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【名校推荐】贵州省铜仁市第一中学2017届高考英语复习课件_book-5-module-3-vocabulary (共35张ppt)

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【名校推荐】贵州省铜仁市第一中学2017届高考英语复习课件_book-5-module-3-vocabulary (共35张ppt)

Module 3 Adventure in literature and the cinema,vocabulary,铜仁一中英语组 杨光辉 2016年12月,1.have connection with 与有联系/有关联,情景展示,The company has connection with a number of Japanese firms. 这家公司与多家日本公司有来往。 To be frank,I dont want to have connection with this matter.坦白说,我不想与此事有牵连。 It is said that he has connection with the theft. 据说他与这个盗窃案有关联。,知识拓展,in connection with 与有关 connect sth to sth 把和接通/相连 connect sb/sth with sb/sth 把和接通/相连 be connected with 与有关,be related to be linked to be involved in be associated with be concerned with be connected to/with have something to do with,1.Maybe his disease _the water. 2.The printer_my computer is out of order. 3.The man _connection _the murder has been arrested.,短语归纳,与有关/有联系,即学即练,has connection with,connected to,in with,2.account n.(c)叙述;描写;报道 ; (u)估计;价值;考虑 v.认为,He could not account for his foolish mistake. The flight was delayed on account of snow. On no account should a baby be left alone. He was too shocked to give a clear account of what had happened. The company always takes account of the salary of workers whenever possible. The accounts show we have spent more than we received.,情景展示,短语归纳,an account of 一份对于的描述 on account of 因为,由于 on no account 绝不 account for 对做出解释;(比例)占 take account of sth 考虑到;顾及 take sth into account 把考虑进去,即学即练,She could not _ his being late. His exam results were not very good,but we must _his long illness. _must you disturb me.,account for,take account of,On no account,3. run away 逃离;突然离开;回避,避开,情景展示,The robber grabbed her necklace and ran away. Toby ran away from home at the age of 14. You cant just run away from your responsibilities.,短语归纳,run across 偶遇 run after 追赶 run down 撞倒;停止工作 run into 撞到上 run out 用完;耗尽 run over 碾过,(液体)溢出,情景展示,4. pour vt/vi 泼,倒,灌,注;(雨)倾盆而下,The rain continued to poured down. Now it is pouring rain outside. He poured some water into the glass. She poured herself another cup of tea. Sweat poured from Martins face. The crowd poured out of the lecture hall. We have poured lots of money into the project.,短语归纳,pour sth into sth 往里面倒 pour in 涌入 pour sth out to sb 向某人倾诉/倾吐 pour out of 从涌出 pour out ones heart/soul 诉说心里话/倾诉衷肠,即学即练,1.她经常和朋友诉说自己的苦恼。 She often _ _to her friends. 2.He watched the rain _down the window 3.They_the station,but it was _outside.So they went into a bar and ordered a dozen of beer.They _the beer_ and began to _their hearts.,pours her troubles out,pouring,poured out of,pouring,poured out,pour out,5. shelter n/v 遮蔽物,遮蔽,居所;庇护,躲避,情景展示,People took shelter from the shower in the store. Everyone ran for shelter when the bombing started. They were standing under the shelter of a huge tree. The trees shelter the field from the cold wind. In the storm people were sheltering from the rain in the doorway of shops.,短语归纳,take shelter from 躲避;避开 run/seek for shelter 寻求庇护/遮蔽 under the shelter of 在的庇护下 shelter sb(from) 保护某人(使之免受之苦) shelter from 躲避;避开,即学即练,1.填空,Some parents are just too protective.They want to shelter their kids_the danger.,from,2.单句改错,The rain was so heavy that we had to take a shelter from it in the church.,3.用shelter的相关短语填空,The house _(保护我们免受) the wind and the sun.,shelters us from,6. lie v.说谎 ;平躺;位于 n. 谎言,情景展示,Dont lie to me about your age. Dont believe her because she always tells lies. Japan lies to the east of China. I found a wallet lying on the ground.,归纳拓展,lie to sb 对某人撒谎 lie in 在于/位于 lie on ones back/face/stomach/side 仰/俯/侧卧 a white lie 善意的谎言,区 分,lie-lied-lied-lying 撒谎 lie-lay-lain-lying 躺,位于 lay-laid-laid-laying 放置,产卵,即学即练,用lie/lay的适当形式填空,One day when we were _on the grass,he _ to me that he _ the eggs that the hen had just _on the table . I knew he was telling a_,lying,lied,laid,laid,lie,用lie的相关短语填空,1.你不该对你父母撒谎。(lie n.) You shouldnt _ to your parents . 2.你太累了,去躺一会吧。 Youre too tired.Go and _for a while. 3.成功的关键在于努力工作。 The key to success _hard work.,tell lies/a lie,lie down,lies in,7. panic vt/vi/n (使)恐慌,(使)惊慌失措;惊恐,情景展示,On hearing the news of the earthquake, people got into a panic. When the fire broke out, all the people in the house were in panic. The rumour panicked citizens into buying food and drinking water. She got into a real panic when the policewoman questioned her about the murder.,归纳拓展,panic sb into doing 使某人惊慌地做某事 be panicked into doing 惊慌地做某事 get into a panic 使陷入惊慌状态 be thrown into a panic 使陷入惊慌状态 be in a state of panic 惊恐万状 in panic 惊慌失措地,即学即练,The children were_walking away. Office workers fled _as the fire broke out. I had to admit that I _ when I saw the message.,panicked into,in panic,was i


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