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七年级英语下册 module 2 unit 2 choosing a new flat(3)教案 牛津沈阳版

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七年级英语下册 module 2 unit 2 choosing a new flat(3)教案 牛津沈阳版

Module 2 My neibourhoodUnit 2 Choosing a new flat P35应掌握的词汇1.decide v . 决定 I decide to buy a new computer.我决定买一台新的电脑。2.flat n. 公寓 My flat is bigger than yours.我的公寓比你的大。3.think v. 认为 I think he will possibly be a policeman. 我认为他将有可能成为一个警察。4.bedroom n. 卧室 You must go to sleep in your bedroom.你必须到你的卧室里睡觉。5.kitchen n. 厨房 What is in the kitchen?厨房里有什么?6.bathroom n.浴室 They are bathing in the bathroom.他们正在浴室里洗澡。7.sitting room 客厅 They are talking in the sitting room. 他们正在客厅里谈话。 8.balcony n. 阳台 There are many flowers in the balcony.阳台上有许多花。认知词汇prince n. 王子应掌握的短语1.decide to do sth 决定做 2.move to 搬迁到3.live in this new flat 住在这个新公寓4.the Lis (the Li family) 李家应掌握的句型1.There are four bedrooms in the new flat 新公寓有四间卧室。2.Do you think .? 你认为.?3.The Lis will decide to move to the new flat.李家决定搬到新的公寓。教学过程 课程导入: 教师提问:Have you ever invited your classmates to your home? Who did you invite? 根据学生的回答,教师可以请那位被邀请的同学起立回答问题:Can you tell us something about her/ his flat? 或What is in her/his flat? 由此引入新课。 .授课内容:1 学生活动。课前教师搜集一些售楼处的房型图片(需要两套)。在课上,每四个学生发一张。教师说:“Here are some floor plans, I will hand them out .You can talk about it with your friends and then write it down. Three minutes later, I will choose one team to read for us, the others listen carefully, please. If their flat is the same as yours, please stand up.” 2 出示户型图。(书上34和35页)教师说:“The estate agency shows the new flat. It is different from their old one. But, what are the differences. Who can find out.” 启发并指导学生正确地进行比较。比较时可以教学生用There be句型进行比较。这部分练习尽量让每一位学生参与,给他们表达的机会 3.出示地图(书上35页) 教师说:“I think the new flat is very big and nice. We have known what the flat is like, but where is it? Here is a map. Lets have a look together. Ask: Where is the new flat? 学生回答。( near the sea / in the countryside) Where is the old flat? 学生回答。 ( in the Rose Garden Estate)指着地图上图示2问 What does it mean?( It means.)指着地图上图示4问 What does it mean?指着地图上图示5问 What does it mean?指着地图上图示地铁问 What does it mean?指着地图上图示公路问 What does it mean?教会学生看地图。 4. Ask and answer (书上35页 Think and answer )Ask : If you are Mr Li, would you like to live in this new flat, why?If you are Mrs Li, would you like to live in this new flat, why?If you are Ben, would you like to live in this new flat, why?If you are Kitty, would you like to live in this new flat, why?Do you think they will decide to move to this new flat, why?根据学生的回答,教师总结 Yes, they will dicide to move to this new flat. 同时,领读单词 decide,并举例学习这个单词。板书设计Unit 2 Choosing a new flat (P35) There are four bedroom in the new flat. I think Ben would like the new flat. The Lis will decide to move to the new flat.


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