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教版高中英语必修三课件 unit4 a visit to the moon--using language课件

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教版高中英语必修三课件 unit4 a visit to the moon--using language课件

Period 3 Using language (Reading & writing),To the speaker: Confidence; Fluency; Accuracy!,To the audience: Attention; Interaction,English speech,视频链接,a visit to the moon,Reading 2,Learning aims,1. To introduce a visit to the moon and train the students reading ability. 2. To accumulate common knowledge about astronomy through the authors experience through self-directed study and cooperation. 3. Be interested in science astronomy in expressing yourself in English,1. Read the passage carefully and then describe the three ways in which gravity changed for Li Yanping. 2. Read the passage carefully and then describe and how his weight changed.,Fast reading,1. Read the passage carefully and then describe the three ways in which gravity changed for Li Yanping.,Fast reading,2. Read the passage carefully and then describe and how his weight changed.,Fast reading,1. It will be not be as strong a pull as the earths. 翻译本句_。 在asas结构中第一个as是_词性,因此后 面可以跟_、_词;第二个as 是_词性。 2. When I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over. 翻译本句_ _。 通过本句总结倍数的表达方式:_,Careful reading,1. It will be not be as strong a pull as the earths. 翻译本句:月球的引力不像地球的引力那么大。 在asas结构中第一个as是副词,因此后面可以跟形容词,副词;第二个as 是连词。 2. When I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over. 翻译本句:当我试着向前迈步时,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是地球上的两倍,因而,我摔倒了。 通过本句总结倍数的表达方式:A is +倍数+as +adj./adv.+ as +B,Careful reading,Writing,If you were given the chance to travel to the moon, what problems do you think you would face. List one of the problems and think of a solution to solve it. Then write it into a passage. Requirements: 1. First list the problem you might have on the moon. 2. List the possible solutions. 3. How the solutions help solve the problem. 4. The writing must be written about 120 words.,迅速构思、限时训练(12分钟),要求:1. 正确使用连接词和高级句式。 2. 书写认真,卷面整洁。 3. 每组一名学生自主到前、后黑板展示。,请根据以上提示,写一篇120字左右的文章,互批互学 ,交流提高,走进2014年山东高考英语作文阅卷室,1.先根据文章书写,内容和语言初步确定其为上档(18分 以上)或下档(18分以下)。 2.要点全面,紧扣主题,观点表达充分,有效使用连成 分,具备较强的书面表达能力(加减0-5分) 3. 表达内容的正确性(加减0-5分),大错:语法错误,用词错误 (每错一处扣1分) 小错:单词拼写, 冠词,大小写,标点符号错误 (错三个扣1分),秀出风采,点评提升,让自己在自由的空气里快乐地成长!,疯狂背诵、强化落实,A层:能牢固记忆所有句子并能用多种方式表达(120%); B层:能牢固记忆所有句子(100%); C层:能牢固记忆所有句子(100%)。 小组长确保各层达标。,I would be happy to accept the chance to travel to the moon. But if I visited the moon, perhaps I would face many problems. One of the problems I might have: how to stop my food floating away. I would have to take all my food with me if I went to the moon. As far as we know, in the spaceship there is no gravity so the food would float around if it was solid. So I would make sure that it is specially made as liquid space food. I can put my liquid space food in a cub and then I would be able to eat it more easily. Perhaps I would use a straw to eat it. It would solve the problem.,当堂检测,内容:作文背诵 检查方式: 1. 对桌互查 2. 老师抽查 要求:小组长要做好监督,记录,对不过关者跟踪检查,保证全员全部过关。,Homework Polish your composition and hand it in.,Summary & Advice from our English monitor:,What did we have learnt? What to do after class to be better? The best groups and students.,Thank you,


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