olympic games opening ceremony, mascot, stadium, Bird Nest, Water Cube, ring, continent, motto, spirit, ancient, Oceania, Olympic torch, enthusiasm, light the torch, bronze, boxing, Wrestling, Diving, shooting,2. How to have an interview and talk about sport.,Homework,Write a passage about your favorite sports in about 100 words. 2. Preview the Reading: AN INTERVIEW,Thank you!,


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