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1,内分泌系统疾病 总 论 Introduction to Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases,复旦大学附属中山医院内分泌科 高鑫,2,History and development of Endocrinology (1),Roughly a hundred years ago, Starling coined the term hormone to describe secretin, a substance secreted by the small intestine into the blood stream to stimulate pancreatic secretion. In his Croonian Lectures, Starling considered the endo- crine and nervous systems as two distinct mechanisms for coordination and control of organ function. Thus, endocrinology found its first home in the discipline of mammalian physiology.,3,Work over the next several decades by biochemists, physiologists, and clinical investigators led to the characterization of many hormones secreted into the blood stream from discrete glands or other organs. These investigators showed for the first time that diseases such as hypothyroidism and diabetes could be treated successfully by replacing specific hormones. These initial triumphs formed the foundation of the clinical specialty of endocrinology.,History and development of Endocrinology (2),4,Advances in cell biology, molecular biology, and genetics over the ensuing years began to help explain the mechanisms of endocrine diseases and of hormone secretion and action. Although these advances have embedded endocrinology into the framework of molecular cell biology, they have not changed the essential subject of endocrinology _the signaling that coordinates and controls the functions of multiple organs and processes.,History and development of Endocrinology (2),5,Hormone formation may occur either in localized collections of specific cells, in the endocrine glands, or in cells that have additional roles. Many protein hormones: growth hormone? parathyroid hormone? prolactin? insulin? glucagon? Leptin? Formation of small hormone molecules initiates with commonly found Precursors: Such as: adrenals, gonads, or thyroid. In the case of the steroid hormones, the precursor is cholesterol, which is modified by various hydroxylations, methylations, and demethylations to form the glucocorticoids, androgens, and estrogens. In contrast, the precursor of vitamin D, 7-dehydrocholesterol, is produced in skin keratinocytes, again from cholesterol, by a photochemical reaction.,ENDOCRINE GLANDS,6,内分泌系统,内分泌腺,脏器内分泌组织,激素 体液调节系统(包括旁分泌、自分泌),代谢过程,脏器功能,生长发育,生殖衰老,Endocrine System,7,内分泌学发展三阶段,腺体内分泌学 Organic Endocrinology 组织内分泌学 Histological Endocrinology 分子内分泌学 Moleculer Endocrinology,8,激素的种类 Hormones,肽类/蛋白类激素 (Protein or peptide) : ACTH,LH, FSH, PHT, TSH, Insulun ,Glucagon, IGFs 氨基酸衍生物(Amino Acid derivatives): 儿茶酚胺类(肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素) 脂肪酸衍生物(Fatty acid derivatives ): 前列腺素类、视黄酸 胆固醇衍生物(Cholesterol derivatives ): 考的松, 醛固酮、1,25(OH)2 D3性激素,9,激素的作用机制(1),与膜受体结合 G蛋白偶联 发挥生物效应,(肽类激素、生物胺、前列腺素),与膜受体结合 受体自身磷酸化 发挥生物学效应 (酪氨酸激酶) (生长因子家族、Insulin , IGFs),与核受体结合 与DNA特异序列结合 功能蛋白转录 (甾体类激素),10,11,G-protein-coupled 7-membrane spanning receptor,12,G-protein-coupled 7-membrane spanning receptor,13,14,15,16,激素的作用机制(2),激素信息在细胞内的信号传导,Coris: 发现了磷酸化酶的可逆磷酸化 (无活性的磷酸化酶b/有活性的磷酸化酶a之间的互变) 获得1951年诺贝尔奖。 Sutherland: 成功分离和确定的腺苷酸环化酶和磷酸二酯酶 (cAMP合成与分解的两个关键酶) 提出了激素作用的第二信使学说 获得1971年诺贝尔生理医学奖。 Krebs & Fisher: 于60年代末发现蛋白激酶A(PKA) (依赖cAMP , 刺激多种底物蛋白磷酸化) 阐明了PKA启动的磷酸化和去磷酸化途径。 获得1992年诺贝尔生理医学奖。,17,内分泌系统的相互调节,神经-内分泌系统的相互调节 内分泌系统的反馈调节 免疫系统与内分泌系统的关系 神经-内分泌-免疫网络调节,18,19,神经-内分泌-免疫网络调节 (三大系统的共性),该网络在机体全部生命活动中有极其重要的调节作用 整合作用 维持机体内环境稳定,抵抗外来有害因素; 储存和记忆信息 神经系统和免疫系统均有记忆功能; 周期性活动 季节性、昼夜节律性; 反馈调节机制 年龄影响,20,内分泌疾病的分类,按病变器官分类 按功能分类:亢进、减退、正常; 按病变部位分类:原发性、继发性、三发性,激素分泌缺陷 受体基因缺陷-激素抵抗,21,内分泌疾病的诊断原则,三大原则: 功能诊断 定位诊断 病因/病理诊断,22,内分泌疾病的诊断原则,功能诊断,症状、体征 实验室资料:代谢紊乱的证据; 激素分泌异常的证据; 内分泌功能试验:兴奋试验 抑制试验 激发试验 同位素检查 细胞学检查 骨密度检查,23,内分泌疾病的诊断原则,定位诊断,同位素显象扫描 磁共振 CT B超声检查,24,内分泌疾病的诊断原则,病因诊断, 免疫学检查 组织病理学检查 细胞学检查 染色体检查 受体测定 分子生物学检查,25,内分泌疾病的防治原则,预防为主: 地方性甲状腺肿 甲状腺危象 肾上腺危象 低血糖反应 黏液性水肿昏迷,26,治疗原则,病因治疗:垂体瘤、肾上腺腺瘤、嗜铬细胞瘤、 甲状旁腺腺瘤等 纠正代谢紊乱:腺体功能亢进的治疗; 腺体功能减退的治疗;,27,腺体功能亢进的治疗: 手术、放射治疗、抑制激素合成与释放的药物; 化疗药物; 腺体功能减退的治疗: 替代治疗 补充生理剂量的激素 甲状腺激素、肾上腺皮质激素、生长激素等,治疗原则,28,How to study clinical endocrinology,29,The Endocrine Patient,A textbook of medicine is inevitably about disease, but the practice of medicine deals with illness. The topic of “the endocrine patient“ to be discussed include : initial evaluation, the nature of referral, the fact finding required in clinical evaluation, the use of the laboratory and imaging, the formulation of a differential diagnosis, decision making, and management.,30,Many features of being an endocrine patient are common to all experiences of illness. A few minutes spent in getting to know the patient can pay enormous dividends in the accuracy of the history obtained and in setting the stage for further cooperation with testing and treatment. In as much as most endocrine consultation is elective rather than emergent, an experienced physician favors asking a few simple questions, such as “Where are you from?“ “What do you do?“ “How did you come to us?“ “Were you referred?“ and so on. Almo


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