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module10 学案4(外研版九年级上)

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module10 学案4(外研版九年级上)

学习目标:1.对本模块重点内容进行复习和巩固 2.谈论健康饮食和习惯 3.做一些相关阅读和联系 4.对健康话题进行写作练习1、 Jamie is a great cook who whose二、完形填空 1 a cold afternoon, a postman was slowly pushing his bicycle up the hill that led to(通向) the small town of Lance. He was walking very 2 because there was a lot of ice on the road. He had only one more letter to send, and this was for the old lady 3 lived at the 4 . Everybody called her “Grandma”.She had lived alone ever since her daughter moved to Hawaii. She used to invite the postman in for coffee and 5 him about her two grandchildren in Hawaii. She had 6 seen them. However, she had lots of photos of them.Just as the postman came near the gate, a small boy came running down the hill. Suddenly the boy slipped(滑) on the 7 and fell. The postman stopped his mail cart and hurried across the street to help the boy. After a quick look, he saw that the boy had hurt his 8 very badly. In fact, he was 9 that the boys leg had been broken. He knew that “Grandma” did not have a telephone, so he 10 a passing driver and asked him to send the boy to Lance Hospital.( )1. A. OnB. In C. At( )2. A. quicklyB. carefullyC. hardly( )3. A. whoseB. whichC. who( )4. A. topB. bottomC. gate ( )5. A. told B. tellC. telling( )6. A. alreadyB. oftenC. never ( )7. A. bicycleB. iceC. gate( )8. A. feetB. armC. leg( )9. A. afraidB. angryC. excited( )10. A. sawB. droveC. Stopped来源:Zxxk.Com三、请你给出某人健康问题的建议,运用建议的几种句型来加以解决来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+KI can't sleep well 4、 写作训练:假设一个笔友,很胖,不断增重,需要帮助。让学生给予建议。假设Sally是你的笔友。她非常喜欢吃汉堡,薯条和冰淇淋。现在她在不断增重(put on weight)。请你给予恰当的建议来帮助她。1. What do you think of the problem?2. What's your advice?参考词汇:(in deep trouble, put on weight, persuade to do , be good for, spend.on, give up, it's+adj+to do) 来源:学科网ZXXK 来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K范文1: As we all know, because of the pressure of heavy schoolwork, many of us don't get as much sleep as we should do. And some of us even have difficulty in sleeping. This can make us nervous and slower at school. In my opinion, we should take schoolwork in a relaxed way. If you're worried about it, you'd better ask your teacher, your friends or your parents for help. You may try to make a proper bedtime or get a book to read before sleep. Besides, doing some sports can also do good to you. Get a good sleep tonight, and you'll be at your best tomorrow.范文2: These days my pen pal Sally is worried about her weight problem. And I think being overweight will do harm to her health. Generally speaking, there are two ways that make her put on weight. One is the wrong diet because she likes eating hamburgers, chips and ice-cream a lot.The other is not taking enough exercise. In my opinion, it's important for her to eat plenty of healthy food, above all, fresh fruit and vegetables. Besides, taking more exercise is essential for her to keep fit, such as running or playing ball games. I believe that's an important way to make her lose weight and become slim来源:学科网ZXXK


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