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2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:第11天 funny—guitar word版含解析

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2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:第11天 funny—guitar word版含解析

第11天/funnyguitar(训练日期 月 日).单词拼写1(2018·北京高考书面表达)If you have further (进一步的) questions, please feel free to let me know.2My requirement is that all the students should gather (聚集) at the school gate at 7:00 am. and then go to the park on foot.3Early in the morning, my parents and I set off for the department store to look for a gift (礼物)4(2018·天津高考)I will try to reach my goal (目标) because I want to live an exciting life.5Id appreciate it if you can help me with my English grammar (语法)6(2017·全国卷书面表达)I wish that you could grasp (抓住) this opportunity to learn traditional Chinese culture further.7Im so grateful (感激的) to all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily.8The clerk greeted (打招呼) James and his wife with a smile when they came into the bank.9With the man guiding (为领路) us ahead, we had no trouble finding the village.10I feel guilty (羞愧的) at breaking my promise that I would give you a hand when you are in trouble.用括号中单词的适当形式填空1Life is about giving and taking, and its generally (general) true that if you give, you will receive.2As is known to all, education is a gradual process,and people are gradually aware of its importance.(gradual)3(2017·江苏高考书面表达)Consequently, some viewers began to turn away from cinemas,leading to a slower growth (grow)4Your teacher can give you guidance (guide) on choosing a career and writing a job application.5When you are in depression, please remember a golden rule, “Gold will glitter forever.” (gold)6My brother is a graduate in physics and he graduated from Beijing University.He has been working in a famous company after graduation.(graduate)7Mother Teresas greatness lies in the fact that she has done much great charity work, for which, the poor are greatly grateful.(great)8The greedy little boy ate the delicious dishes greedily in front of many guests, and his mother felt ashamed for his greed.(greed).根据括号中的汉语提示完成句子1If you can just help me out this time, I promise Ill be more careful in future (今后)2In general (总的来说),the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.3(2018·南昌一模书面表达)They are some brief and meaningful sentences created by the folks and passed on orally from generation to generation (世世代代). 4I tried phoning his office, but I couldnt get through (打通电话)5Even though he is a little boy, he has a gift for (有天赋) playing musical instruments.6Bicycles are environmentally friendly because they wont give off (发出) waste gas.7Not until he went through (经历) real hardship did he realize the love we have for our families is important.8Im sure you will have a good time (玩得开心) at the party to be held at the art building.9The little girl glanced at/took a glance at (扫视;看了一眼) the gift I gave her, and said, “Thank you, Granny.”10Some of us always take it for granted (认为理所当然) that our parents should take good care of us.写出加黑部分在语境中的词性及含义1given (熟义:adj.规定的;指定的)Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation. prep.考虑到2glare (熟义:vi.怒目而视)The sun glared out of the blue sky. v.发出刺眼的强光3govern (熟义:v.管理,控制)The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. v.影响,支配4ground (熟义:n.地面)Did the police have reasonable grounds to arrest him? n.理由5grow up (熟义:长大,成熟)A warm friendship grew up between the two men. 逐渐发展,形成6grasp (熟义:v.抓住)At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened. vt.理解,领会.用括号中动词的适当形式填空1Ive got/gotten (get) into the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school.2The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was given (give) out on the radio yesterday.3I was in the middle of packing up my things when suddenly the power went (go) out in the neighbourhood.4(2018·全国卷)Since 2011, the country has grown (grow) more corn than rice. .改正下列句子中的唯一错误1His room was furnished with some old furnitures.furnituresfurniture2Your mobile phone doesnt work, and youd better get it repair.repairrepaired3Its good to the health to take a walk in the morning.第一个tofor4The storehouse was filled with various goods, which was to be sent to the flooded areas.第二个waswere5The more fat you take in before bedtime, the great burden you will put on your body at night.greatgreater6I guess all the guests will enjoy watching my son play guitar.play后加the .用括号中的参考词汇表达句子1首先,在比赛中获得一等奖我确实感到高兴,这使我理解了谚语“不劳无获”的真正含义。(for a start, competition, proverb, true meaning, gains)For a start, I feel really delighted that Ive won the first prize in the competition, which makes me understand the true meaning of the proverb “No pains, no gains”2正是在你慷慨的帮助下,我坚信我会很快地适应大学生活的。(generous, firmly, adapt to)It is with your generous help that I firmly believe that I will adapt to the college life as soon as possible.3在新的环境中学会和他人友好相处对每个人都很重要。(important, get along well with, envi


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