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高二英语课件:必修五 2-4(外研版)

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高二英语课件:必修五 2-4(外研版)

外研版 高二年级 (必修5) Module 2,Reading and writing & Cultural corner,must be fluent in English and one other language,excellent computer and organizational skill,cheerful, outgoing personality essential, a knowledge of language,Read the advertisement quickly and fill the chart.,Read the reply on the page 18. Say which job the writer is applying for. The writer is applying for a temporary job as a waiter from Major Catering Company.,You are going to leave school and you want to apply for a job. But you dont know how to write an application. So you and your friends go to the Job Consultant to look for help.,Write your address.,_ _ _ _ Dear Sir or Madam, I look forward to,Write the date.,Finish like this.,Begin like this.,Say which job youre interest in. Say how old you are and when you can work. Say what experience you have or dont have. Ask for more information.,1. Must be fluent in English and one other language. fluent 流利的, 流畅的(+in) She writes fluent French. 她写的法文很流畅。 He is fluent in French. 她的法文很流畅。,Words,2. Im writing in response to your advertisement. response用法如下: 1) 回答; 答覆 (+to) He made no response to my question. 他对我的问题不予回答。,2) 反应, 响应 (+to) I got five responses to my advertisements. 我的广告得到五份回复。 She laughed in response to his jokes. 她听了他的笑话大笑起来。,3. Sales staff required in well-known clothes shop. 1) 需要 +v-ing +that The roof requires repairing. 屋顶需要修理了。 This project will require less money. 这项工程所需的投资较少。,2) 要求, 命令,The director required that we (should) work all night. 主任要求我们通宵工作。 What do you require of me? 您要求我做什么? He required us to wait at the gate. 他要求我们在门口等着。,Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 1. How many jobs does the passage refer to? 10 jobs. 2. What will the ten fastest growing jobs relate to? 3. Which of them do you think are important in China?,Cultural Corner,Language points,1. According to a survey published by an American university, the ten fastest growing jobs will be related to computers and health. 根据一份美国大学的调查, 发展最迅速的十项职业将与计算机和医疗健康有关。,2. But there will be a rise in the demand for health care professionals. 但是专业健康护理人员的数量会增加的。,【语境展示】 1. They demanded the right to vote. 他们要求选举权。 2. She demanded to see the headmaster. 她要求见校长。 3. Yesterday evening, the couple came to my house and demanded help of me. 昨天晚上,这对夫妇来到我家要求我帮忙。,4. I demanded that he (should) tell me everything. 我要求他告诉我一切。 5. There are just too many things demanding my attention. 需要我关注的事情实在太多了。 6. His demands are not reasonable at all. 他的要求一点儿也不合理。,7. The supply of vegetables is beyond the demand, so the price is lower than before. 今年的蔬菜供大于求,因此价格 也就比往年要低。 8. There is a great demand for managers. 急需管理人员。,【自我归纳】 demand作动词,意为“_”,常用以下结构: 1. demand sth.或demand to do sth. 要求(做)某事, 如句1和句2; 2. _ 要求某人做某事,如句3和句4; 3. demand后接that从句时,从句谓语动词常用虚拟语气结构“_”,如句4。,要求,demand sth. of sb,(should) + 动词原形,demand作动词,还可表示“需要”, 如句5。 demand作名词,意为“要求”时,是可数名词, 如句6;意为“_”时,为不可数名词,但有时可以加不定冠词,如句7和句8。,需求,需要,【即学即练】 根据括号内所给的汉语提示完成下 列句子。 1. The workers are on strike, _ (要求增加工资). 2. Mr. Li demanded that _ _ (交作文) by 5:00 pm.,demanding to increase the salary,the composition (should) be handed in,3. As more and more countries open up to tourism, more travel agents will be needed, but the real demand will be for guides to take groups and even individuals on adventure holidays. 随着更多的国家对旅游业的开放,将需要更多的旅游经纪人, 但是真正的需要是带团队或个人进行假日冒险旅游的导游。,


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