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济南外国语学校作业 剑桥英语II Unit7 第12周 编号:046姓名: 学号: 预估时间: 30分钟 Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。装 订 线Test for Cycle 1 ( Unit8 )I. Listen to someone talk about Halloween. Write T for true or F for false to each statement. (2*6)( )1. October 31 is the day when people wear costumes.( )2. During the 400s, people dresses up on October 31 to scare away the dead.( )3. People believed that Halloween marked the end of spring.( )4. In the US, Halloween is the time when adults “trick” or “treat”.( )5. On Halloween, children go to their neighbors houses to ask for money.( )6. These days, Halloween is a night when adults go to parities or parades.I. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetics and explanation. (2*10)1. We held a party to _ 'selbret our success.2. We fight for the _ 'n of our country.3. A lot of _ trks can be played on friends and strangers on April Fool's Day .4. Let's give everyone a fruit _ pnt  when they arrive at the party.5. Bride is the most beautiful woman in the _ 'wd.6. firecracker f_7. an area of ground where people are buried c_8. the date on which an event occurred in some previous year a_9. a public celebration in which a large group of people move through an area p_10.an adornment, such as a ring or necklace, made of precious metals and set with gems j_II. Multiple choice. (2*10)( )1. On Childrens Day, Japanese families usually _ colored streamers. A. put on B. put down C. put up D. put away( )2. Last night, we held a party _ honor _ our new leader John. A. on, to B. in, with C. in, of D. on, with( )3. The more we _, the happier we'll be.A. come together B. get together C. go together D. put together( )4. March 12th is a day _ people go and plant trees. A. where B. when C. what D. that( )5. Samba is a very popular kind of _ in Brazil. A. dancing B. singing C. marching D. drawing( )6. On Valentines Day, people usually give _ to the people they love. A. chocolate B. roast turkey C. cake D. apple pies( )7. She like to _ for a party. A. put up B. give up C. turn up D. dress up( )8. The Carnaval _ for four whole days. A. does B. has C. makes D. lasts( )9. Which is different from others? A. graduation B. party C. birthday D. flowers( )10. I _ hearing from you soon. A. expect to B. hope to C. look forward to D. wish toIII. Transforming. (1*7+2*3)1. Children exploded firecrackers on New Years Eve last year. (变为一般疑问句)_ children _ firecrackers _ New Years Eve last year?2. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. (划线提问) _ _ your favorite holiday?3. I have already made a birthday card for my father. (划线提问) _ _ you _ for your father?4. wedding anniversary / when / is / a / a time / celebrate / their / couples / marriage.(连词成句) _5. the season / winter / when / its / is / cold / snowy / and_6. flowers / when / spring / blossom / is / the time of year_IV. Translation. (1*25)1. 我已经迫不及待的要带你游览这个城市了。 I _ _ _ take you to _ _ the city.2. 和别人开玩笑时,一定不要伤害到别人的感情。 When you _ _ _ others, you mustnt hurt their feelings.3. 暑假就是我好好享受和同学一起玩的时间了。 Summer holiday is the time _ I _ _ _ classmates.4. 除夕夜通常是熬通宵的日子。 New Years Eve is always the day _ we _ _ _ _.5. 他们一结婚就去巴西参加狂欢节了。 They went to Brazil for Carnaval _ _ _ they _ _.6. 我已经制定好了新年计划。I have already _ my New Years _.V. Read the passage and Write T for true or F for false to each statement. (2*5)While Chinese people celebrate a few holidays according to the western calendar, the lunar calendar is used for most others. Important holidays in the lunar calendar, which follows the cycles of the moon, include Chinese New Year and the Dragon Boa


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