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unit5 topic 2 i'm becoming more and more interested in china's history 教案4(仁爱版九年级下)

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unit5 topic 2 i'm becoming more and more interested in china's history 教案4(仁爱版九年级下)

时间参加人员课题Unit5 Topic2地点主备人Section D教学目标 The main activities are 2and 4. . Aims and demands 1. Master some new words and phrase: safety, enemy, fear, wait for, pupil, instruction, ping-pong, private, owner 重 难点及考点分析New words and phrase课时安排1 period教具使用 图片 /小黑板 教 学 环 节 安 排备注Step 1 Review 学生汇报课前准备的对自己影响最大的伟人。呈现新词,引出长征。完成1。 1. T: Now check your homework. I ask several students to report the great men who influence them most to the class. S1: . S2: . 2. (直接板书,教授新词并用这些词造句,领读。最后介绍长征。) T: OK. Well done. Today we'll learn something about the Long March. At first, I will teach you some new words and phrases. (板书) CPC 中国共产党 KMT 国民党 wipe out 彻底消灭 safety n. 安全 enemy n. 敌人 attract n.& v. 进攻 fear n.& v. 害怕 KMT wanted to wipe out CPC. Although CPC faced the enemy's attacks, they didn't have any fear and they moved to safety. 3. Work aloneT: Let's read some sentences about the Long March and give the correct order. Then you can talk it with your partner. 4. (教师提取1中的数词并把数字列在黑板上,让学生指出与这些数字相关的信息,以加深对长征的理解。) 1933, 1934, 25,000, 1936 T: Look at the numbers about the Long March on the blackboard. Please find out the information related to the numbers from 1. 5. (Group work,以小组形式简要阐述A Plan for a New Long March. 完成1b。) T: The Red Army faced not only the enemy's attacks but also hard living conditions. However, they didn't have any fear and they moved to safety. Suppose you were going to make a new program-experiencing the Long March. Compare the differences between the Red Army's difficulties and yours. Then make a plan for yourselves. (学生通过此活动了解到红军长征的艰辛。并让他们大胆设想、创新,计划经历一次新的长征。) Step 2 Presentation 复习定语从句中关系代词的用法。 1. (教师与学生一起复习关系代词的用法并用汉语解释其用法。) T: You can do the exercises by yourselves. (1)I know the girl _John is waiting for. (2)Confucius is a great man _sayings are still very famous. (3)He has a TV set _is made in Japan. (4)The pupil_lost her way last night is Mrs. Smith's daughter. (5)Follow the instructions _are given by Mrs.Wei to do the experiment. (6)I met the ping-pong player _Michael knows at the school gate yesterday. (7)We know Jackie Chen _movies are very popular with young. (两分钟后,与学生一起核对答案。) (板书) The answers are: (1)who/whom (2)whose (3)that/which (4)who/that (5)which/that (6)whom/who (7)whose (再让学生理解,巩固。) Step 3 Consolidation 巩固定语从句,并完成21. (巩固上面讲到的定语从句。) T: Now my class, we'll fill in the blanks again using the relative pronouns. Think it over. Try to complete the sentences quickly. (呈现小黑板上的另一部分练习。) (1)The house we used to live in is 7 km away. (2)The person to I lent my bicycle is Mr. Bill. (3)The place to I used to go was just for a picnic. (4)The girl you need to speak to isn't here. (5)Wang Hai is the boy handwriting is the best in our class. (6)A doctor is a person looks after patients in a hospital. (7)A fish is an animal lives in water. (学生单独做完后,教师与学生核对答案。) . Answers: (1)that/which (2)whom (3)which (4)who/whom (5)whose (6)who/that (7)which/that 2. (用连句子的方法来巩固定语从句。) T: Now everyone. Please match the sentences with "that, which, whose, who or whom". First look at the example. (板书,并领读。) I know the girl in green who/whom John is talking to. Confucius is the great man whose sayings are still very famous. T: OK. Can you match the following sentences? (1) The foreigner visited our school yesterday. The foreigner is from Canada. (2) They planted the trees. The trees don't need too much water. Answers: (1)The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada. (2)We planted the trees which don't need too much water. 3. (进行3a。让学生跟读磁带,注意who, whose, whom在从句中的用法。) T: Listen to the tape and read after it. Step 4 Practice 复习巩固由关系代词引导的定语从句,并完成3b。 1. (教师将学生分为四组,每组到黑板上写由关系代词引导的定语从句,所写句子不能相同,且一定要用到每个代词。) . (写的又多又正确的组为赢者,给予奖励。) T: OK. Well done, everyone. GD is the winner, congratulations! 2. (要求学生合上书,归纳总结一下本话题中的有用表达。) T: Now, my class, please close your books and sum up useful expressions in this topic. OK? (然后学生逐个总结,完成3b。) Step 5 Project 通过谈论图片与写作,完成4。 1. (学生拿出课前准备好的名胜和名人图片向同伴描述图片,并让他/她猜一猜。) T: Describe each picture and ask your partner to guess where it is and who he/she is. 2. (按描述内容写一篇小作文。) T: Put all the descriptions together to write a passage. You can begin like this: China is a great country which has a lot of beautiful places and famous people . Exercise:将下列各对句子合并成一个含定语从句的复合句。


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