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学案1:高中英语外研版 必修2 ModuLe6 Films and TV Programmes

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学案1:高中英语外研版 必修2 ModuLe6 Films and TV Programmes

Module 6Films and TV Programmes电影和电视节目核心词汇1It was_(勇敢的)of you to speak in front of all those people.2Her mother was a quiet woman with _(优雅的)manners.3In the story,the main _(角色)has left his girlfriend at last.4Many women earn less than their_(男性的)colleagues.5The smaller animals can easily _(跳跃)from tree to tree.6. Mary Shelley was just 18 when she wrote the horror_(杰作)Frankenstein.7While watching TV,he is always changing_(频道)8The boats were built in Scotland,and transported to Egypt in_ (部分)9We are both very busy so we only see each other very _.He pays me_visits in his spare time and we try to use the_to express our love.(occasional)10. Theres not much in the way of _ in this town and children have to _themselves with TV plays. Luckily ,childrens TV nowadays is much more _than it used to be.(entertaining)1.brave2.graceful3.character4.male5.leap6.masterpiece7.channels8.sections9.occasionally;occasional;occasion10.entertainment;entertain;entertaining高频短语1_出版;出现2_ 让某人感到吃惊的是3_ 爱上;喜欢4_ 发生,产生;进行5_ 远到;直到6_ 有时;不时;偶尔7_ 吃惊地8_ 关心;在乎;计较9_ 在中发挥作用/扮演角色10_ 时常;不时,偶尔11_ 在岁时1.come out2.to ones surprise3.fall/be in love with4.take place5.as/so far as6.every now and then/again,7.in surprise8.care about9.play a part10.from time to time11.at the age of重点句式1_in the old wuxia stories,characters leap through the air _,with beautiful,graceful movements,_ audiences shout_.正如在古代武侠故事中一样,影片中的人物们不时在空中跳跃并做出许多优美的动作,观众看到这些时都发出了惊叫。2Unusually,_the female characters _ interest us most.不同寻常的是,正是女主角吸引我们。3_,Xiulian is the character we care about most.我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。4Beautiful Zhang Ziyi_Yu Jiaolong,a young woman who is not _.美丽的章子怡扮演玉娇龙,一个并不像外表看起来那样善良的年轻女子。5But_,_ he,more than anyone else in the history of films,understands the meaning of the word“entertainment”但是绝大多数人认为:他比电影史上任何一个人更懂得“娱乐”一词的意义。1.As;every now and then;while;in surprise2.it is;that3.Brave,good and strong4.plays the part of ;as good as she seems5.it is generally agreed;that知识详解 character n品质,性格;人物,角色;名誉;文字(回归课本P52)As in the old wuxia stories,characters leap through the air every now and then,with beautiful,graceful movements,while audiences shout in surprise.正如在古代武侠故事中一样,影片中的人物不时地在空中跳跃并做出许多优美的动作,观众看到这些时都发出惊叫。【归纳总结】Girl as she is,she has a strong but gentle character.尽管是个女孩,但她具有坚强而又温柔的性格。Liquids are different in character from both solids and gases. 液体的特性与固体和气体均不相同。 I cant believe she lied to meit seems so out of character.我想不到她会对我撒谎,这不符合她的个性。For years,Mickey has been a character that the Disney Corp.dare not tamper with.多年来,迪士尼集团一直不敢损害米奇这一角色。【例句探源】1Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for_building.ArespectBfriendshipCreputation Dcharacter解析:选D。考查名词辨析。独自远足利于塑造性格,用character building表示“品格培养”。注意第二句中it指代的是第一句中的“Hiking by oneself”,其他选项不符合题意。【即境活用】2.He proved himself true gentleman and the beauty of his_was seen at its best when he worked with others.AtemperBappearanceCtalent Dcharacter 解析:选D。考查词义辨析。temper表示“脾气”;appearance表示“外表”;talent表示“才能,天赋”;character表示“性格;品质”。本句意为“他证明自己是个真正的绅士,他的人格魅力当他同别人一起工作时体现得最明显。” argue vi.争论,辩论 vt.辩论;主张;说服;表明;证明(回归课本P55)Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch?你曾和家人争论过要看哪个电视节目吗?argument n.争论,辩论;论据,论点argue about/on/over 辩论某事argue with sb.与某人争吵argue against反驳argue sb.down驳倒某人,argue for赞成,为而力争argue sb.into.说服某人做argue sb.out of.说服某人不做某事beyond argument 无可争辩的【归纳总结】I argued her into buying a new car.我说服她买一辆新车。 Im not going to argue with you, but I think youre wrong.我不想和你争辩,但是我认为你错了。You can argue against extending the airport on the grounds of cost.你可以以成本太高为理由反对扩建机场。【例句探源】3.He argued_smoking,and insisted that it was_argument that smoking was harmful to health.Afor;beyond Bagainst;overC. for;over Dagainst;beyond解析:选D。argue for.表示“提出理由以支持”,argue against表示“提出理由以反对”;It is beyond argument that.是固定句式,表示“是无可争辩的。”本句意为“他反对抽烟,并坚持认为抽烟有害身体健康是无可争辩的。”【即境活用】4完成句子We_(说服他采纳)the plan.解析:考查argue sb.into doing sth.表示“说服某人干某事”的意思。答案:argued him into adopting occasionally adv.偶尔;有时(回归课本P54) It has occasionally been done.这偶尔为之。【归纳总结】【例句探源】 I am used to travelling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.我习惯了乘飞机旅行,只是有一次把我吓坏了。I


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