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module 5 unit 2 you can buy everything on the internet教案1(外研版七年级下册)

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module 5 unit 2 you can buy everything on the internet教案1(外研版七年级下册)

课 题Unit 2 of Module 5(Grade 7)课 型预习课教 学 目 标重点:1. 本单元的新词、短语。2. 进一步认识特殊疑问句结构及应用。3. 进一步熟悉text的语音语调和增强语境的体会难点:1.特殊疑问句结构及应用。 2.正确使用购物的交际用语。预习目标(问题化)1. New words: advantage anyone anything anywhere compare everything post product receive safe several online way pay later out2. Read the passage quickly, grasp the main idea.3. Find out some difficult sentences you dont understand and write down.4. Find out the sentences about “特殊疑问句” structure and write down them in own notebook.5.Finish Activities 1.2.3.(1). Match the words and expression from the box with the pictures.(2). Listen and answer the questions.(3). Complete the tableT-shirtsSausagesStrawberriesHow much/many do they buy?How much is it/are they?导 学 过 程课 堂 流 程知 识(目 标)解 析(对重要知识易错点解析后设航程预警)学生参与措 施(课前导入) 一、目标呈现呈现预习目标(在小黑板上) 二、自主学习大家先看教材,独立完成预习目标三、检测反馈 见上页预习目标 听老师导入 学生熟悉目标学生独立阅读,思考并整理、完成学习目标涉及的内容。学生独立完成后,交叉批改,组长汇总,老师到各组了解情况。检查情况检查时间检查评价检查人课 后 反 思存在的主要问题:(1)学生对音节较长的单词拼读的不够准确。(2)一些差生学习积极性不够高,预习作业完成的不够好。改进办法:(1)教师要对音节较长的单词加以教读。(2)各小组长要及时地检查预习作业的完成情况。备课教师时 间2013 年 3月 14日科 目英语课 题Unit 2 of Module 5(Grade 7)课 型展示课教 学 目 标重点:1.To get personal information from the reading material。2.To understand the reading material about online shopping。3.To learn to write a paragraph about shopping at a supermarket难点:特殊疑问句的认识以及如何提高学生的阅读能力。探究与研习目标(问题化)1掌握特殊疑问句结构,特殊疑问词以及特殊疑问词的变化,如 what who which when where how why what time what colour。2掌握一些重要短语的运用。Pay for a few days later go out at any time 2. 掌握一些重要句型的运用。- - you pay for it? 你怎么付钱?Online shopping _ _ advantages.4.纠正学生在朗读过程中的语音语调。课 堂 流 程知 识(目 标)解 析(对重要知识易错点解析后设航程预警)学生参与措 施课前导入5m一、目标呈现5m二、自主学习25m/30m 三、合作探究5m四、展示提升五、检测反馈六、总结提炼Preparation.Tell the class to imagine they have lots of money.For example,write 10,000yuan on the board. Tell students youd like to think of what they could buy if they had that much money. write possible categories on the board.(e.g.clothes,electronics) Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet1.New words and expressions2. Activity 1and 2.3. Read the text 3 times, pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.4. Find out some difficult sentences you dont understand and write down.5. Find out the sentences about “特殊疑问句” and write down them in own notebook6.Finish Activity.3 and 4.一Look at the title of the passsage .Think about the questions about online shopping. Read the words in the box with the students. . Tell students to look at the questions and answer them in pairs.二、Read the passages and Check ()the true sentences.Ask students to read the activity , talk about it in pairs and guess the answers.三. Some important expressions:1.pay for支付2.a few days later几天后3go out出去4.at any time在任何时候5.one of之一6.how much 多少(可提问价格)7.whats the price of的价格是多少四、 Some important sentences:1.How do you pay for it?点拨pay 用作及物动词时,后面接表示人的词语,及pay sb. pay for sb意为“替某人付款”另外,表示“付给某人钱买某物,”可用“pay sb +for sth.”2.There are many new ways of shopping ,and online shopping is one of them.点拨:(1)way 表示方式,方法。其后可接不定式或of doing sth. (2)one of 后接可数名词复数,表示“-中的一个”,动词用第三人称单数。3. Then you receive it a few days later by post.点拨:few 或a few辨析,它们的后面都接可数名词复数,但从意义上看,few表示否定,a few表示肯定。4.Online shopping has several advantage.网上购物有几大优点。 五、Read the passage and Check () the true sentences. . 个体活动学生独立完成六 Activity 3(Complete the passage with words from the box.Work in pairs. Ask students to check their answers in pairs. 七、Activity4Work in pairs.complete the table. ShoppingonlineAdvantagesdisadvantages.quick.Easy.Can buyamosteverything.Cant see things first.Not safe to pay over the Internet.Less fun八、Activity 5, 6 .(writing)ete .Write a paragraph about shopping at a supermarket.IEvery group must make some plans for using the pocket money and then talk about them aloud in front of the classroom.Open their books and turn to Page 28, and take out their notebooks.All the Ss must finish all the aims and write down them in their notebooks,Ss do this quickly,Then check their answer each other.All the Ss must write down their answers then check 1. Complete the expressions and sentences .find out something they do not understand or cant do. then make a sign.2.All the students must do all the work by themselves3.Find out “be going to “sentences of the text.Find out t


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