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营养学基础知识 郑州大学公共卫生学院 营养与食品卫生学教研室 韩 萍 郑州市大学路40号 电话:0371.6973945 邮编:450052,疾病“非天降之,人自为之“。 (唐)王冰 注释黄帝内经,You are what you eat. 摘自Elaine B.Feldman著 Nutrition in the middle and later years,健康的“四大基石”(不包括环境因素): 1.合理膳食; 2.适量运动; 3.戒烟限酒; 4. 心理平衡。 1992年美国心脏健康会议 维多利亚宣言,Stamlen的前瞻性对照研究结果显示: 以“四大基石”为核心的健康生活方式作一级预防,可使高血压发病率下降55%; 对高血压病人及时以此作二级预防,可使严重并发症减少50%。,“四大基石”可使人的预期寿命延长10年。而医药干预若要使预期延长1年,就需要数百亿甚至千亿美元。 病前预防性干预与发病后治疗干预相比,前者的费用仅约后者的1/10。,各类食品的营养价值,分类 1 动物性食品 2 植物性食品 3 各类食品的制品,.食品营养价值(nutritional value) .食品营养价值的评定 1 营养素的种类及含量 2 营养素质量 营养质量指数(index of nutrition quality,INQ ) 即营养素密度(待测食品中某种营养素占供给量的比)与能 量密度(待测食品中所含能量占供给量的比)之比。 INQ1,表示食物的该营养素与能量含量达到平衡; INQ 1,说明食物该营养素的供给量高于能量的供给量; INQ 1,说明食物该营养素的供给量少于能量的供给量,长期食用此种食物,可能发生该种营养素的不足或能量过剩,该食物的营养价值低。 .,.评定食品营养价值的意义: 全面了解各种食品的天然组成成分,包括营养素、非营养素类物质、抗营养因素等,提出现有食品的营养缺陷,并提出改造或创制新食品的方向,解决抗营养因素问题,充分利用食物资源; 了解在加工烹调过程中食品营养素的变化和损失,采取相应的有效措施来最大限度地保存食品中的营养素含量,提高食品的营养价值; 指导人们科学的选购食品、合理配制营养平衡膳食,以达到增强体质及预防疾病的目的。,第一节 谷类( cereal)食品营养价值,Wheat,Corn,Rice,Anatomy of a grain:,BRAN,- minerals,- dietary fiber,ENDOSPERM,- starch,- protein,- some iron and,B vitamins,GERM,- essential fats,- minerals,- vitamins,(B's , E and folacin),(13%-15%),Aelurone layer (6%-7%) - B vitamins - protein -,- protein(Enzymes),(81),(23),No VA,VC,VD,谷粒的结构和营养素分布 谷皮 :纤维素、半纤维素、灰分和脂肪 糊粉层:蛋白质、维生素B族、无机盐 胚乳:淀粉、蛋白质、维生素B族 胚芽:脂肪、蛋白质、无机盐、维生素B族、维生素E和酶类等,.蛋白质 7.515 第一限制氨基酸:赖氨酸(玉米还包括色氨酸) Maillard reaction:赖氨酸的氨基与羰基化合物(尤其是还原糖) 起反应产生褐色物质,可使赖氨酸失去效能。 .碳水化合物 支链淀粉和直链淀粉 .脂肪 24 小麦胚油、玉米胚油 .无机盐 1.5% 5.5% P .维生素 B、E,加工度: 1950年3月国务院规定全国商品粮为92米、81面; 1953年改为95米、85面。 加工烹调对营养素的影响:,第二节 豆类(Legumes)及其制品的营养价值,大豆类,杂豆类,大豆类 蛋白质 35%-40% aa 组成 赖aa 脂肪 15%-20% 亚油酸 磷脂(大豆卵磷脂) 碳水化物 25%-30% (水苏糖、棉籽糖) 维生素无机盐 E,B1,B2,Ca Phytochemicals isoflavones 抗营养因子 蛋白酶抑制剂 豆腥味 胀气因子 植酸 皂甙和异黄酮 植物红细胞凝集素 豆制品 豆腐、豆芽、豆浆、豆奶;分离蛋白、浓缩蛋白、组织 化蛋白(人造肉)、油料粕粉等 杂豆类:同粮谷类,第三节 蔬菜水果的营养价值,碳水化物 糖、淀粉、 纤维素和果胶 是膳食纤维的主要来源 维生素 抗坏血酸、胡萝卜素、 核黄素 叶酸 矿物质 丰富的无机盐(成碱性食品) 是膳食中无机盐的主要来源 芳香物质、有机酸和色素 Phytochemicals,The national 5 A Day for Better Health Program gives Americans a simple, positive message at 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day for better health. The program is jointly sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH), a nonprofit consumer education foundation representing the fruit and vegetable industry. The National Cancer Institute funds behavior change and communications research to determine strategies that are effective to increase fruit and vegetable consumption.,Goals To increase the average consumption of fruits and vegetables to 5 servings daily.,Objectives To increase public awareness of the importance of eating 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day for better health; and To provide consumers with specific information about how to include more servings of fruits and vegetables into daily eating patterns.,Choose the Colors of Health Its all about color blue/purple, green, white, yellow/orange, and red and the power of colorful fruits and vegetables to promote good health. So when you're grocery shopping, planning your meals or dining out, think color. And for variety, make it 5 A Day The Color Way:,BLUE/PURPLE,Boost the level of BLUE/PURPLE in your low-fat diet to help maintain: A lower risk of some cancers Urinary tract health Memory function Healthy aging Beat the Effects of Aging Blue/purple fruits and vegetables contain varying amounts of health-promoting phytochemicals such as anthocyanins(花青素)and phenolics, (酚醛)currently being studied for their antioxidant and anti-aging benefits.,GREEN,Add GREEN to your low-fat diet to maintain: A lower risk of some cancers Vision health Strong bones and teeth Go Green. Go Healthy. Green fruits and vegetables contain varying amounts of potent phytochemicals such as lutein(叶黄素)and indoles, which interest researchers because of their potential antioxidant, health-promoting benefits.,WHITE,Working WHITE into your low-fat diet helps maintain: Heart health Cholesterol levels that are already healthy A lower risk of some cancers White for Wellness White, tan, and brown fruits and vegetables contain varying amounts of phytochemicals of interest to scientists. These include allicin(蒜素), found in the onion family.,YELLOW/ORANGE,Make YELLOW/ORANGE a part of your low-fat diet to help maintain: A healthy heart Vision health A healthy immune system A lower risk of some cancers Powerful Antioxidants Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables contain varying amounts of antioxidants such as vitamin C as well as carotenoids and bioflavonoids, two classes of phytochemicals that scientists are studying for their health-promoting potential.,RED,Be sure to include RED in your low-fat diet to help maintain: A healthy heart Memory function A lower risk of some cancers Urinary tract health Red-hot and Healthy The specific phytochemicals in the red group being studie


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