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钢结构识图基础 Steel Structure Drawing Recognition Basis,1,October 2013,一、施工图基本知识 1. Basic construction knowledge,在建筑钢结构工程设计中,通常将结构施工图的设计分为设计图设计和施工详图设计两个阶段。 In the design of building steel structure engineering, structure construction drawing design is usually divided into two stages: design the design drawing and design the construction detail drawing. 设计图设计是由设计单位编制完成,施工详图设计是以设计图为依据,由钢结构加工厂深化编制完成,并将其作为钢结构加工与安装的依据。 Design drawings are compiled by the design unit, construction detail design is based on the design, compiled by steel structure factory and take it as the basis to process and install steel structure.,2,设计图与施工详图的主要区别是:设计图是根据工艺、建筑和初步设计等要求,经设计和计算编制而成的较高阶段的施工设计图。 The difference between design drawing and detail construction drawing is: design drawing is designed and calculated higher phase construction drawing which based on the requirement of process, building and preliminary design, 它的目的和深度以及所包含的内容是作为施工详图编制的依据,它由设计单位编制完成,图纸表达简明,图纸量少。 Its purpose and depth and the contained content is used as the basis for drawing compiled, it is compiled by the design unit, drawing expression concise, drawing quantity is less. 内容一般包括:设计总说明、结构布置图、构件图、节点图和钢材订货表等。 Generally include: general design specification, the structure arrangement, component diagram, node and steel order table, etc. 施工详图是根据设计图编制的工厂施工和安装详图,也包含少量的连接和构造计算,它是对设计图的进一步深化设计,目的是为制造厂或施工单位提供制造、加工和安装的施工详图,它一般由制造厂或施工单位编制完成,它图纸表示详细,数量多。内容包括:构件安装布置图、构件详图等。 Drawing is the design based on the establishment of the factory construction and installation detail, also contains a small amount of connection and structure calculation, it is to further deepen the design drawings, the purpose is for the manufacturer or the construction units to provide manufacturing, processing and installation of construction details, it is generally compiled by the manufacturer or the construction unit, said it drawing details, quantity. Detail view include: component installation layout, components, etc.,3,二、投影及三视图 2. Projection and Three views,三视图:正视图(上左)、侧视图(上右)、俯视图(下) Three views : front view (left) and side view (right), vertical view (below),4,三视图在使用时不一定完整,可能只出现其中两个。 When using the three views, probably it will be incomplete and only appear two of them. 有剖视符号的情况下,按照符号所示方向看物体,无剖视符号时,一般习惯的看图方向是: Under section review symbols, view the object according to the symbol shown in the direction, without drawing symbols, generally look at the picture of the direction as below: 侧视图在正视图的右侧时,表示是站在正视图中物体的右侧向左看; Elevation on the right side of the front view, said was standing on the right side of the objects in the front view to the left to see; 侧视图在正视图的左侧时,表示是站在正视图中物体的左侧向右看; Profile in the left of the front view means standing in the left of object to see the right. 俯视图表示从上向下看到的正视图中的物体。 Top view means the object is viewed from the top to down. 看图方向的正确至关重要,决定了装配方向的正确与否,由于详图绘制人员的个体差异,选择表达方式上会有所差异,需要在图面上相互印证,如有不一致处及时和制图人员沟通确认。 The direction of looking drawing is very important, it can determine if the assembly direction is correct or not. Due to the individual differences from the detail drawing makers, the expression selected will differ, then it needs mutually confirmed by each other on the surface of the figure and confirmed with cartographers in a timely manner when there is any inconsistency.,5,三、剖面符号和断面符号 3. Section symbol and profile symbol,1.断面符号 Profile symbol 表示从符号处剖开看到的断面,不表示断面后方的其他东西; shows the cross area viewed from the symbol and the objects behind the section will not be expressed; 2.剖面符号 Section symbol 表示从符号处剖开看到的断面及断面后方的其他东西; shows the stuffs viewed from the symbol and behind the symbol. 3.在钢构详图中,断面符号和剖面符号使用上有些随意,是因为功能上比较接近,着重表达的是看物体的方向。 In steel structure detail drawing, due to the close function, the utilization of profile symbol and section symbol is loose and emphatically expression is the direction when see the object. 看物的方向是从粗线朝文字的方向看。粗线表示人的眼睛,文字表示看的朝向。 The direction of see things is to see from coarse line toward the text direction. The thick line stands for people's eyes, the text is the direction for observation.,6,不带剖视方向的索引 Index symbol without section view direction 左边为索引,右边为对应的节点,表示将圈画中的部分放大绘制细节。 The left is index, the right is the corresponding node, it means to enlarge the part of drawing detail in the circle. 中的字母a表示参看 节点,底下的“”表示“在本图中”,如果节点详图不在本图中,就写对应的图纸编号,比如“详图-09”或“09”等。 Letter a in is the node to see , “” below means in this drawing, if the detail drawing is not in the figure, then write the corresponding drawing number, such as“ detail - 09 “or“ 09 “, etc 有时也直接索引出来后直接放大,不用到节点符号,如下图: Sometimes directly index and then magnify without using node symbol, as below:,四、索引符号及节点符号 4. The index symbol and node symbol,7,带剖视符号的索引 Index with section view symbol 与剖(断)面符号类似,看物的方向是从粗线朝细线的方向看。粗线表示人的眼睛,细线表示看的朝向。 Similar to section (profile) symbols, the direction of looking things is to from coarse line toward the thin line. Thick line stands for the person's eyes, thin line means the direction. 五、对称符号 5. Symmetry symbol,8,9,六、焊缝符号 Six, weld symbols,Guide line Supplement s


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