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九年级英语全册 unit 3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes section b导学案 人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册 unit 3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes section b导学案 人教新目标版

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Section B一必背短语1.      寻求帮助 ask for help2.      怎样有礼貌的寻求帮助how to ask for help politely3.      学会怎样才是礼貌的 learn how to be polite4.      在不同的情况 in different situations5.      使用恰当的语言 use the suitable/right/proper language6.      立足于以为根据 base on7.      取决于/依靠 depend on8.      引入一个请求 lead in to a request9.      停车park one s car10.  一个地下停车库an underground parking lot11.  换钱change money 12.  去.的路 the way to.13.  在一个说英语的的国家 in an English-speaking country14.  进行一个短期的假期学习go on a short study vacation15.  为感谢某人thank sb. for doing sth. 16.  期待 look forward to+n./doing17.  醒来 wake up18.  仓促地做某事 rush to do sth19.  做某事很方便 be convenient to do sth.20.  第一次见到某人meet sb. for the first time21.  更擅长 become better at22.  使想起 remind of23.  一个吃饭的好地方a good place to eat24.  准时,按时/及时 on time/in time25.  直到才 notuntil26.  开始做某事start doing sth.27.  花费时间做某事spend time doing sth.28.  想要做某事(3)want to do sth./would like to do sth./feel like doing sth.29.  告诉某人做/不做某事tell sb. (not) to do sth.30.  的角落/拐角处the corner of31.  以文化知识为基础base on cultural knowledge32.  访问外国 visit a foreign country33.  关于某方面类似的请求be similar requests for34.  听起来缺礼貌sound less polite35.  一个直接的问题 a direct question36.  做某事没有关系 be all right to do sth.37.  打扰某人trouble sb.38.  停放某人车辆 park ones car39.  准备干某事be/get ready to do sth. be/get ready for (doing) sth.40.  急匆匆地 in a rush41.  课程的时间 the time of the course42.  建议干某事 suggest doing sth.二完成下列句子1.知道如何礼貌地寻求帮助是重要的。Its important to know_ _ _ _ _.2.这些是关于方位的类似请求,两种方法都正确。These are _ _for_.Both_ _.3.只是正确地问一个问题是不够的。Its not enough to_ _ _ _ _.4.当我们寻求帮助的时候,我们也需要学习如何有礼貌。We also need to learn_ _ _ _when we _ _ _.5.在不同的情况下,讲英语很棒的人会改变他们说话的方式。Good_ _ _ _they speak_ _ _.6.他们所使用的表达方式可能取决于他们对谁说话或他们对谁彼此熟悉的程度。The expressions they_might_ _ _they are speaking to or_ _ _ _ _ _.7.向你的同学直接提问是没关系的。It is _ _ _ _ _to your classmates.8.这听起来更礼貌。This_ _ _ _ _.9.有时,我们甚至需要花些时间来导入一个请求。Sometimes we even need_ _ _ _ _ _ _.10.我想知道你是否可以帮助我或者我很抱歉打扰你。I_ _you can_me or Im sorry_ _ _.11.看起来说的客气要比说的直白更难一点儿。It might seem_ _ _ _ _than_.12.学习如何在不同情况下使用恰当的语言是重要的。Its important to learn_ _ _ _ _ _in different situations.13.这也将有助于你更好地与别人交流。This_ _you_ _ _other people.14.你知道我在哪里可以兑换一些钱吗?Do you know_ _ _ _ _?15.你能告诉我刚刚发生了什么吗?Could you tell me_ _ _ _?16.你能告诉我去乡村学校的路吗?Could you please tell me_ _ _ _ _ _?17.图书馆在主大街和中心大街交叉的拐角处。The library is_ _ _ _Main and Center Street.18.在许多国家,当你第一次见到某个人时,问非常直接的问题通常是不礼貌的。In many_,its often not_ _ _very_questions when you_ _ _the first time.19.我昨天的确去公园了。看!这是我在公园的照片。I _ _to the park.Look!This is _ _ _ _ in the park.20、请你告诉我那支钢笔多少钱?Could you please tell me_ _ _ _ _?21、直到服装店关门你才能离开。You _ leave_ the clothes store _.22、How does this CD player work?(变宾语从句)Do you know _?三用所给的词填空: Importantdirectdifficultgoodcorrectlylongerimpolitewell Its not enough to just ask a question_.We also need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help._speakers change the way they speak in different situations.The expressions they use might depend on whom they are speaking to or how_they know each other.For example,it is all right to ask_questions to your classmates.But it will sound_to ask your teachers direct questions.Polite questions are usually_and sometimes they sound like a kind of request.It seems_to speak politely,but it is very_to learn how to use the right language in different situations.四任务型阅读: The Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival is also called the Duan Wu Festival.It is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.For thousands of years,the festival has been marked by eating zongzi and racing dragon boats.To hold the dragon-boat races is in memory of Qu Yuan,one of the greatestest poets in China. Qu Yuan was born in Zigui of Hubei Province over 2200 years ago.Qu Yuan was an honest minister(大臣)of the State of Chu,during the Warring States Period(475-221BC)(战国时期)。He was upright and wise.He wanted to bring his country peace and make the state more stronger,but the country was in the hands of bad officials.(1)the Miluo River,throwing,he,into,himself,


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