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彼得潘 读书报告

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彼得潘 读书报告

Reading Report ,Weaving the dream and the reality,Peter Pan,*writer:James Matthew Barrie *Character:Peter·Pan Wendy *main idea:express the longing for carefree and artless child,Brief Introduction,“A long time ago,“he began ,“I believed that my mother would always keep the nursery window open for me,so I stayed in Neverland for a few years and then flew back.When I arrived home the windows were locked,because my mother had forgotten me . Windows was locked by Peter's mother,meanwhile, the heart of Peter was also locked.Thus he hated adults and choosed to live in neverland forever. On one hand,he was lucky.He was a kid forever,lived a light-hearted life.On the other hand,without the love from parents,he was lonely.,“No! I don't want these things!“he said,“No one is going to make me become an adult.“ Growing up was painful,it meaned that you should face something which you don't want.We must face challenges and solve problems by ourselves.The process of growing is painful,but we have no choice.It's the thing that the author wants to express.,“These are my last words to you,my children,“Wendy said,“I will say what I believe your real mothers would have said,and it is this:'we wish that our sons will die like ture English gentleman.' While facing the death,children expressed the courage and determination which the pirates could't have.It's the reason why they beat the pirates at last.,Peter raised the poisoned cup to his mouth,but before he could drink it Tinker Bell flew between the cup and his lips and drank all the medicine. I was deeply moved by this sentence.What a kind and selfless girl Tinker Bell was!In order to save Peter,she choosed death without hesitate.Maybe she was jealous and mean sometimes,but she was still care about her friend from the bottom of the heart.,“I ran away from home when I was young.The day Iwas born I heard my parents talking about what I should become when I grow up.I don't want to be an adult.I want to be a little boy forever and I always want to have lots of fun.“ Peter Pan refused to be an adult,he was afraid of facing something he did't want.Growing is a heavy topic,but nobody is able to give up growing.Althought dream is wonderful,reality is cruel.Author expressed the confliction of growth and reality by creating Peter Pan.Meanwhile,he conveyed his understanding for childhood and life.,“Do you believe in fairies?“he yelled out to them. Tink listened to hear the voices that would decide if she would live or die.She could hear many say a soft“yes“. In every children's heart,they believe the existence of fairies.In other words,neverland lives in their hearts.Though they will grow up one day,their wonderful dreams will not disappear.,Peter tied the kite rope around her,“Goodbye Windy,take care of the lost boys for me,“he said and he pushed her toward the sky. Only in an important juncture of life or death can we find the personality.Though Peter was naughty and inconsiderate sometimes,in my opinion,from this action,we can see he was kindness clearly.,Peter Pan was outside the window,watching the happy family.He wondered sadly if any of his exciting adventures could be as wonderful as this beautiful family. Peter choosed to be a child forever and live in the neverland forever,since then,he lost the warmth from family.He was lonely and eager for love.In a way,he is deserving of sympathy.He can experience various interesting things,and fly to anywhere.However,he was unable to acquire love from parents.,“Like she promised,she went to see Peter every year until she was quite old.Then Wendy married and had a baby of her own and turly became a mother.She called her daughter Jane ,and Jane flew to the Neverland every year.” It's a waming ending,dream wasn't lost,love still existed,the story of neverland was never over,THANK YOU,


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