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In order to ensure normal teaching order, protecting students ' healthy growth, ensuring that national (property) is not lost, to prevent or minimize the occurrence of safety accidents, follow the "prevent, rescue each other, ensure safety and reduce losses" principle, according to the local conditions, make the management system. 1, the principal is the responsibility of school safety, school security under the leadership of President security work leading group. The head teacher to the leadership team is responsible for, implementation of the accountability system. 2, school monthly student knowledge about safety education, education should be diversified in the form every safety education for students of classes per week should be targeted. To carry on emergency issues dealing with education in General, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common sense in education. 3, the establishment of major accident reporting system. School students report major accident within an hour of education; student run and disappearances to report; report of the accident to a written report in triplicate, a correctional centre, a police station, a township people's Government shall not conceal the accident. 4 week, teachers are on duty system, establish and improve the leadership values; strengthen the education, management of teaching activities in schools to ensure normal teaching order; responsible for school safety leadership always maintained close contact and district police stations, canvassing support from the police station on school safety and help. 5, strengthening teachers ' moral education, establish a dedicated love, improving education quality, observe the students ' psychological changes at any time and take preventive measures, no corporal punishment and covert corporal punishment on students, student out of the classroom, schools may not be. 6, units or departments use student Street propaganda or participate in the celebrations, as well as participating in other social work, without approval of the Correctional Centre, school principals consent, without organization. Without the approval of relevant departments, may organize students to participate in fire fighting, disaster relief and so on. 7, schools should educate students to obey the school rules and regulations, on time, on time home to prevent accidents. 8, school to school inspections on a regular basis, found hidden in time, and in severe cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately closed, and reported to the local people's Government, education, and rule of law section. 9, the school should always check the internal walls, retaining walls, ponds, railings, handrails, doors, Windows, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, facilities such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demolition to ensure that teachers and students work, learn, live venues and facilities are safe and reliable. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protection of public property and the life and property safety of teachers and students, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing the following fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. According to the requirements of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire大泥窝河K0+446.8及K0+034.35框架式小桥施工组织设计方案第一章 施工总体部署一、工程概况 位于金干南路及麦苏路路段的大泥窝河K0+446.8及K0+034.35框架式小桥长度分别为79.8m及68.9m,净跨8m、 净高3m的排水箱涵,进水口与出水口的高差为16cm,基础为100cm厚M7.5浆砌片石垫层,20cm厚C20混凝土找平,底板、侧墙及顶板均为60cm厚C40的钢筋砼。 墙身内侧下口倒角20cm*20m、上口倒角165cm*55cm。每10米设置一道沉降缝,缝宽3cm用沥青棉絮填筑,并在内壁用防水涂料3遍。土方开挖因现场无场地堆放泥土,土方全部用挖掘机转堆至对面空地(经现场实测要分5次转堆才到目的地)。机械不能挖到的地方采用人工挖土,并由挖土机挖走。二、施工准备 本工程前期三通一平的标准未能完整提供给施工单位,建设单位指提供场地平整(所提供的场地至施工现场有100多米,所有的钢筋等材料须要二次人工运输),水电由施工单位自行处理,施工用电取用柴油发电机发电。现按施工要求作好机具人员、材料方面的计划准备,安排好人员和机具及设备进场,根据施工图纸进行放线,待复核并办好手续后进行土方开挖施工,现场用水用电由甲方接驳至施工现场;开工前做好图纸会审、施工组织设计,落实管理层协调工作和技术交换意见,并对现场工人做好各项措施教育工作。1、 熟悉图纸,了解地质情况,对工人进行安全教育及技术交底。2、 根据控制点测量工程坐标及高程,确定开挖深度、位置。3、 根据实际配备施工机具,安全设备用品。4、 编制进度计划、材料计划、劳动力安排情况。5、 标准材料情况及安全标志。6、 测量定位、放线和垂直度控制。三、施工工序  施工放线基坑开挖人工清基底M7.5浆砌片石垫层C20混凝土找平层箱身底板施工涵身及顶板施工涵背回填附属工程 施工工艺流程图附后四、施工进度计划1、本工程由我公司承包。工程计划工期为60个日历天。因而为了保证工程能按质按期竣工,我司将组织有力的施工力量和施工骨干驻扎现场并配置相应的机械设备(详见主要机具计划表),以加快工程施工进度,保证施工质量。2、为了保证整个工程的施工进度,确保施工质量,我司将以一流的项目管理、工程质量、文明施工、安全措施、以及高效务实的态度、确保实现如下目标:(1) 工程质量目标:确保工程质量达到通过验收。(2) 施工期目标:确保在60个日历天内完成承包范围内的所有任务。安全目标:杜绝死亡及重伤事故。(3) 文明施工目标:确保达到贵阳市文明施工工地标准,力争达到贵阳市文明施工样板工地标准。3、施工进度计划表;(1)基坑土方开挖由2011年9月18日至9月21日共4天;(2)清理基坑底9月22日共1天;(3)砌片石垫层由9月23日至9月28日共6天;(4)C20砼找平层9月29日完成,共1天;(5)框架小桥底板由9月30日至10月7日共8天;(6)箱涵身由10月8日至10月17日共10天;(7)箱涵顶由10月18日至10月25日共8天;(8)沉降缝、顶部填及其他由10月26日至11月5日共10天;4、主要设备及人员组织表(1) 本工程计划安排73人:其中钢筋工16人、


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