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南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)旅游初级英语(二)在线作业-1 一、单选题共20题,40分1、In ( ), the Yellow River empties into the sea.AJiangsuBShandongCLiaoningDZhejiang【答案】选择:B2、Suzhou in Jiangsu Province is more than ( ) years old.A1500B2000C3000D2500【答案】选择:D3、( )Summer Resort is also called "Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat".ABeidaiheBChengdeCBeijingDHangzhou【答案】选择:B4、( ) emperors lived and ruled from the palace where the Palace Museum is.A24B25C26D22【答案】选择:A5、Wudang Mountain, located in northweatern ( ) province, is a Taoist mountain.AHubeiBHunanCHebeDHenan【答案】选择:A6、Potala Palace in ( ) is situated on Red Hill.ALanzhouBYushuCLhasaDYinchuan【答案】选择:C7、It takes ( )pounds of cocoons to produce one pound of silk.A11B12C13D14【答案】选择:B8、How many State-Protected animals are there in Huanglong?A9B21C30D12【答案】选择:C9、Martin Luther King, Jr. Day became a national holiday in ( )A1980B1985C1990D1995【答案】选择:B10、The Day of Dead is an ancient festival celebrated in ( ).AMexicoBSpainCCanadaDU.S.【答案】选择:A11、In the ( ) century, Marco Polo came to Hangzhou.A11B12C13D14【答案】选择:C12、The ( )in bronze ware are regarded as major chapters in the history of Chinese calligraphy.AcaldronsBinscriptionsClegsDornamentations【答案】选择:B13、The town of Lijiang was founded in ( ).A1172B1271C1127D1772【答案】选择:C14、Bingling Temple is in ( ).AShapotouBXi'anCLanzhouDLinfen【答案】选择:C15、Which of the followings is not included in the "Four Treasure of Study"Aink stickBenvelopeCink slabDpaper【答案】选择:B16、In China, tea can be classified into ( ) categories.A3B4C5D6【答案】选择:C17、Caterpillars need ( ) weeks to form their silk cocoon.A4B5C6D7【答案】选择:C18、The best paper of the "Four Treasures of Study" is said to be ( )paper.AHuiBDuanCHuDXuan【答案】选择:D19、The overall aim of the National Museum of China is toAcollect relicsBpreserve relicsCresearch on archeologyDserve the general public【答案】选择:D20、The Old Silk Road is ( ) kilometers long.A4000B3000C2000D7000【答案】选择:D二、多选题共20题,40分1、The Yangtze River flows through ( ) provinces.AHubeiBHunanCShandongDJiangxi【答案】选择:ABD2、Most of the houses in Lijiang are made of ( ).AearthBwoodCbrickDtile【答案】选择:AB3、The rarity of the raw material is the deciding factor of both the ( ) and the ( )of silk.AcolorBvalueCsoftnessDmystery【答案】选择:BD4、Huangshan Mountain is famous for its ( ).Astrangely-shaped pinesBrock formationsCsea of cloudsDhot springs【答案】选择:ABCD5、( )characterize Huanglong scenery.ACalcified pondsBbeachesCwaterfallsDriver banks【答案】选择:ABCD6、Chinese silk is famous all over the world for its ( ).Amagnificent qualityBreasonable priceCcolorDvariety【答案】选择:ACD7、Bronze ware was a unique national treasure because of ( )Aimpressive designsBclassical decorative ornamentationCpriceless lightnessDwealth of inscriptions【答案】选择:ABD8、Ancient Chinese bronze ware falls into the three types such as ( ).Aritual vesselsBfuneral waresCweaponsDvaried objects【答案】选择:ACD9、Jade was believed capable of representing ( ).AHeavenBthe earthCthe eastDthe emperors【答案】选择:ABCD10、China Red Sandalwood Museum is ( ) museum in China.Afirst privateBlargest privateCfirst publicDlargest public【答案】选择:AB11、The basic duties of the National Museum of China include ( ).Acollect relicsBpreserve relicsCresearch on archeologyDhold high-level exhibits of relics【答案】选择:ABCD1long the Old Silk Road there are ( ).AgrottoesBBuddist templesCancient city remainsDhistorical sites【答案】选择:ABCD1onfucius is, by any standard, the greatest ( ).AeducationistBideologistCphilosopherDartist【答案】选择:ABC14、Silk products from ( ) are particularly good.AHangzhouBSichuanCSuzhouDDandong【答案】选择:ABCD15、( )in Pingyao have been preserved.Aancient streetsBgovernment officesCmarketsDresidence【答案】选择:ABCD16、Jade symbolizes ( ) in Chinese culture.AbeautyBnobilityCperfectionDpower【答案】选择:ABCD17、The official colors of Mardi Gras are ( )AredBpurpleCgoldDgreen【答案】选择:BCD18、Jiuzhaigou is covered with ( ).Aprimeval forestsBsnowCmeadowsDponds【答案】选择:AD19、The richness of ( )of silk make it the means to imply something is fine and impeccable.AcolorBtextureCstrengthDbeauty【答案】选择:ABCD20、In Qinghai, tourists meet and learn about ( ).AKoreansBMongoliansCTibetansDKazaks【答案】选择:BCD三、判断题共10题,20分1、The Shang and Zhou dynasties ushered China into the height of the Iron Age.A错误B正确【答案】选择:A2、The possession of bronze ware was regarded as a status symbol.A错误B正确【答案】选择:B3、The Long Corridor of the Summer Palace was included in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2002 as the longest corridor in the world.A错误B正确【答案】选择:A4、There are many exotic and unusual things to buy in Chi


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