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《Unit 2 How often do you exercise?》单元课件(精品)

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《Unit 2 How often do you exercise?》单元课件(精品)

Unit 2 How often do you exercise?,Section A (1a-2d),自主学习案,翻译下列词组。 1帮忙做家务_ 2几乎不_ 3去购物_ 4多久一次_ 5一周一次 _ 6一个月三次_ 7 使用因特网_ 8摇摆舞_ 9 我最爱的节目_ 10 上钢琴课_,Lead in,Did you enjoy your last weekend? Was it interesting? What did you do on the last weekend?,do homework,exercise,Work in pairs and ask your partners what they usually do on weekends.,go to the movies,play football,read,watch TV,shop,swim,Write,1. _ _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _,help with housework,read a book,exercise,watch TV,go shopping,Look at the picture. Make a list of the weekend activities.,1a,What do you do on weekends?,I often play soccer.,What does Alice do on weekends?,She often helps with housework.,Presentation,频率副词,always意为 “总是”, 表示动作的重复或状态的 延续。 usually意为 “通常”, 表示很少有例外。 often意为 “经常”, 表示动作的重复, 但不如 usually那么频繁, 中间有间断。 sometimes意为 “有时”, 表示动作偶尔发生。 hardly意为 “几乎不”, 常和ever连用表示强调。 never意为 “从未”。,100%,always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever, 80%,never,0%, 60%, 20%, 5%,提示 频率副词在句中的位置是: 实义动词之前, be动词或助动词之后。,e.g.Its always interesting to watch other people show their talents. Why do people usually make resolutions? When we watch movies about the future, we sometimes see robots. They hardly ever watch TV.,1. always _ 2. usually _ 3. often _ 4. sometimes _ 5. hardly ever _ 6. never _,Listening,exercise, read,watch TV,help with housework,go shopping,watch TV,1b,Listen and write the activities next to the correct frequency words.,go shopping,Practice the conversation in the picture. Then make your own conversations about what you do on weekends.,What do you do on weekends?,I usually watch TV.,Do you go shopping?,No, I never go shopping.,1c,What does she do on weekends?,She ,Does she go to cinema?,Yes, ,Pair work,What does he do on weekends?,He ,Does he use the Internet?,No, ,What do they do on weekends?,They often,Game,I usually play the guitar on weekends.,I sometimes play the guitar on weekends.,I always play the guitar on weekends.,比一比,看谁说得又快又好?,100%, 80%, 20%,I sometimes exercise on weekends.,I hardly ever exercise on weekends.,I never exercise on weekends., 20%,0%, 5%,twice a day 一天两次,How often.? 多久一次?,Presentation,Listening,Listen. Cheng Tao is talking about how often he does these activities. Number the activities 1-5 in the order you hear them.,2a,1,3,2,5,4,Listen again. Match the activities in 2a with how often Cheng Tao does them.,2b,How often do you do these activities? Fill in the chart and then make conversations.,2c,every day,four times a week,twice a week,every day,once a month,How often do you watch TV?,I watch TV every day.,Whats your favorite program?,Animal World.,How often do you watch it?,Twice a week.,How often do you use the Internet?,I use the Internet ,Whats your favorite website?,Pair work,How often do you read English books?,I read English books,Whats your favorite book?,.,How often do you read it?,How often do you?,I .,Whats your?,.,2d,Read the conversation and match the activity with the right time.,piano lesson,dance lesson,play tennis,Wednesday and Friday,Tuesday,Monday,Read,Hi, Claire, ,Hmm, .,Role-play the conversation,1. hardly只用作副词,其意思是“几乎不”,表示否定概念。 e.g. He can hardly speak English. 他不太会说英语。 hardly ever 几乎从不 e.g. Peter is hardly ever late. 彼得几乎不迟到。,Explanation,辨析 hard也用副词,意为“努力地,刻苦地,猛烈地” 。 e.g. He works hard only before exams. 他只在考试前努力学习。,2. once , twice, three times等次数的表达法 1) 这三个词都表示_,once是_,twice是_,除了一次、两次,其他的次数都表达 _。 如:三次是_,五次是_。,一次,次数,两次,three times,数字 + times,five times,2) 这些表次数的词后与一段时间连用, 表示动作多长时间发生几次,即动作 的_。 3) 翻译: 两周一次 _ 一年两次 _ 一个月两次 _,once two weeks,频率,once a year,twice a month,Exercises,1. 去看电影 _ 2. 运动 _ 3. 看电视 _ 4. 读英语书 _ 5. 上网 _ 6. 购物 _ 7. 多久一次 _ 8. every day _,go to the movies,watch TV,read English books,exercise,use the Internet,shop,how often,每天,9. once a week _ 10. twice a week _ three times a week _ three or four times a week _ 13. once a month _ 14. twice a month _,一周一次,一周两次,一周三次,一周三到四次,一个月一次,一个月两次,Homework,翻译: 1. 周末你通常做什么? 我通常踢足球。 2. 周末他们通常做什么? 他们经常去看电影。,Unit 2 How often do you exercise? (Grammar Focus3c),do homework,exercise,Work in pairs and ask your partners what they usually do on weekends.,go to the movies,play football,read,watch TV,shop,swim,Jim / once a week,Li Ming/ twice a week,Tony/ 3 or 4 times a week,Bob /every day,Li Lei/ hardly ever,Peter/ never,2d,Read the conversation and match the activities with the right time.,piano lesson,dance lesson,play tennis,Wednesday and Frid


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