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人教新课标高中英语必修二:Unit4 Wildlife protection-Listeningspeaking and writing课件

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人教新课标高中英语必修二:Unit4 Wildlife protection-Listeningspeaking and writing课件

,Listening,speaking and writing,True or false,There are many different species of dinosaur and all of them have been found in China. Not long ago, a rare new species of bird-like dinosaur was discovered in Henan Province. Some scientists are sure dinosaurs died out because the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more. Dinosaurs died out quickly about 65 million years ago and many animals have died out in the same way.,several,Liaoning,think,F,F,F,T,Listening,1. Listen to the tape and choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.P30 1 key: 1. C 2. D 3.B 4. C 2. Which is the best for describing what happened? P30 2 key: 2. This story is about why the dodo disppeared.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Once upon a time, I lived on earth too. I was called “dodo”. My home was an island _ Mauritius. I was curious and kind-hearted and quite _ _ most of the other animals there. I liked to make friends with the other animals and never quarreled. I had no _. My best friends were the other birds, the monkeys and all the other dodos of course. There were many of us. We were birds too but we were _ and only had _ _. My favourite activity was to _ along the beach and wait till the _were ready to be eaten.,called,different from,enemies,large,small wings,wander,insects,One day a new animal came to my island. It was called man and _ _we seemed to be good friends. Man followed me everywhere and I gave him some of my insects to eat. But one day I _ where my other dodo friends were. Several of them seemed to have_. I asked the other birds and the monkeys. They all said the same thing. “Your friends _ _ _ and killed while you are walking on the beach.” Had man eaten them? I could not believe it. So I asked my friend, man, if it was true. He seemed surprised. “I have not seen the other dodos lately.” he said, “Perhaps they _ _ _ and eaten by some other animals.”,at first,wondered,disappeared,are,being hunted,are being killed,When more dodos_, I set a trap. I pretended to go for my walk but instead I hid in the forest and waited. Sure enough man came along. He ran after the last of my dodo friends and I saw him kill her. I felt so angry that I _ out straight at mans spear. He killed me too. I was the last of my _. After that there were _ _ dodos in the world. My advice is : be careful who you trust.,disappeared,rushed,species,no,more,Speaking,Imagine you are with the dodo and you try to help it. Talk in pairs about what you might do. These phrases might be useful to you.,Intention,Purpose,Im going to,help the dodo,I intend/mean/plan to,hide it in a cave,I will,trap man as he kills a dodo,I feel like,attacking man myself,Id like to,put man in a cage,Im ready to,teach man how to be friends,I would rather not tell you,what I think of man,Writing,Suppose you are Dodos friend and you have found a way to solve the dodos problems. Now write a letter to the dodo to tell him how you will help him.,Step 1 : Collect your ideas for the letter and write down as notes.,Step 2: Begin your letter like this: Dear Dodo, I am writing to you because I have heard of your problems. ,Step 3: Finish the letter by writing : Yours sincerely. (your name),Step 4: Check your writing and share your ideas with the class by reading them aloud.,Sample letter to the Dodo,Dear Dodo, I am writing to you because I have heard of your problems. I know man is trying to kill all the dodos and I want to help you. Here are my ideas. First, I would like to come and attack them for you so that they will leave you alone. I want to build a trap and catch them and put them in a cage. Then they will not feel like killing any dodos again. Second, I wish I could take you away to another island where you will be happy and peaceful. I wish I were with you now. Good luck till I come. Yours sincerely, Xiao Xing,


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