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锡山区2019春学期期中考试试卷初三英语 (考试时间:100分钟 分值:90分)第I卷(客观题 共50分)一、单项选择 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案填入答题卡。(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)1. _ will the project of Wuxi Metro Line 3 be completed? It wont take long. Just in about 3 months.A. How longB. How farC. How soonD. How often2. How did you get the wonderful news? _ a Mr. Lorry, one well-informed person.A. AcrossB. IncludingC. ThroughD. By3. We will not attack _ we are attacked. If we are attacked, we will certainly attack back.A. unlessB. becauseC. ifD. when4. I plan to teach Tom a lesson. He broke his bowl into pieces again just now. I know youre angry. But dont be too hard on him. _, he is only three.A. In allB. First of allC. Above allD. After all5. Tickets for Friday? Sorry weve got _ left.A. nothingB. noneC. noD. no one6. Emily described every detail of the accident just now. Im glad to hear that! Her memory _ be completely back.A. canB. cantC. mustntD. must7. You look tired. Whats wrong with you? I went to bed late last night. I _ my speech from eight oclock to midnight.A. practisedB. was practisingC. am practisingD. has practised8. How can schools help students realize their dreams? By caring for the full _ of their talents.A. developmentB. knowledgeC. attentionD. standard9. Mum, Id love to go to Australia for this summer holiday. But I doubt if we could _ something like that.A. affordB. offerC. allowD. cost10. How did you manage to do it so well? Did you_ all night to learn?A. look upB. stay upC. give upD. put up11. _though I know you are confident about the job. Try a few more!A. It never rains but it pours B. Many hands make light workC. Every dog has its day D. Dont pull all your eggs in one basket12. Bruce, I am still not sure _. Why not? No one is better than you in our class.A. where I can join the competitionB. how can I prepare for the competitionC. whether I should take part in the competitionD. who can I ask for information about the competition13. Theres still so much food left on the table. _! We should eat it up.A. What a pity B. What a surpriseC. What a shame D. What a waste14. Ken, _, but your bike is in the way. Oh, Im sorry. I will move it right away.A. I hate to say this B. Im really tired of this C. Id like to talk with you D. I need your help二、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上作答。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Are you a happy person most of time? Or do you easily get angry sometimes? Everyone has a different mood. It is usually believed that both genes(基因)and environment may 15 peoples moods in different ways. But now scientists have found that the season of 16 also plays a role.Scientists from Budapest, Hungary, 17 400 university students. In the study, the students needed to complete a questionnaire(问卷). The 18 of it was to find out which of four kinds of moods they most had. From the questionnaire, scientists found that the students always answered 19 like “My mood often changes for no reason” and “I love to deal with new projects even if it is risky”. These answers were 20 with their birthdays. They discovered that people born in summer easily change between sad and happy moods 21 to people born in winter. Those who always feel positive(阳光的)are mostly born in spring and summer.Moreover, the study found that those born in autumn less 22 had a mood of sadness which may easily drive them to cry, 23 it wasnt easy for those born in winter to be angry.Scientists said maybe this was because the seasons had an influence on certain chemicals in the human body. And the chemicals are important to control peoples moods even in adult life.“It seems that when you are born may increase or decrease your 24 of developing certain mood disorders,” lead scientist Xenia Gonda told The Telegraph. 15.A. changeB. influenceC. includeD. explain16.A. life B. growth C. birth D. death17.A. searchedB. suggestedC. separatedD. studied18.A. purposeB. planC. messageD. project19.A. anything B. somethingC. muchD. such20.A. mentioned B. mixedC. markedD. matched21.A. comparedB. confirmedC. consideredD. contacted22.A. properlyB. quicklyC. probablyD. quietly23.A. whenB. whileC. thoughD. since24.A. changeB. conditionC. choiceD. chance三、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上作答。(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)AHere is an MTR system map. It may be very useful when people have a trip to Hong Kong


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