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module5 unit 2 there’s no shouting and no running同步练习 外研版九年级上

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module5 unit 2 there’s no shouting and no running同步练习 外研版九年级上

Module5 Unit 2 Theres no shouting and no running同步练习 外研版九年级上. 根据句意及首字母提示写出正确的单词。 1. As everyone knows, people can use coal to create e_. 2. Mike and Jack d_ a hole in the garden and put some stones in it. 3. We just had the chemistry lesson and did some interesting e_ in the lab. 4. Mrs Lin looks tired because she has spent the w_ day cleaning and tidying. 5. Look! The children are playing happily in the s_ on the beach. 6. Whats Mr Wang doing? Hes t_ about our exam results with Mrs White. . 从方框中选择适当的单词填空。often, physics, welcome, truck, control, environment 1. Be careful! A _ is coming! 2. As _ as I invited Maria to go shopping, she always refused. 3. _ is more difficult than maths. I dont agree with you. 4. Although the model plane was not easy to _, Mike won the game. 5. The guide said, “Boys and girls, _ to the UKs largest Angry Birds Activity Park. Enjoy yourselves.” 6. How do you like your new job? I like it very much. The working _ is very comfortable. . 从方框中选择适当的介词完成句子。to, for, with, like, about, on 1. No one knows what our life will be _ in the future. 2. That cup is empty. Please fill it _ tea, Tina. 3. Im so sorry to learn _ your illness. 4. Who can tell me the answer _ the question? 5. Mr Wang has decided to remain here _ two more days. 6. Oh, there arent enough chairs. Do you mind sitting _ the floor? Not at all. . 根据汉语意思及括号里的英语提示翻译句子。 1. 所有年龄段的人都可以加入这个足球俱乐部。(of all ages)_ 2. 当我把贝蒂和他的报告一比较,发现他的更好。(comparewith)_ 3. 从前,这个历史博物馆要小些。(in the past)_ 4. 你能帮我查下这本英语词典多少钱吗?(find out)_ 5. 这个教堂不同于别的教堂。(be different from)_Key:. 1. energy2. dug 3. experiments4. whole5. sand6. talking. 1. truck2. often3. Physics 4. control5. welcome6. environment. 1. like 2. with3. about 4. to 5. for 6. on. 1. People of all ages can join the football club. 2. When I compared Bettys report with his, I found his report was better. 3. The History Museum was smaller in the past. 4. Can you help me find out how much this English dictionary costs? 5. This church is different from other churches.


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