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Module 2语法.单句改错1Yesterday I met Tom.We haven't seen for years._2She is sending text messages just now,so she didn't see me._3I had gone to London before._4Jane is here,but I didn't hear she has come until this morning._5During my stay in Beijing,I had visited all the places of interest._6In the past,I have met a lot of difficulty._7He told me in the past two years he gained a lot._8It's time that we go shopping._9He said he left.Would you like to see him off this afternoon?_10They finished the work by the end of last week._答案1haven'thadn't2.iswas3.gonebeen4has comewas coming或haswould5.去掉had6去掉have7.gained前面加had8.gowent9leftwas leaving10.finished前面加had.用括号中动词的正确形式完成句子1I_(hope) to meet Mr. Thompson this morning but I found nobody left in the room when I came.2When I entered the classroom,the lecture_(begin) and the audience_(listen) carefully and with interest.3As she waited for the medicine report from the doctor,her nervousness_(grow)4You've agreed to go,so why aren't you getting ready?But I_(not realise) that you_(want) me to start at once.5He_(leave) school last year and is now earning his living at an advertising agent.6The reporter said that the UFO_(travel) east to west when he saw it.7Come in,Peter.I want to show you something.Oh,how nice of you! I never_(think) you were going to bring me a gift.8I would rather you_(go) shopping tomorrow.9No sooner_I_(leave) my house than it began to rain.10It was the first time he_(be) to Qingdao.答案1had hoped2.had begun;were listening3grew4.didn't realise;wanted5.left6was travelling7.thought8.went9had;left10.had been.用所给动词的正确时态填空When I _1_(walk) into the classroom,the teacher_2_(hand) out the tests.I_3_(feel) very nervous.I had not studied at all at the weekend as I_4_(think) it would be an easy test.I_5_(go) through the test many times but I could only answer three out of the twenty questions.I_6_(not want) to fail the exam.Then,I put my book under my desk,opened it and started looking for the answers.The teacher_7_(not look) at me,so I copied something.Suddenly,I felt a hand on my shoulder! The teacher caught me cheating.I_8_(not know) what to say.Luckily,the teacher didn't punish me for cheating and instead_9_(give) me a second chance.My teacher said it would be very difficult for me to make progress if I_10_(not work) hard.答案1walked2.was handing3.was feeling4had thought5.went6.didn't want7wasn't looking8.didn't know9.gave10didn't work.完形填空It seems that since the arrival of the smart phone in 2007, we have seen the appearance of a new problem, and a _1_ 21st­century problem. While our world is getting more _2_, people become more disconnected, _3_ our conversation and real human interactions. Generally, many people are ignoring the person in front of him/her and _4_ their smart phones. Lack of a proper word to describe this phenomenon, however, _5_ us from discussing it and solving it.Now. the “word problem” _6_ exists since a group of lexicologists (词汇学教授) who gathered at University of Sydney, Australia, on 22nd May, 2012, has created a new word for it. _7_ it isphubbing (低头族). This word is a _8_ of Phone and Snub (ignore) and it describes the act of snubbing someone in a _9_ setting by looking at your cell phone instead of _10_. Just on the second day after its _11_, the word had gone viral (popular) in local social conversations. And then it soon championed _12_ with the help of new global movement“Stop phubbing”. Within a year, over 180 countries were using it.While numbers of people were questioning the improper social etiquette, phubbing, another _13_ happened at San Francisco last month. A college student was randomly _14_ by a shooter in a metro carriage. The _15_ fact is that the killer had taken out his pistol many times in front of people, _16_ those innocent passengers. But nobody actually had noticed that _17_all of them, obviously, were _18_ by their tablets or smart phones. People were


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