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,unit 6,This is my uncle's farm,computer,bed,mother,father,poster,desk,sister,window,there,wall,cousin,door,chair,bedroom,sitting room,next to,kitchen,bathroom,Review the words.,shelf,their,small,warm up,Translate the sentences. 1. 现在几点了? 2. 我的电脑在哪里? 3. 桌子上有一个苹果。 4. 那个男人是谁? 5. 这是谁的滑板? 6.到了吃早餐的时间了。 7.这是我们的房子。 8. 客厅里面有一张桌子吗?,There is an apple on the table.,Who's that man?,Whose skateboard is it?,It's time for breakfast.,This is our house.,Is there a table in the sitting room?,Where is my computer?,What time is it?,Whose kite is it?,It's Anna's.,bird,Is it a . ?,chicken,donkey,duck,farm,goat,horse,lamb,sheep,chicken,duck,bird,donkey,lamb,sheep,horse,goat,farm,This is my uncle's farm.,It's great!,These are goats.,Look! These are chickens,Look at the birds.,Those are ducks.,These are little horses.,These aren't horses. These are donkeys.,Those are sheep.,Those aren't sheep. Those are lambs.,listen and say,Part C,donkey goat lamb horse sheep bird farm,donkeys goats lambs horses sheep birds farms,D Listen and say.,These are ducks. Those are birds. These are chickens. Those are sheep. Those are lambs. These are goats.,否定句 are改 成aren't,Practice.(p 16),These are lambs. These aren't lambs. These are sheep.,E Cross.Then say.,2. Those are aren't chickens. 3.These are aren't sheep. 4.These are aren't horses. 5.Those are aren't goats. 6.These are aren't horses. 7.Those are aren't goats.,lesson 2,Warm Up(Review the words.),chicken,bird,sheep,horse,lamp,goat,duck,donkey,What's missing?,Make some sentences. a. 这是我叔叔的农场。 b. 看!这些是小鸡。 c. 那些是鸭子。 d. 这些不是马。 e. 那些是绵羊。,New words.,bull,cow,Are these cows?,Yes,they are.,Are those cows?,No, they aren't.,They're bulls.,Help!,Listen ,read and say.,注: Are these /those .? Are these/those cows? Yes, they are./No, they aren't.,C Listen and tick. D Listen and act. (Workbook P17),Are these lambs? No, they aren't. They're sheep,E Listen and number.,now listen and say,lesson 3,Review the words.(Fast motion.) Use the cards.,warm up,A Read. This is our farm. It's a big farm. Look there! Those are our sheep. Those are cows next to the sheep. And those are bulls in front of the cows.,A Read. The bulls are big. Look here! These are our goats. And these are our ducks. Look at their eggs! Their eggs are good for breakfast!,B Look at the numbers on the farm. Then answer. Yes,they are. / No, they aren't. Number 5. Are those duck eggs? Number 1. Are those sheep? Number 3. Are those bulls? Number 5. Are those duck eggs good for breakfast? Number 2. Are those goats? Number 4. Are those chickens?,C Write. 1. those cows. are Those are cows. 2. those ducks? are Are those ducks? 3.are goats? these Are these goats? 4. bulls. big are those Those are big bulls. 5.eggs? those are Are those eggs?,6. are lambs. these little These are little lambs.,P 18 Work book.,辅音讲解 清辅音:/P/ /t/ /k/ /s/ 浊辅音:/b/ /d/ /g/ /z/ /m/ /n/ /r/,复数名词S在词尾发音规则。 1. 浊辅音结尾的,后面s 读作/z/; 2.清辅音结尾的,后面s 读作/s/; 3.ts 读作/ts/; 4. ds 读作 /dz/.,Part D 1. Listen and chant. 2. Have a match.(Read one by one.),Birds, chickens,ducks. Bids, chickens, ducks. Donkeys, horses. Donkeys,horses. Birds,chickens,ducks. Goats, cows and bulls. Goats, cows and bulls. Sheep and lambs. Sheep and lambs. On the farm.,dogs cats balls beds tables shirts,jackets girls desks chairs lamps bedrooms,can you say ?,E Listen and say. Then say and write. F Listen and spell. Then say.,


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