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unit2 topic1 pollution causes too many problems 教案7(仁爱版九年级上)

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unit2 topic1 pollution causes too many problems 教案7(仁爱版九年级上)

【基础知识过关】I.短语回放1.计划一次野餐_ 2.空气新鲜_3.蜜蜂和蝴蝶_ 4.天哪,啊呀_5.花和草不见了_ 6.化学工厂_7.对有害_ 8.废水_9.空气/土壤/水/灯光/噪音污染_ 10. 看起来虚弱_ 11.另外_12.心情不好_ 13.忍受(做)某事_14.不管怎样_ 15.给某人写信_16.感觉更糟糕_17. 去看医生 _18. 你像这样有多久了?_19.对。有害_ 20.并非所有的学生_ 21.一种污染_. 22.很容易变聋_23. 听力失聪_ 24. 据报道 25.不比。好 26. 让我们刚到不舒服 II. 根据汉语提示,写出所缺单词,使句意完整1. The cleaner collect the l_ on the street every day.2. Working too long makes people feel tired and unpleasant _ _ . 3.The government plans to _(创造) more jobs for the young.4.The main purpose of _(产业) is to create wealth.5He lost a lot of _(血) in the accident.III.单项选择( ) 1.If we work in a _ place for a long time, well feel uncomfortable and unpleasant.A. loud B. noisy C. noisily D. sound( ) 2. _ the development of industry, China is becoming stronger and stronger.A. With B. Without C. In D. During( )3. Miss Wang said that the moon _ around the earth. A. go B. goes C. went D. has gone( )4.The Chinese _ the beautiful life with their hand.A.is producing B. produced C. creates D. are creating( )5.there are _ kinds of pollution on the eath. A. quite a little B. much C. quite a few D. a lot【综合能力提升】I. 单项选择( )1.How long have you been like this? . A.Yesterday before. B.Yesterday C.Before yesterday D.Since yesterday.( )2.Could you tell me ? About three hours. A.how long it takes to fly to Hong Kong B.how long it took to fly to Hong Kong C.how long does it take to fly to Hong Kong D.how long did it take to fly to Hong Kong( )3.The noise pollution is too serious, and lots of workers in this factory deaf so far. A.go B.goes C.went D.have gone( )4.Have you China for a long time? Yes,I here three years ago. A.come to;came B.come to;have come C.been in;came D.gone to;come( )8.The hard rain caused us working. A.stopping B.stop C.to stop D.stopped( )9.The chemical plant here produces terrible gas. Do you still want to have the picnic here? I hate to stay here. A.Yes,of course. B.Of course not. C.Id love to. D.Yes,I do.( )10.Whats more,planes or machines produce noise. A.much too B.many too C.too much D.too many( )11. influences the look of our cities. A.Soil pollution B.Light pollution C.Noise pollution D.White pollution( )12.The fisherman the VCD for a year. A.has bought B.has had C.has taken D.buys( )13.I hear that noise pollution can cause people to lose .Is that true? Of course,quite a few people living near airports have . A.hearing loss;their hearing B.their hearing;hearing loss C.hearing losses;their hearings D.their hearings;hearing losses( )14.What did the teacher say? He asked us in public. A.to speak loudly B.not to speak loudly C.if could we speak loudly D.if should we speak loudly( )15.There are many teachers and students having a party in the hall, our head teacher. A.include B.included C.including D.includesII、情景交际。根据对话内容,在下面对话的空白处各填写一个完整的句子,使对话意思完整、通顺。A:You look pale.1 _ ?B:My chest hurts and it is difficult for me to breathe,A:Im sorry to hear that.2 _ ?B:Yes, I have. I have been to the doctors. The doctor gave me some medicine.A:3 _ ?B:I have been like this since this morning.A:What makes your chest hurt?B:I think it may be the terrible gas the chemical factory produces.A:4 _ ?B:I dont want to stay at home because Im afraid Ill miss todays lessons.A:Take care of yourself. Dont worry.5 _


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