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中西文化对比个案一种:,VS,中医,西医,Time: March 2003,Place: The Fourth Space in The Universe,Figure: People on the earth,What happened: A weird disease is spreading,Patients are increasing day by day, consistently having a high fever,To everyones surprise,X rays shows their lung have big shadows,The Cover Story,Unfortunately, none of the antibiotics works.,Doctor Anderson asked people to formed formulas including strict sterilization, mask on the face, isolation of patients, and especially request people not to share dishes with each other.,WHO experts are deeply worried.,Just at that time, 2 figures arrived by their spaceship,Louis Pasteur(1822-1895 ),the founder of microbiology, remind doctors to be careful when finding the pathogen. He consumed it might be a new virus of high infections.,Louis Pasteur (1822-1895 ),They are famous medical figures in Ancient China:,Huo Tuo (145-208AD),and Lee Shizhen (1518-1593AD),Hua Tuo told Pasteur, “His pulse is chaotic and weak, so his body qi must be out of balance, he must be getting cold inside and getting heat outside. ”,After ,Lee Shizhen looked at antibiotic in a injection, sighed and said, “to clear away the plague febris, he should take the verbal medicine of:,Sun Simao (581-682AD),When everyone is busy on their job, three Chinese figures came down from the sky on three red-crowned cranes,蒲公英十五克、芦根十五克、鱼腥草十五克、金银花十克、连翘十克、大青叶十克、野菊花六两、防风三钱,Just on that nights newspaper, people was told that a famous female journalist Liu Hairuo, who was declared death by British doctors after a train accident, is now recovering under the treatment of Chinese style medicine.,But their opinions are being questioned by western doctors immediately, for their medicine theory is not widely accepted,What are the big differences between Chinese and Western Medicine And why it would have been that?,So,Here it comes,Medicine a component of culture,with different style accompanied,Step1. To REALSIE the gap between thoughts and recognition Step2. To LOOK INSIDE the well-known “Cultural Differences”,From which, we could,西方医学是西方文化的一部分,是西方人的机械唯物论、西方宗教传统以及诸如自由、民主、崇尚制度的一部分。,中医是中国古人对人体和疾病认识的思想产物,是中国的天人合一、中庸之道、阴阳学说等思想和文化传统在医学领域的延伸。,Different Conceptions of Organ,是为“五脏”,肾 kidney,心 heart,肺 lungs,肝 liver,脾spleen,These words stand for simply original organs in modern style medicine, which based on anatomy,while they are appointed some complex meanings and functions in Chinese style medicine,Keywords For Heart W:Blood circles, four chambers C:“Qi” from heart, Emotions ,Keywords For Liver W:Liver functions, HgsAb, HgsAE C:Liver-Fire, energy channel, electric field,Misunderstanding caused,And especially take Kidney for example,Kidney Weakness: A horrible phrase? Symptoms: Thirsty, sleepless, fainting, sweaty,肾为“先天之本”、“生命之源” “肾主骨、生髓充于脑”、“肾气通于耳” 内经,“肾 虚”,By: WHO EXPERT,Its a Cultural Designated Barrier!,Rhythm of Western Medicine,Quick,Urgent,Mechanical,Experimental,emergency,TNT,Rhythm of Western Medicine,Quick,Urgent,Mechanical,Experimental,TNT,emergency,Rhythm of Chinese Medicine,Slow Mild Experienced Vague,Different Cognition of Human Body,Chinese Medicine look human as an entirety, a living system,While Western Medicine look human as a machine of components,Charts,Chinese Medicine: Systematology,Chart of Yin and Yang,Chart of Wu Hang,Chart of Wu Hang With Organs,Fluid transition in 12 Organs,Western Medicine: A Natural Sciences,anatomy,analysis,Prosperity A : Anatomical,Back to top,Prosperity B: Analytical,Seeing is believing,Let data speaks,Experiment is better than Experience,Different therapy of illnesses,Western doctors used to find explanation on cytology or infections, thus kill up germs by external force,While traditional Chinese doctors believe disease is caused by unbalanced “Qi”, thus the vital thing is to order Qi and YinYang by strengthen body immunity,Western Medicine treatment,Force outside,Radical,Objective,Chinese Medicine Treatment,扁鹊见蔡桓公,选自韩非子·喻老,扁鹊见蔡桓公,立有间,扁鹊曰:“君有疾在腠理,不治将恐深。”桓侯曰:“寡人无疾。”扁鹊出,桓侯曰:“医之好治不病以为功!”居十日,扁鹊复见,曰:“君之病在肌肤,不治将益深。”桓侯不应。扁鹊出,桓侯又不悦。居十日,扁鹊复见,曰:“君之病在肠胃,不治将益深。”桓侯又不应。扁鹊出,桓侯又不悦。居十日,扁鹊望桓侯而还走。桓侯故使人问之,扁鹊曰:“疾在腠理,汤熨之所及也;在肌肤,针石之所及也;在肠胃,火齐之所及也;在骨髓,司命之所属,无奈何也。今在骨髓,臣是以无请也。”居五日,桓侯体痛,使人索扁鹊,已逃秦矣。桓侯遂死。,Force inside,Gradual,Subjective,Come To A Brief Conclusion,Chinese Medicine,Western Medicine,Conception,Extensive, general,Intensive, specific,Cognition,Rhythm,Slow, mild, experienced, vague,Quick, urgent, experimental, mechanical,Systematical, dialectical, macroscopic,Anatomical, analytical, microcosmic,Treatment,Internal, subjective,External, objective,In All,Experienced,Experimental,To feel but not to tell,To tell but not to feel,Invisible, vague, abstract,Detectable, concrete, quantifiable,Extensive and Internal,Intensive and external,Mild, gradual,Urgent, timely,Chinese and Western Medicine: Just like gear to gear,Care,Respect,Love,ON LIFE,The similarity: humanity care is all around,Thanks,NB: Images are downloaded from the Internet and adopted fr


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