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高中英语必修五:unit4 Using language课件

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高中英语必修五:unit4 Using language课件

人教课标 高二 必修 5 Unit 4,Only then _ the importance of English. (我意识到),So seriously _ that he was sent to hospital at once. (受伤),Seldom _ to the cinema recently. (我去),did I realize,was he injured,have I gone,Here _ the bus. Lets hurry. (come),Not only _ good at languages, but also at history. (她),In front of the house _ a small boy and his father. (be),is she,are,comes,It introduces how to get a scoop. B. It introduces the process of writing and printing for a newspaper article. C. It introduces a scoop about a famous film star.,Read the text quickly and tick out the main idea of the text.,Scan Para 1 and answer the questions.,1. What is a scoop? 2. Who did Zhou Yang interview?,We need it in this edition to be ahead of the other newspapers. This is a scoop.,A famous film star.,Scan Para 2 and answer the questions.,What was Zhou Yangs first task? 2. What would he do after he realized that the man had been lying?,To write a story.,To do some research to see if the story was true or not.,Scan Para 3 and answer the questions.,Who saw his article first? 2. What did he do? 3. Who began to do editing?,A senior editor.,He checked the evidence, read the article and passed it on to the copyeditor.,A copy editor.,5. By whom was the article checked last?,By the chief editor.,4. To whom was the article given to polish the style?,A native speaker.,Scan Para 4 and answer the questions.,What did they need to do the first stage of printing? 2. What did Zhou Yang wait excitedly for?,All the stories and photos, film negatives.,His first edition of newspaper.,Read the passage to work out the writing and printing process for an article. Then complete the flow chart below.,You do some research to see if the story is true or not.,You are going to an _ to get the information for your story.,You begin to _ the story using the notes from the interview.,write,interview,You give the article to a _ editor to check and a _-editor to do editing.,senior,copy,The article is given to a _ _ to check and improve.,native,speaker,The article is checked / approved by the _.,chief editor,All the stories and photos are set and the colour negatives for the printing are made ready.,The first _ of the newspaper is _.,edition,printed,2. In pairs make a list of things that the film star might have done. Compare your list with another pair and choose the most interesting idea. Be prepared to tell it to the class and explain why the film star would not want others to know about it.,Suggested answers: He took money but acted badly in a film.,2. He lied about getting drunk at a restaurant.,3. He stole something from a shop and lied about it.,4. He said some rude remarks about his ex-girlfriend to a journalist.,S1: Lets think about what this person might have done? S2: I know! Perhaps he was a film star and stole from a shop. But then he pretended he hadnt. S3: Thats a good idea. What do you think he would steal? S4: Perhaps a gold necklace for his wife. S2: But how could he pretend he had not done that if someone saw him?,S1: He could pretend it was not him but somebody else they saw. S3: But when Li Ming checked his alibi he found the man was lying. Good- a great scoop. S1: Right. So what should our heading be? S4: Can it be “A film star caught unexpectedly?” S3: Yes and the sub-heading could be “Did he need the money?”,S2: So lets begin. Lets write our ideas down first and then well be ready to do the article.,3. Prepare your article, following the steps below.,1). Sort out your two headings: a large one (the main headline) at the top and a smaller one under it.,A Film Star Caught Unexpectedly Did he need the money?,2. Sort out the stages in your story. what the film star did. how you found out. how the film star reacted when you told him you knew his secret. your opinion.,what the film star did.,There has been a strange happening in a downtown shopping area. A famous film star, Wang ping, was caught stealing a gold necklace yesterday. He went into a shop and when the jeweler turned his back Wang ping took the necklace and ran out of the shop.,how you found him out.,The shopkeeper shouted and a crowd of people gathered. I saw him stealing with my own eyes and went to tell him to hand out the necklace.,how the film star reacted when you told him you knew his secret.,But the film star denied that he had stolen the necklace. He said it was someone else who stole the necklace. But I saw it with my own eyes so I called the police. The policeman took him to the police station and he had to admit it.,your opinion.,In my opinion, a famous star should be honest. I dont think he really needs the money. He should set a good example to other people. Its a shame for him to steal things. He ought to be punished. We shouldnt learn from him.,Read the passage on Page 65 and try to find out the main idea of it.,Main idea: The passage tells us what


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