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【解析版】河南省2018-2019学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题 word版含解析

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【解析版】河南省2018-2019学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题 word版含解析

www.ks5u.com信阳高中2020届高二10月月考英语试题第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AFinding a summer job often shows that youre growing up, and its also a way to earn money to pay for what you dream of. Its never too early to start considering the future. Now, here are some good choices for you!Retail (零售) SalesRetail offers plenty of chances for teens who are looking for a job. This type of work can pay from $ 10 to $ 15 an hour depending on the duty you are expected to take on. For more information, call us at 4005075.Food ServiceA job in the food service industry is a natural fit for sociable teens who enjoy communicating with the public. It allows employees to work as part of a team while learning about following instructions. It also comes with the chance to earn between $ 7 and $ 9 per hour. Just call 4005077 for more information.Babysitter (保姆)This job requires someone who is highly responsible. Though it pays generally between $ 6 and $ 8 hourly, it also requires a lot of patience. This is a great choice for teens who wish to make a career in teaching, child care, social work or any other field that makes use of social skills or requires interaction(互动)with kids. Got a question? Just call 4005076.HousekeepingThis type of work can bring in about $ 5 an hour and it will allow teens to learn the tourism industry, so hotels are often looking for more housekeeping staff, and parks often need more people to help with keeping public areas clean and organized as well. Telephone 4005079.1. Which of the following job may attract teens enjoying talking to people?A. Retail Sales. B. Babysitter.C. Food Service. D. Housekeeping.2. How much can a teen earn at most in two hours as a babysitter?A. $12. B. $16.C. $20. D. $30.3. If a teen wants to learn how to keep public organized, he/she may call .A. 4005075 B. 4005077C. 4005076 D. 4005079【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D【解析】本文为青少年提供了一些暑期工作。【1题详解】细节理解题。由A job in the food service industry is a natural fit for sociable teens who enjoy communicating with the public.可知餐饮服务可能会吸引喜欢和别人说话的青少年,选C。【2题详解】计算题。由Though it pays generally between $ 6 and $ 8 hourly,可知每小时最多八美元,那么两小时最多是16美元,选B。【3题详解】细节理解题。由and parks often need more people to help with keeping public areas clean and organized as well. Telephone 4005079.可知选D。BOne form of social prejudice against older people is the belief that they cannot understand or use modern technology. Activities like playing computer games, going on the Net and downloading MP3s are only for the youngsters. Isnt it unfair that older people enjoying a computer game should be frowned(皱眉)upon by their children and grandchildren?Nowadays older people have more control over their lives and they play a full part in society. Moreover, better health care has left more people in their sixties and seventies feeling fit and active after retirement. Mental activity, as well as physical exercise, can contribute to better health. Playing computer games is a very effective way of exercising the brain.When personal computers were first introduced, most older people didnt believe they would ever familiarize themselves with it. Now computers have been around for a few generations and retired people have gradually become more relaxed about using them for fun. Gamers over 65 prefer playing puzzle games and card games. Kate Stevens, aged 72, says: 揑 find it very relaxing. Its not very demanding, but you still need to concentrate.”Another development that has favored 揼rey games? is a change in the type of videogames available on the market. Theres a greater variety of games to choose from, including more intellectual and complex strategy(策略)and simulation(模拟)games. Internet Chess and Train Simulator are among the most popular of these. Train Simulator is based on real-world rail activities. Players can choose from a variety of challengers, such as keeping to a strict-timetable and using helper engines during a winter storm.Some people argue that 揼rey gamers? simply dont have the skills required for computer games, and that teenagers are better. This couldnt be further from the truth. Most computer games require the kind of analytical thinking that improves with practice, which means that the 揼rey gamers may well be far better than gamers half a century younger than them.4. The second paragraph is intended to _.A. show the best way to exercise the brain B. stress the importance of good healthC. explain why grey gamers exist D. teach how to play videogames5. What was older peoples attitude towards their using personal computers at first?A. Doubtful B. IndifferentC. Enthusiastic D. Supportive6. The method the author uses to develop Paragraph 4 is _.A. offering figures B. giving examplesC. quoting experts words D. providing charts7. By saying 揟his couldnt be further from the truth.? in Par


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