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unit 3 language in use 每课一练1 (外研版八年级上册)

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unit 3 language in use 每课一练1 (外研版八年级上册)

课时作业(三十六)Module12Unit3(20分钟50分).根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分)1.K_cool!Dont get excited.2.My brother d_my glasses and broke them.3.We can hardly i_life without the Internet.4.I have some t_in reading the letter.His handwriting is very bad.5.Father w_me not to stay out late at night last night.从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其适当形式填空(10分)first aid,brave,make sure,write,because of1.Be_and you will win the match.2.The sports meeting was put off_the heavy rain.What a pity!3.We should teach students something about_.It is necessary.4.The meeting is very important._to bring your pen and notebook.5.He has trouble_the composition.句型转换(10分)1._?(根据答语写出问句)She is clever and kind.2.Whats the trouble with you?(改为同义句)_ _with you?3.To finish the homework in half an hour is difficult for me.(改为同义句)_difficult for me_ _the homework in half an hour.4.Lift him up.(改为否定句)_ _him up.5.All of us take pride in our school.(改为同义句)All of us_ _ _our school.补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。A.Then I fell off my bike and hurt my leg.B.How are you feeling today?C.The other person covered me with his coat.D.I went to the hospital at once.E.Its kind of you to come and see me.F.Thats good.G.Thank you.A:Hi,Jane. 1  B:Im much better now. 2  A:How did the accident happen?B:Well.I was riding my bicycle along the street when a boy rushed out and ran into me. 3  A:My God!What happened then?B:Thanks for those passers-by.One of them called the First Aid Center. 4 The ambulance came soon.C:We are glad to see you are getting better and better.A: 5  1._2._3._4._ 5._.阅读理解(10分)(1)Always play in a safe place.A park is a safe place because there are no cars or trucks.But do not talk to anyone you do not know.Never go with a stranger into a motor car.(2)Before crossing the road,stop and look both ways.Look left.Look right.Look left again.(3)Keep away from houses or buildings that are being built or knocked down.Something might fall on your head,or you might cut yourself by broken glass.(4)Medicine or pills can be dangerous.Never swallow any pills or medicine you find in the cupboard.(5)Wear a life jacket whenever you go out in a boat.Even if you are not in the open sea,and the water is not deep,you should have your life jacket on.Its easy to fall out of a boat.(6)Do not put your head out of a car,bus or train.Many children have been killed by doing this.1.We are safe from trucks or cars_.A.if we dont go with the strangersB.if we dont talk to anyoneC.if we play in the parkD.if we play by the road2.Its a_to take any pills you find in the cupboard.A.questionB.safetyC.problemD.danger3.Even if your friend asks you to play in a house that is being built,you_.A.should be happy to do it with himB.should not do it with himC.should help build the houseD.should pay attention not to hurt yourself4.Which of the following is WRONG?A.Do not talk to anyone whom you dont know.B.Look both ways before you cross the road.C.Wear a life jacket if you fish in a boat.D.Put your head out of a moving bus for a better view.5.Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?A.A stranger.B.A building.C.A plane.D.Medicine.答案解析.答案:1.Keep2.dropped3.imagine4.trouble 5.warned.答案:1.brave2.because of3.first aid4.Make sure 5.writing.答案:1.What do you think of her2.Whats wrong3.Its;to finish4.Dont lift5.are proud of.答案:15.BEACG.答案:15.CDBDC


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