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unit3 topic2 section d(仁爱版九年级上)

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unit3 topic2 section d(仁爱版九年级上)

Section D. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第二话题的第四课时,要完成Section C 的3和Section D。主活动是1a和Project。1 a是个任务型阅读,需要学生通过联系上下文,填入所缺的句子。学生在完成这个任务的同时也了解了英式英语和美式英语的差异。1b是个辅助步骤,意在检测学生的理解能力。Grammar 和Functions 是要求学生总结本话题的语法和重点句子。最后设置的Project其实是个综合型任务。学生要解决Wang Junfeng 的困难,必须要对整个话题的内容进行整合,即:英式美式英语的差异,肢体语言的差异。通过学习本课,学生会了解到英语在不同的英语国家也是有差异的,英语也会随着时间、地域的变化而变化,从而为英语学习可能面临的困难做好心理准备。因为有了这个心理准备,所以在学习英语的过程中,如果遇到困难就不会轻易放弃。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,了解英式英语和美式英语的差异。2. Skill aims: 能正确理解英式英语和美式英语的差异。 在学习英语的过程中,如果遇到这种差异,也不会造成理解上的困难。3. Emotional aims: (optional) 知道学习英语不会一帆风顺,为战胜困难做好心理准备。 4. Culture awareness: (optional) 知道英式英语和美式英语在哪些方面存在差异。 . The key points and difficult points1. Key points:Words and phrases: British, pronunciation, cent, expression, spelling, totally, borrow.from., all the time, be different from, have difficulty in doing sth.Sentences: How are you doing? Best wishes to you and your family. I cant follow them.Grammar: Showing the future by present continuous 2. Difficult points: The English language is changing all the time.English-speaking / spoken English . Learning strategies 能通过完成1a ,学习利用上下文来找到缺失的句子。 能通过合作探究的方式,帮助王俊峰解决他所遇到的困难,归纳总结本话题的内容。. Teaching aids美国钱币的图片/录音机/小黑板/英语词典./英语笑话故事(纸质/音频)。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3mins)Class activityLet the Ss read a small joke caused bymisunderstanding (because of the differencebetween the British English and American English). T: Do you like jokes? You are lucky today. I have prepared a very funny English joke. Now, read the story, see if you will laugh.Example:An Englishwoman asked the Chinese waiter, “Where is the toilet, please?” “Its on the third floor.”, answered the waiter and the woman left. A minute later, an American man came to the waiter and asked, “Excuse me, where is the bathroom?”. “Its on the second floor.” Soon the waiter heard the woman shouting loudly and angrily at the man.T: xxx, could you tell me why you laugh? Do you know how the misunderstanding came about?T: All right. You will get to know the answer in this period.Read the story and try to figure out how the misunderstanding came about.S1: They went to the same place. But I dont know how they misunderstood.也可以播放音频资料,让学生听。老师不要讲出这个故事的笑点。2Revision(8mins)Individual workEncourage the Ss to read their HMK assigned in the last period. Choose the best one to be “The Best Writer in the Future”.T: Take out your homework, please. Lets see who will be the best writer in the future. Read their HMK. Choose the best passage.S1: In different cultures, the meanings may be different. In some cultures, some animals or plants are .S2: Animals or plants may have different meanings in different cultures. For example , .S3: As we know, gestures dont mean the same in different cultures, the meanings of animals or plants may have different meanings, too. .S4:.3Pre-reading(5mins)Group workLet the Ss discuss whether there are differences between British English and American English. Encourage the Ss to guess what kinds of differences may exist between the two languages.T: Do you think there are differences between British English and American English? If you think there are differences between them, then discuss in groups and guess what kinds of differences may exist between them. Are you clear? T: How is your discussion? Which group is willing to have a try?Discuss whether there are differences between British English and American English. Guess what kinds of differences may exist between them.S1: We think there are differences between British English and American English. We think the writing and the meaning may be different.S2: .老师在提到英式英语和美式英语时,要及时板书,并利用America的词型变换同理教学。British.America (n.)_ American(adj.)Britain (n.)_ British (adj.)4While-reading(8mins)Individual workIndividual workStep1: Let the Ss read 1a quickly, find out the differences between the two languages, and put the four sentences in the right places.T: Maybe you are eager to know whether there are differences between British English and American English. Read 1a quickly, and you will get the answer. If there are, try to sum up the differences. Whats more, while reading, try to put the four sentences in the right places.The sentences around the blanks may provide you with useful information. Dont try to finish them at one time. You can solve them one by one. If you finish all the blanks, please put you hand up.T: Are there any differences between them? Who knows? Hands up, please.T: Lets give them a big hand! How about the sentences, who wants to share your answer with us?Step2: Read 1a again and finish 1b.Read 1a quic


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