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unit4 topic 2 when was it invented 教案6(仁爱版九年级上)

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unit4 topic 2 when was it invented 教案6(仁爱版九年级上)

The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn new phrases and useful expressions:as long as, run away, in short In short, this robot is very useful to us.2. Sum up the simple past passive voice.3. Talk about new technologies and inventions. Teaching aids 教具讲解GPS的有声多媒体课件(没条件的就用小黑板事先写好)/标有发明物的卡片/录音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:13分钟)1. (师生互动,带学生一起复习归纳本话题的语法及语言点。激发学生的兴趣,培养学生的口语表达能力。)T: How are you, boys and girls?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im very well. So far, we have learned something about the new technologies and inventions in the world. Do you remember them all?Ss: Yes, we learned the light bulb, the car, the cellphone T: Very clever. But who can tell me when the light bulb was invented? And who invented it?S1: It was invented in 1879. S2: Im not sure, but it was invented by Thomas Edison. T: Do you remember the plar?Ss: Yes. T: When was it invented?Ss: Around 2008. T: Where was it invented?Ss: Im not sure. Maybe it was invented in Kangkangs home.T: OK, very good. (板书)When was it invented? Around 2008. Where was it invented? It was invented (出示手机的卡片)T: When was the cellphone invented?S3: It was invented in 1973. T: Where was it invented?S4: It was invented in America. 2. (紧承上面的话题,以手机为切入点,导入新课。)T:Cellphones are widely used all over the world. Its reported that over 93% of families in cities own cellphones, but cellphones are lost easily. Have you watched the movie “A World Without Thieves”?Ss: Yes.T: In the movie, a lot of cellphones were stolen by “Liu Dehua”. Nowadays, one of the new technologies can be used to find the lost cellphones easily. Is it amazing? OK, lets read 1c and think about the question: Why could the police catch the thief easily?(板书并解释)run away 逃跑,失控(一分钟后)Have you finished reading? Do you want to know the answer? Well, lets begin the new lesson.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (播放多媒体,简介GPS,让学生了解其意义,展示GPS的背景知识。)T: Look at the screen. GPS is short for the Global Positioning System.(板书)global adj. 全球的,世界的GPS=the Global Positioning SystemGPS is like man-made “stars”. We can use it at any time, in any place and in any weather to find out our position. The early explorers used the stars as landmarks to know where they were and in which direction they were going. But this method worked well at night as long as the weather was good.(板书并解释。) landmark n.as long as 只要This method worked well at night as long as the weather was good.2. (让学生打开课本,播放录音。要求学生认真听录音的同时,注意划出关键词。教师板书。)T: Boys and girls, just now I talked something about GPS. Now lets listen to the tape to learn a passage about GPS, and underline the key words. (板书)question, explorers, landmarks, find out, direction, as long as, problem, like, use, shape3. (让学生阅读1a,然后讨论下列问题,四人一组。完成1b。)Questions:1. What would you do if you lost your way in a forest?2. How did the early explorers know where they were?3. What is GPS? Is it useful to us?4. What do you think GPS will be used for in the future?(学生讨论完后,小组长要整理好答案汇报。教师抽查部分小组的答案,再归纳总结。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)1. (根据板书的关键词来复述1a,分男、女两组竞赛方式,激发学生的兴趣,熟悉所学的知识。)T: Boys and girls, lets begin our competition. question.Girls: That was a big question when we first explored our world long ago.T: explorers.Boys: The early explorers found that the stars in the sky were good landmarks.T: find out.Girls: Using the stars, they could find out where they were and in which direction they were going. T: as long as.Boys: This method worked well at night as long as the weather was good and the stars could be seen.T: problem.Girls:But it didnt work so well during the rest of the time. This was a problem.T: like.Boys: GPS is like man-made“stars”. T: use.Girls: We can use it at any time, in any place and in any weather to find out our position. T: shape.Boys: GPS can also be used to study the shape of the earth. T: OK, you did very well. Boys and girls are both excellent. 2. (归纳总结,回应呈现部分。)T: Now, we have known GPS very well. I think you have found out the answer to the question. S5, could you tell me why the police can catch the thief easily?S5: GPS.T: Thats right. When the thief was using the cellphone, the police could use the information GPS offered to find out the position of the cellphone. So we can say it was GPS that helped the police catch the thief. S6, what do you think GPS will be used for in the future?S6: It can be used to study the shape of the earth.T: What do you think of it, S7?S7: We can use it at any time, in any place and in any weather to find out our position.T: OK, in short, it is very useful to us.(板书并且讲解。)in shortIn short, it is very useful to us.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (学生整理本话题的语言点、重点句型并放入到自己的“百宝箱”里。培养学生自主学习,动脑归纳的能力。)(语言点及重点句型)be made of / from be developed / invented in


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