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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课件:unit 1 period 2

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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课件:unit 1 period 2

Unit 1 Art Period 2 Reading要点讲解课,. 选词填空 faith, aim, typical, technique, ridiculous, evident 1. It is _ that he is not equal to the job. 2. The company will come up with a new _ for waterproofing walls. 3. Only after a bitter struggle was the _ achieved.,evident,technique,aim,4. He had lost all _ in his ability to succeed. 5. It is _ of her to take hard jobs. 6. The idea at first struck me as _, but now I think it is a good one.,faith,typical,ridiculous,. 根据语境及首字母提示写出正确的单词 1. The young painter has exhibited his works in several g_. 2. Hes not our natural son. We a_ him when he was three. 3. He lost all his p_ in the fire.,alleries,dopted,ossessions,4. The fortune-teller p_ that I would marry a doctor. 5. You explain things in a way that is too a_ for me to understand. 6. The s_ of trees lengthened as the sun went down.,redicted,bstract,hadows,. 翻译短语 1. _ 集中精力于 2. _ 巧合地 3. _ 大量,concentrate on,by coincidence,a great deal,4. _ 脱离, 摆脱 5. _ 试图做 6. _ 另一方面,break away from,attempt to do,on the other hand,1 faith n. 信任; 信心; 信念 I have great faith in you. I know you will be successful one day. 我对你很有信心。我知道有一天你会成功的。,Under no circumstance shall we lose faith in the future. 在任何情况下, 我们都不应当对未来失去信心。 Keeping faith with friends is a good character. 对朋友守信用是一种好品格。,【自我归纳】 _ 对有信心 _ 对失去信心 keep faith with sb. _,have faith in,lose faith in,对某人守信用,【知识延伸】 faithful adj. 忠诚的; 忠实的 faithfully adv. 忠实地,【活学活用】单句语法填空。 His translation follows the original _(faith). It is important for all of us to keep _(faithful). After so many disappointments, he finds it hard _ _ _ _ doctors. 经过多次失望后, 他认为医生难以信任了。,faithfully,faith,to,have,faith,in,He is a man who is faithfully in keeping his word. (改错) _,faithfullyfaithful,2 aim n. 目标; 目的vi. (向某方向)努力 The competition was started with the aim of encouraging young writers. 开展此项竞赛目的是鼓励年轻作家。 If you want to achieve your aim, you should work hard from now on. 如果你想实现你的目标, 从现在起你就应该努力工作。,When shooting an arrow, one must aim at the target. 射箭时要瞄准靶子。 These projects are aimed at attracting the overseas talent. 这些计划旨在吸引海外人才。,【自我归纳】 _ the aim of 目的是, 为了, 旨在 _ ones aim 实现某人的目标 aim _ 瞄准; 目的在于 _ sth. 针对, 旨在, 以为目的,with,achieve,at,be aimed at,【巧学助记】瞄准目标学aim He aimed at winning the championship. In the last round, he aimed carefully at the target and hit the center and achieved his aim. 他立志赢得冠军。在最后一轮, 他仔细瞄准目标并且正中靶心, 实现了他的目标。,【活学活用】单句语法填空。 The local government has taken some effective measures, _(aim)at cutting down the cost during the tough economy. The program _ _ _ the teenage audience. 这个节目针对的是十几岁的观众。,aiming,is,aimed,at,I _ _ _ a doctor when I leave school. 我打算毕业后当一名医生。 In the end, I _ _ _ and was admitted into a famous university. 最后, 我实现了我的目标并被一所名牌大学录取。 She visited the school _ _ _ _ seeing the library. 她参观学校的目的是看看图书馆。,aim,to,be,achieved,my,aim,with,the,aim,of,3 typical adj. 典型的; 有代表性的 China is a typical developing country. 中国是一个典型的发展中国家。 (2017·全国卷)Both of us had the qualities and virtues that are typical of American actors. 我们俩拥有典型的美国演员的品质与优点。 Jim was late again. It is typical of him to keep others waiting. 吉姆又晚了, 他一向都是让别人等。,【自我归纳】 be typical of sb. /sth. _ it is typical of sb. to do sth. _,是的特点/特产/作风,某人一向做某事,【知识延伸】 typically adv. 有代表性地; 通常,【活学活用】 他一向是非常有礼貌的。 译: _ His father was _ _ _ of his time. 他的父亲是那个时代的有代表性的小说家。,It was typical of him to be so polite.,a,typical,novelist,Its quite _ _ _ _ _ to use an article before a noun. 初学者忘了在名词前加冠词, 这是很典型的情况。,typical,of,beginners,to,forget,4 adopt vt. 采用; 采纳; 收养 Hawking thinks we should adopt a new spacecraft to send humans to another star system. 霍金认为我们应该_一种新的飞船把人类送到其他星系。,采用,She was adopted as a baby, and never knew her real parents. 她还是个婴儿时就_了, 从不知道生身父母是 谁。,被收养,【知识延伸】 adopted adj. 领养的, 过继的 adoption n. 收养, 领养; 采用, 采纳 adoptive adj. 收养的; 有收养关系的,【巧学助记】一言巧辨adopt与adapt They adopted my advice and adopted an orphan. After a few months,the child came to adapt to his new life.他们采纳了我的建议,领养了一名孤儿。几个月后,这个孩子渐渐适应了他的新生活。,【活学活用】 单句语法填空。 His _(adopt)son was admitted to a key university. He tried to persuade us _(adopt)the same attitude.,adopted,to adopt,选词填空(adopt/adapt)。 According to Chinas Adoption Law, people who want to _ children must be more than 30 years old. He _ himself to the change quickly.,adopt,adapted,5 possess vt. 拥有; 具有; 支配 (2016·四川高考)They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others. 他们有一种我们所有人都拥有的超级力量, 能使他人的生活发生很大改变的力量。,She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的欲望所支配。 He never possessed much money, but


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