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module6 测试7(外研版九年级上)

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module6 测试7(外研版九年级上)

Module6一单项选择1.Is there _ in todays newspaper?A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything2. You should try your best _ English well.A. learning B. to learn C. learnt D. not to learn3.Be careful _ the road in winter. The water on it can be changed _ ice. A. of; into B. about; for C. to; in D. at; to4Bill speaks English quite well. So he does. His mother teaches him _English _. A. every day; every day B. everyday; everydayC. everyday; every day D. every day; everyday5. I bought a house near my office last month. So now I walk to work _ going by bus. A. instead B. because C. instead of D. because of 6. _ it was very cold, _ he went out without a coat. A. Although; but B. /; although C. Although; / D. /; so7.This bottle of wine tastes very good. Do you know what it is _? Of course, grapes. A. made in B. made by C. made of D. made from 8. The chicken is very delicious. Would you like some more? No, thank you. Im full. I cant eat _.A. longerB. no longer C. any more D. no more9.These tickets are useless. Can I _? Yes, but make sure you put them in the dustbin.A. pick it upB. throw it away C. pick them up D. throw them away 10.I tried to stop my father _, and I succeeded in the end. A. from smoking B. to smoke C. not smoking D. not to smoke11.I tried _ late for school, but unluckily, I was late again. A. to be B. to not be C. not to be D. to be not 12.We should sort the waste before throwing it away _ we can have a healthy environment.A. so that B. so C. because D. in order to15.What about going to the cinema? _!A. Nice ideaB. This wayC. Guess what D. I see 16. We tried to stop the flames from spreading, but we knew it was _.A. unusual B. enjoyable C. hopeful D. hopeless17. There are usually _ people in the supermarket every weekend.A. too much B. much tooC. many too D. too many18. Drinking too much _ your health.A. do harm to B. is harm to C. does harm to D. do harmful to19. Nancy is a _ girl and she is writing _.A. care, careful B. careful, carelessC. careful, carefully D. carefully, careful20. -I think we should save the endangered animals. -I agree _ you. There arent many of them.A. so B. with C. that D. about21. Many people prefer clothes made _ to those made _.A. in abroad, in China B. abroad, from ChinaC. in abroad, China D. abroad, in China22. We should buy things _ locally.A. producing B. are producing C. are producedD. produced 23. Reading good books for a few hours every day can make a _to children.A. problem B. difference C. product D. harm二单词拼写。1. Dont w_ water. Please turn off the tap after you wash your hands.2. Gold, silver and iron are all m_. 3. Its more and more important for everyone to save e_ now.4. Air p_ is quite harmful to our health. 5. I think its _ (必要的) for us to master (掌握) a foreign language.6. My computer doesnt work. I have to get somebody to _ (修理) it.7. We should _ (关心) for our parents. Its the right thing for us to do. 8. Would you please _ out (挑拣) some bigger apples for me? Of course I will.9. Wed better take our own cloth bags when we go shopping instead of using _ (塑料制的) bags.10. Petrol(石油) is the most important _ (产品) of many Middle-East countries.11. Wood and stone are the only raw (未加工的) _ (材料) on the island.12. Even the simplest everyday activities can _ (减少) pollution.13. We should give up those _ (waste) habits in order to save our world.14. The foreigners had an _ (enjoy) time on the Great Wall yesterday. 15. I think _ (environment) education for kids is necessary.16. Most students in our school often collect _(reuse) waste for recycling.17. If we dont look after our earth well, the future will be _ (hope). 三选词填空as well as possible, take part in, instead of,do harm to, make a difference to, find out 1. Reading in the sun will _our eyes.2. Jim stayed at home yesterday _going to school. 3.Everyday activities can _ the environment. 4. We should protect our earth _.5. The twins look the same and we cant _ the differences between them. 6. More and more people have _ collecting waste to keep our environment clean.四用合适的介词填空。1. I think everyone sh


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