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七年级下英语第一单元测试卷笔试部分(共120分).单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1.5分;满分15分)(B)1.I can play _ soccer and my sister can play _ piano.Athe; the  B/; theCthe; /  D/; /(A)2.Please call me _ 8708866.Aat  BinCwith  Don(B)3.I can play the guitar, _ I can't play the violin.Aand  BbutCso  Dor(A)4.Mary is a _ student.She learns very _Agood; well  Bwell; goodCgood; good  Dwell; well(D)5.Our English teacher always helps us _ our English.Aon  BforCinto  Dwith(D)6.You like swimming.I think you can join the swimming club._AI'm fine, thank you.BWhat about you?CCan I?DSounds good.(C)7.Miss Read is good _ music.She can be good _ children in the music club.Aat; at  Bwith; withCat; with  Dwith; at(C)8.Can you _ it in English?I'm sorry.I can only _ a little English.Aspeak; say  Bspeak; tellCsay; speak  Dsay; talk(A)9.I can speak Chinese.What about you?I can speak it, _Atoo  BalsoCall  Dor(C)10.Can you play chess?_But I can't play it well.AYes, you can  BNo, you can'tCYes, I can  DNo, I can't.完形填空。(共10小题,每小题2分;满分20分)My name is Alice.I am an English girl.I am twelve.There are five _11_ in my family.My father is a (n) _12_He can play the piano and the drums very _13_My mother is a teacher.She _14_ English in a middle school.She is good with her students and they all like _15_ very much.We have many_16_ in our school like the swimming club, the art club and the chess club.I am good _17_ playing chess, so I want to _18_ the chess club.My brother is fifteen.He likes playing sports.He can play basketball_19_ volleyball.He wants to join the sports club in his school.He thinks he can _20_ friends there.My sister is only five.She likes to draw and play games with me.I like her very much.(D)11.A.men  BwomenCchildren  Dpeople(A)12.A.musician  BuncleCstudent  Dclassmate(B)13.A.good  BwellCnice  Dbad(C)14.A.talks  BspeaksCteaches  Dsays(B)15.A.she  BherChe  Dhim(C)16.A.centers  BshowsCclubs  Dsports(A)17.A.at  BwithCto  Dfor(D)18.A.ask  BtellCcall  Djoin(C)19.A.or  BbutCand  Dso(A)20.A.make  BplayCdo  Dneed.阅读理解。(共15小题,每小题2分;满分30分)ADear Nancy,My name is Xiao Ming.I want to be in a club in our school.I'm not famous(著名的) now.But maybe I can be famous someday(某一天)! I can't sing or dance or act in movies, but I can do many other things.I can play three instruments:_the guitar, the violin and the drums.I think I can be in the music club.Maybe I can be a famous musician.I like to read storybooks and I can write stories.Maybe I can be a famous writer.I like sports, too, but I don't think I can be a famous and successful(成功的) sportsman because I don't do well in sports.Can I join you?Xiao Ming(B)21.The underlined word “instruments” means “_” in Chinese.A乐谱  B乐器C乐章  D工具(D)22.What can't Xiao Ming do?AHe can't read.  BHe can't write stories.CHe can't play the violin.  DHe can't act in movies.(A)23.Xiao Ming thinks he can be a famous _ or a famous writer.Amusician  BactorCsportsman  Dsinger(B)24.What clubs do you think Xiao Ming can join?AMovie club.  BMusic club.CChess club.  DArt club.(C)25.Why can't Xiao Ming be in sports club?AHe doesn't like sports.BHe is not strong enough.CHe doesn't do well in sports.DHe thinks sports are very boring.BAre you good with children? Do you like children? Do you have time in the afternoon? We need a babysitter for our son.He's four years old.The working time is from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am.to 5:00 pm.; the pay is ¥15 an hour.We need help with:looking after our son, reading to him, playing with him.You must work at our house.We live in Huafeng Road, near the Happy Valley.Please call Mr.Zhang at 0282365955.(C)26.The underlined word “babysitter” means “_” in Chinese.A婴儿  B售货员C临时保姆  D保洁员(D)27.The babysitter must work_Aat the babysitter's houseBat Happy ValleyCat Mr.Wang's officeDat Mr.Zhang's house(D)28.Which is NOT the work that the babysitter needs to do?AReading books to the child.BLooking after the child.CPlaying with the child.DCooking for the child.(B)29.How much can the babysitter get in a week?A¥500.  B¥600.C¥720.  D¥780.(A)30.Who can get the job according to the passage(根据这篇文章)?ALucy is good with children, and she is free from Monday to Friday.BMary likes children, but she has no time in the afternoon.CLinda is good at cooking, but she can't read or write.DKate likes children, but she doesn't know how to play with them.CSwimmers WantedCan you swim? Do you like children? Can you help them with swimming on weekends? Come and join us.Call Jane at 3309786.Chess ClubDo you like to play chess? Do you want to play chess well? Mr.Chen c


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