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,Unit3 What are you going to do?,复习目标,1、回忆巩固next week,buy等单词,短语,句子等; 2、复习be(am,is,are)动词的用法,能够活学活用be going to句型; 3、会用本单元所学内容作周末计划。,单词大练兵,time,next week,tomorrow,this morning,this afternoon,this evening,tonight,下周,今天上午,今天下午,今天晚上,今夜,明天,玩转单词,What are you going to do_ ?,Read (阅读),newspaper,comic book,magazine,dictionary,post card,漫画书,报纸,字典,明信片,杂志,玩转单词,I am going to read _ .,theme park,主题公园,宠物店,水果摊,鞋店,pet shop,fruit stand,shoe store,词组盘点,the Graet Wall,长城,I am going to the _ .,read books,go to the cinema,Activities(活动),watch TV,visit my grandparents,take a trip,clean my room,Game Time,mag,azine,mor,ning,tom,orrow,new,spaper,1)Im going to play football _ _ (今天下午)。,2)Lily is going to _(读书) in the evening.,小试牛刀,read books,小结,be going to “be going to + 动词原形或名词”表将来,构成一般将来时态。表示计划,安排要做的事或根据目前推测将要发生的动作,意为“打算,将要” 常跟表示将来的时间状语比如:tomorrow, next week, tonight等连用。,用活语法,be动词用法口诀:,我用am , ( I am ) 你用 are, ( You are ) is 跟着他,她,它, ( He/She/It is ) 单数 is, ( This /That is ) 复数are.( We/ You/They / These /Those are ),Pair work,(图片供参考,可自选景点和时间),根据Lets talk 和以下图片及单词,同桌两人做对话。,Exercise1,1、I'm going to take a t_ 2、I am going to the _(鞋店) 3、We _ (be) going to buy a comic book. 4、what do going are this to you afternoon ? ,当堂达标,rip,shoe store,are,What are you going to do this afternoon?,Exercise2,1. Im going to read a magazine on Sunday. are you going to on Sunday ? 2. I am going to Beijing tomorrow . are you tomorrow ? 3. She is going to take a trip next week. is she going to take a trip ?,延伸迁移,What,do,Where,going,When,三 自主学习,1.你能正确读出下面的词组吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗? A take a trip( ) go to the cinema ( )read a magazine( ) next week ( ) this morning( ) tomorrow ( ) this afternoon( ) tonight ( ) B post card( ) magazine ( ) dictionary( ) comic book( ) newspaper ( ) remember( ) look at( ),2 你能正确读出并记住下面的句子吗?你能正确翻译它们的汉语意思吗?,What are you going to do? I'm going to buy an English book in the bookstore. When are you going?This afternoon.,实践练习,_,_,_,_,_,一 看图写词,二.英汉互译,1)今天晚上 2)今天下午 3)下周 4)今天早上 5)take a trip 6) go to the cinema 7)read a magazine 8)tonight 9)看望外祖父母 10)本周末,三.单项选择。,( ) 1.are you going to do this afternoon? Where B. What C.How ( ) 2. What are you going to dothe weekend? A. on B. at C. in ()3、 are you going this afternoon? Im going to the book store. A. What、 B. Where ()4、 are you going to buy? Im going to buy a story-book. A. What B How ()5-are you going? Im going at 3 oclock. A. What、 B When,6.)What _ Sarah _ do this afternoon? A is going B is going to C are going D are going to 7) I want _a science teacher one day. A to be B be C am D are,1.She is going to do her homework tonight.( 变一般疑问句) 2.Im going at 3:00.(对划线部分提问) _ 3.Im going by bus.(对划线部分提问) 2.句型转换 1)I'm going to take a trip(对划线部分提问) _,四.句型转换,五.连词成句,1.Im ,to, going ,with ,my ,the, mother,cinema, 2.be ,will, that, fun, 3 I ,going,am ,buy ,a ,to,magazine ,plants, about (.) 4 science ,to ,one ,teacher ,be,I ,day ,want , a (.) 5 use ,are, to, books, you ,going ,any (?),六 完成句子,1、_are you going ? This afternoon. 2、 Im going to _(买)_(一本)English book. 3.你准备干什么?我准备去书店买一本英语书 。 4.你准备什么时候去?今天下午。,记一记,本单元重点句型: 1.I'm going to see a film tomorrow. What are you going to do tomorrow?,记一记,本单元重点句型: 1.She / He is going to take a trip next week. What is she / he going to do next week?,记一记,本单元重点句型: 1.They're going to the bank this afternoon. What are they going to do this afternoon?(Where are they going this afternoon?),记一记,本单元重点句型: 1.I'm going at 6:00. When are you going ?,小练笔:根据下表提示任选一项写一篇作文。,Hello, I am _. I am going to the _ _ . I am going at _.I am going there _. I am going to buy _.,


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