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module1 素材4(外研版九年级上)

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module1 素材4(外研版九年级上)

Module 1Unit 11. wonder/ÈwÃnd«/n.&- a miracle.奇迹the seven wonders of the worldv.- want to know;想知道,对好奇wondering how to do itI wonder who he is, where he came from and why he came.【Wonderful adj. wonderfully adv.】2. band /bQnd/ n.- Music A group of players who perform as an ensemble.【音乐】 乐队:做为集体进行演出的一组表演者.乐队jazz band爵士乐队;militar band军乐队3. review /riÈvju:/ n.- A report or an essay giving a critical estimate of a work or performance.评论:给出对一部著作或行为批评性评价的报告或评论film review电影评论, 影评4. ancient /ÈeinS«nt/ adj.- very old.古老的,远古的an ancient city古城5. composition/711kRmp«ÈziSn/ n.- A short essay作文to write a composition6. grade/greid/ n.- A mark indicating a student's level of accomplishment.成绩等级,分数:指示一个学生成绩水平的标记成绩;年级a student in the second grade二年级学生He always got high grades in school.他在学校里总是得高分。7. pyramid/Èpir«mid/n.-a massive monument of ancient Egypt having a rectangular base and four triangular faces culminating in a single apex, built over or around a crypt or tomb.金字塔:古埃及的一种巨大的纪念塔,有一个矩形的底座和四个三角形的侧面并形成唯一的一个顶点,建于地窟或坟墓之上或周围金字塔8. pupil/Èpju:pl/ n.- A student under the direct supervision of a teacher or professor.学生:在老师或教授直接监督下的学生(S) student9. meeting/Èmi:tiN/n.-an assembly or a gathering of people, as for a business, social, or religious purpose.会议,大会:一群人为商谈商业问题、社会问题或宗教问题而集合到一起have a meeting10. listen up- To pay attention; heed:注意:注意;留意:注意听Listen up, everyone. I havesomething important to tell you.11.call/kR:l/ v.- To consider or regard as being of a particular type or kind; characterize:称作:考虑或认为是某一特殊类别或种类;表示特色:Let's call the game a draw. I'd hardly call him a good manager.就称这比赛是练习吧。我很难称他为一位好的经理叫座,名为; 打电话12. event/iÈvent/n.- Something that takes place; an occurrence.事件:发生的事件,偶然发生的事件事件;The new book was the cultural event of the year.这本新书的出版是今年文化界的大事。Sports A contest or an item in a sports program.【体育运动】 比赛项目:运动会的竞赛或比赛项目The next event will be the 100 yards race.下一个比赛项目是100码赛跑。Unit 213. natural /ÈnQtS«r«l/adj.- Present in or produced by nature:自然的:存在或产生于自然界的:a natural pearl.天然珍珠 14. get out of-come out from从内出来/离开He got out of the lift and walk towards the street.15. light/lait/adj.&n.-characterized by or filled with light; bright:明亮的:有光的,光线充足的;明亮的:a room that is light when the shutters are open.当百叶窗打开时,房间里光线充足. n.光线; 灯The sun gives us light during the day.白天太阳给我们光亮。16. reply /riÈplai/ v.- To give an answer in speech or writing.回答:用言语或书写作出回答Of course not, she replied.“当然不,”她回答说。17. clear /kli« / v. & adj.-(云)散开;a).To become clear:变晴:The sky cleared. 天空放晴了.打扫干净;清晰的b).Distinctly; clearly:清晰地;清楚地:spoke loud and clear.说话响亮清楚18. rise /raiz/ v. (rose, risen)-升起The act of rising; ascent.上升:上升的动作;升高The sun rises in the east.19. ground /graund/ n.- The solid surface of the earth地面:地球的固体表面The enemy plane fell to the ground. 敌机坠地。20. below/biÈl«u/prep.- underneath; beneath.在下面;在下方50 metres below sea level海平面下50米21. edge /edV / n.- A rim or brink: 边,边缘,棱边:the edge of a cliff.悬崖的边缘on the edge of-处于的边缘She was sitting on the edge of her bed. 她坐在床边。22. bottom/ÈbRt«m/n.-The deepest or lowest part:底部:最深或最低的地方:the bottom of a well; the bottom of the page. 井底;书页的底部at the bottom of-在的底部The road bears to the right at the bottom of the hill. 这条路在山脚向右伸展。The telephone is at the bottom of the stairs. 电话在楼梯下面。23. canyon/ÈkQnj«n/n.-A narrow chasm with steep cliff walls, cut into the earth by running water; a gorge.峡谷:带峭壁的狭窄裂缝,由流水切入地表;峡谷Grand CanyonThe Grand Canyon in the USA is 1900 metres deep.美国的大峡谷1900米深。A gorge of the Colorado River in northwest Arizona. It is up to 1.6 km (1 mi) deep, from 6.4 to 29 km (4 to 18 mi) wide, and more than 321.8 km (200 mi) long. The eroded walls of the canyon record many centuries of geologic time.大峡谷:美国亚利桑那州西北部科罗拉多河的一个大峡谷。其深达1.6公里(14至29公里(4至18英里),长度逾321.8公里(200英里)。 峡谷被侵蚀的崖壁记录了许多世纪的地质时期24. side /said/ n.-(墙、河等的左或右)边,面,侧A surface bounding a solid figure.面:限定一立体图形的面 He went round to the side of the house.他绕到房子的侧面。25. disappear /7dis«Èpi«/ v.-To pass out of sight; vanish.消失;消逝 The sun disappeared behind a cloud.太阳在云层后面消失了。(A) appear26. distance/Èdist«ns/ n.-The extent of space between two objects or places; an intervening space.距离,间距:两物体或两地方之间的空间距离;一段空间What distance do you have to walk to school? 你到学校要走多远的距离?27. huge /hju:dV/ adj-very very big巨大的The TV play was a huge success.这部电视剧取得了巨大的成功。Unit 328. face /feis/ v. & n.-面对,To be certain to encounter; have in store:面临:必定遭到;面临的:An unskilled youth faces a difficult life.一个不成熟的青年,面临着生活的困境n.-The surface of the front of the head from the top of the forehead to the base of the chin and from ear to ear.脸:头部前部表面,从前额顶到下巴以及两耳之间29. sight/sait/ n.-景观a).Something seen; a view. 看见的物体;景象Something worth seeing; a spectacle:值得一看的事物;风景:the sights of London. 伦敦的风光30. height/hait/n.-t


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