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unit3 topic 1 english is widely spoken around the world 学案8(仁爱版九年级上)

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unit3 topic 1 english is widely spoken around the world 学案8(仁爱版九年级上)

1.继续学习一般现在时的被动语态的用法。 2.谈论语言差异和语言的重要性。II. 预 习 热身复习(将下列句子转换成被动语态)1 Many foreigners know the Great Wall. _2 My father cleans our house every morning._3 The workers produce the trains in this factory. _一. 短语和句子积累(P55-56) 1. 整理包裹_ 2 .去古巴出差_ 3. 和相似_ 4.遇到一些麻烦_ 5.请一名翻译帮忙 _ 6.不完全相同_ 7.在两个人或更多人之间在_ 8.在口头上把一种语言转换成另一种语言。_ 9. 有时_ 10.每当出现这种情况时_11.他毫不费力地理解不同国家的人说话 _12.解释哪个国家的文化_13.合作;与一起工作_ 15.把分_14.一个能了解他们国家和文化的商人_二. 读P55,2a,回答问题 17.What does Janes father do? _ 18.Does Janes father need an interpreter when he travels to a country where English is not spoken? What does an interpreter do? _III. 知识链接 be similar to 与 相似 be the same as 与一样 Its possible that + 从句 是有可能的It is possible that he will buy a new car.have trouble/ difficulty (in)doing sth 做某事有困难/麻烦be in trouble处于不幸、苦恼、困境之中 look for trouble自寻烦恼 get out of trouble摆脱/走出困境A person who translates a language into another one. Who one 作定语修饰person 他就是我正在寻找的人 _找出文章中另外几个相同类型的句子。_besides 除 之外(还)They were all there besides me.除了他们我也在那里。(我在那里) except 除了They were all there except me. 除了我他们都在那里。(我不在那里)IV.课堂练习 一.根据汉语提示完成句子。1.Do you often go to Shanghai_(出差)?-Yes, I do.2.The film is boring. It _(和相似)the one I saw last year.3.So far, Yang Jiang_many English books_(把译成)Chinese.4.Many foreign tourist_(迫不及待地)visit China nowadays.5.The map may help you find the_(位置)of the station.二. 单项选择.( ) 6._general,he does some housework with his mother on Saturday. A. On B. In C. To D. For( ) 7.I dont want to take the test. Im not ready _it. A. to B. in C. with D. for( ) 8.Lucy works very hard. So her grandpa, as well as her parents,_pleased with her lessons. A. are B. is C. have D. has( )9.The silk _in China sells_. A. is made; well B. made; good C. is made; good D.made; well( )10.The fruit is well_during winter. A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep三.介词填空。A:Hello!I havent seen you _1_ a long time.B:Hello!I have been _2_China.A:China is wonderful place.You must enjoy yourself there.B:Yeah.There are many places of interest.A:Oh,your shirt looks beautiful!Whats it made _3_?B:Its made of silk.A:Where s it made?B:Its made _4_Suzhou,China.A:Is tea grown in Suzhou?B:No,its grown in Fujian Province.A:Its _5_ the southeast of China.1._ 2._ 3._ 4_ 5._四.短文填空。 Im Carol. Do you want to know how I s_1_ English? Well, vocabulary is the most i_2_ thing for me to study English. I always listen to the English programs on the r_3_. When I hear some new words I try to keep them in my mind. Then after one or two days, I still r_4_ some of the words. Then I start to look them up in the d_5_. I dont learn English just from English classes at school. I learn it in d_6_ ways . Of course I do a lot of reading. I read some i_7_ stories in English. I a_8_ speak a lot. To speak to myself is a good way. Many people dont like to do that. But I like that.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._5._ 6._ _ 7._ 8._


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