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Module 63Grammar(语法篇).用“情态动词have done”结构填空1Why was Alice late for the meeting yesterday?She_(miss) the first early bus,but I am not sure.2I'm sorry,Mrs Smith.I've broken your glasses.It doesn't matter,Mark,but you_(be) careful.3She_(not,stay) at your house.She doesn't know your address.4I posted a book to her three weeks ago.She_(receive)it.5She looks very happy.She_(pass) the exam.I guess so.It's not difficult after all.6The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.I_(not,take)my umbrella with me.7As you worked late yesterday,you_(not,come)this morning.8John,how did your maths exam go?I thought I_(fail),but in fact I came in the top ten in the class.9There was a lot of fun at yesterday's party.You_(come),but why didn't you?答案与解析1may/might have missed由“I am not sure”可知空处表示不太肯定的推测,故用may/might have done。2should have beenshould have done表示“本应该做某事而实际上没做”。3can't/couldn't have stayed由“She doesn't know your address”可知,空处表示否定的推测,故用can't/couldn't have done。4must have received因为书是三周前寄出的,因此她肯定已经收到了。must have done 表示肯定的推测,用于肯定句中。5must have passed由上一句中的“happy”和下一句中的“not difficult after all”可以推知,此处表示肯定的推测,故用must have done。6needn't have taken句意:结果昨天天气不错,我本没有必要随身带把伞。needn't have done表示“本不必做某事(而实际上做了)”。7needn't have come句意:既然你昨天工作到那么晚,今天早上你就没必要来了。8might/may have failed从语境分析,此处表示对过去可能发生的事情的推测,故用may/might have done。9ought to/should have come由“but why didn't you”判断,空处应用ought to/should have done 结构,表示“本应该做某事而实际上没做”。.完成句子1Mummy,I climbed to get the teddy bear from the top of the shelf.My goodness! You_(可能会伤到)yourself.2Did Mary come to the party?I don't know.She_(可能来了)while I was out.3My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon,so he_(不可能参加了)your lecture.4Jenny,I have washed your clothes for you.Thanks.You_(没有必要那样做)it.I could manage it myself.5There was a lot of fun at yesterday's party.You_(原本该来),but why didn't you?答案1might have hurt2.may have come3.couldn't have attended4.needn't have done5.ought to have come.完形填空There was once a hat­salesman who passed by a forest on his way back a sale trip. The weather was very_1_and he decided to take a nap under one of the trees,_2_he left his whole basket of hats by the side of the road. A few hours later, he was_3_by some sounds.The next thing he_4_was that all his hats were gone.Then he heard some monkeys on top of the tree and he looked up. To his_5_,the tree was full of monkeys.They had_6_all his hats! The hat­seller sat down and tried to think of how he could get the hats down. He started to think and_7_his head. The next moment, he found that the monkeys were doing the_8_thing.Next, he took off his own_9_and fanned himself. The monkeys did_10_what he had done! Suddenly an idea _11_himhe took his hat and threw it on the ground. And the monkeys did that too. So, he_12_to get all his hats back.Fifty years later, his grandson also became a hat­sales­man and had heard this monkey_13_from his grandfather.The same thing happened again. When he woke up, he _14_find all his hats.The monkeys had taken all his hats._15_what his grandfather had told him,he started scratching his head and the monkeys_16_He took off his hat and fanned himself and again the monkeys copied his action. Now, very_17_of his grandfather's idea,he threw his hat on the ground.but the monkeys still_18_to all the hats!Then one monkey climbed down the tree, grabbed the hat on the ground, gave him a slap and said,“ You think only you have a_19_?!”When the situations change, the old experience may be_20_1A.coldBdry CHumidDhot2A.soBbut CBecauseDotherwise3A.attackedBawakened CInjuredDawarded4A.realizedBimagined CBelievedDexplained5A.sadnessBsurprise CAngerDjoy6A.putBthrown CTakenDhung7A.pulledBscratched CShookDnodded8A.correctBsame CRidiculousDnatural9A.hatBwatch CGloveDshoes10A.purelyBthankfully CObviouslyDexactly11A.struckBrecommended CEmergedDimpressed12A.failedBrefused CTriedDmanaged13A.reportBstory CActivityDaccident14A.couldn'tBmustn't Cshouldn'tDneedn't15A.IgnoringBMentioning CForgettingDRemembering16A.followedBpromoted CAdvocatedDleft17A.confusedBconvinced CTerrifiedDexcited18A.gave upBheld on Cblew upDswept over19A.teacherBfriend CPartnerDgrandfather20A.harmfulBwonderful CUselessDgrateful答案与解析1D根据第9题后的and fanned himself,可知天气很热,所以要用hot。2


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