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module6 学案1(外研版九年级上)

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module6 学案1(外研版九年级上)

(四)学习目标:复习本模块所学,巩固并强化练习。训练学生综合语言运用能力。通过书中练习,不仅训练学生的语言知识,也能适度拓展他们的视野,了解国外在环保方面的做法,激发他们的创造性。一、写出下列短语1. 扔掉,抛弃 2.筹款 3.注意,重视4. 保护空气和海洋 5.环境教育6. 节约能源 7.最新的时尚 8.代替来源:Zxxk.Com9. 对-造成伤害 10. 尽可能长期 11. 把-变成- 12.组成,构成 13.张贴14. 着急,担心 15.设法,努力做某事二、翻译下列句子1.它上面写了什么?2.你们打算什么时候写关于环境教育方面的事?3.每个人都同意我们必须关注环境。4.扔掉纸和金属是浪费的。来源:Zxxk.Com5.我们每天都的制造垃圾,并且这种行为对我们的环境造成了伤害。来源:学科网ZXXK6.甚至是最简单的日常活动也能够对环境产生极大的影响。7.尽可能长时间的使用物品。8.如果我们能的话应该修理它们,而不是把它们扔掉。9.把某个东西变成别的东西是花费能源的。10.我们应该买由可循环材料制作的产品。三、用所给词的适当形式填空1._(waste) our time means _(kill) ourselves in a special way.2.He was singing while _(water) flowers in the garden.3.Try _(talk)with him and try not _(be) angry.4.Its important for us _(read) English every morning.5._(not throw) away the metal.6.The material _(do) harm to our environment7.Where is Dad?He _(repair) the bike.8.I like art because my teacher _(make) a difference to me.9._(waste )things is terrible.10.Try to use _(recycle) things, please.四、从方框中选出合适选项补全对话(每小题1分, 共5分)A: What did you think of the lecture last night? B: (86)_来源:学科网A: (87)_ I thought he talked a lot of rubbish. B: You think you know more than he does, right? A: (88)_ Coal will become less important in the future. B: Why? A: Its dirty and it pollutes the environment. (89)_B: Maybe we should invent new kinds of machines to replace people. A: Thats not enough. (90)_B: Youre right. We need to pay more attention to the environment.A. I disagree.B. Its also dangerous to work in coal mines.C. Me, neither. D. Well, take coal for example.E. We need to find new ways to make power without coal. F. People will use solar energy, wind energy and so on. G. I thought it was very interesting.教学小节:课堂上应带领学生整理常见的前、后缀,举例体现它们的用法和含义。并且强化练习。课后作业:教学反思:Module 6 Save our world 设计人:高玥(五)学习目标:复习本模块所学,巩固并强化练习。训练学生综合语言运用能力。通过书中练习,不仅训练学生的语言知识,也能适度拓展他们的视野,了解国外在环保方面的做法,激发他们的创造性。完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,KEach month I like to travel to the countryside in New Jersey to go fishing. For years, one of my 1 fishing places was a river near an old piece of land called Bog Creek farm. Although Bog Creek farm looked 2 , it had a dark secret. Some people 3 the farm as a place to dump(倾倒)chemicals! After a few years of secret dumping, a neighbor complained(抱怨) to the government about the 4 smell coming from the farm. After talking about it with the 5 , the officials(政府官员) decided to _6_ the owner of Bog Creek farm and find out what was going on. The owner told the officials that people had been dumping chemicals on his farm for a long time. _7_ listening to the owners story, the officials asked the owner to 8 people from dumping things there and ship the dirt to a(n) 9 storage area. The owner agreed. However, even after the dirt was shipped 10 , the smell continued. State officials 11 posted signs to tell the public not to walk near the land and started to investigate(调查) the problem. After weeks of hard work, they were finally able to clean up both the 12 soil and the polluted 13 near Bog Creek farm. By doing so, they 14 the people and the wildlife in that area. Now I am able to 15 enjoying my fishing trips.( )1. A. simpleB. favorite C. lovelyD. funny( )2. A. unusual B. regular C. standardD. normal( )3. A. agreedB. used C. accepted D. thought( )4. A. naturalB. nice C. goodD. terrible ( )5. A. neighbor B. doctor C. worker D. cleaner( )6. A. visit B. punish C. findD. introduce( )7. A. BeforeB. After C. AsD. When( )8. A. face B. reduce C. stopD. make( )9. A. impossibleB. usual C. specialD. general( )10. A. awayB. to C. fromD. in( )11. A. openlyB. lastly C. quicklyD. suddenly ( )12. A. dryB. dirty C. cheapD. necessary( )13. A. seaB. rain C. landD. river( )14. A. harmedB. protected C. spreadD. taught( )15. A. keep B. continue C. runD. like


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