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七年级英语下册 module 2 unit 2 choosing a new flat(2)教案 牛津沈阳版

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七年级英语下册 module 2 unit 2 choosing a new flat(2)教案 牛津沈阳版

Module 2 My neibourhoodUnit 2 Choosing a new flatP34应掌握词汇1.near prep.在附近 There is a shop near the hospital. 在医院的附近有一个商店。2.kind n.种类 There are many kinds of flowers. 在公园里有很多种花。3.lovely adj.可爱的 The little dog is very lovely. 这只小狗很可爱。 4.cost v.花费 The bicycle costs me 540 yuan. 我花了540元买的这辆自行车。认知词汇1.square metres 平方米 2.bay n.海湾应掌握的短语1.near the underground 在地铁附近 2.a bigger bedroom 一个更大的卧室 3.in the countryside 在乡村4.(not) more than (不)超过应掌握的句型1.What kind of flat would you like? 你想要哪种公寓?2. Where would you like to live? 你想要住在哪?3. Id like a flat with a balcony. 我想要一个带阳台的公寓。教学过程 课程导入: 准备balcony, bedroom, kitchen, sitting room, bathroom.的5 张图片。 依次出示5张图片,然后指着一张提问:What is it? 学生回答:It is a balcony. 接着再问:How to spell it? 在5张图片都作过这样的问答后,教师指着其中一张说: This is a room with a balcony. 并指着另一张问:What about it? 引导学生做出相似的回答,由此引入新课。 授课内容:Task One: Ask and answer1 教师陈述 Here are some kinds of flats. Because I like cooking, I would like a flat with a bigger kitchen, but I want to know your favourite .Who can tell me? 鼓励学生能大胆地举手表达自己的意愿,同时引导学生用正确的句型 I would like a flat with . 来回答该问题。 同时板书该句型。2 出示另外几张图片 Ask: Where is it? 引导学生回答: It is near the sea / It is in the countryside / It is near the underground教师再问: Would you like to live in the countryside? 如果学生的回答是 Yes, 教师一定要指导让他们做出完整的回答: Yes, I would like to live in the countryside. 如果学生的回答是 No, 则要继续问 Where would you like to live? 同时教师将这一组对话进行板书。3.巩固练习以上内容 Ask and answer the questions on the blackboard in pairs one by one. S1: What kind of flat would you like? S2: I would like a flat with . S1: Where would you like to live? S2: I would like to live Task Two:1.Look at the picture (Page 34-1)教师说:“The Lis want to choose a new flat, but what kind of flat would they like and where would they like to live. Think over and tell us the answers.” 学生针对不同的人物Mrs Li, Ben, Kitty and Gramma依次回答出书上的问题。如: S1: What kind of flat would Mrs Li like?S2: She would like a flat with S3: Where would she like to live?S4: She would like to live 2.Discuss and answer (Page 34-2&3)将书上的对话设计成一个阅读,让学生带着问题去阅读。在学生回答问题的时候以小组竞赛抢答的形式完成,这样既培养阅读能力有活跃课堂气氛。教师说:“Mr. Li makes a call to an estate agency. Please open your book, read this part and answer the questions。” What does Mr Li say? What kind of flat would Mr Li like? Where is the lovely flat?How big is it ? (square meters )How many rooms are there?How much does it cost a month? (cost sb some money )板书设计Unit 2 Choosing a new flat (P34)What kind of flat would you like? I would like a flat with Where would you like to live? I would like to live


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