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贵州省都匀市2015-2016学年七年级英语上学期期中统考试题 仁爱版

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贵州省都匀市2015-2016学年七年级英语上学期期中统考试题 仁爱版

贵州省都匀市2015-2016学年七年级英语上学期期中统考试题满分:100 分 命题人:一.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) ( )1. 下列一笔完成的字母正确的一组是_。 A. G, J, L B. V, W, M C. Z, N, O D. U, P, S( ) 2. 下列各选项中含有相同元音音素的是_。 AK , G BA , F CB , P DG , J( )3Gina, here is _ orange on the desk. _ orange is big .A. an, An B. an, A C. an, The D. a, The( ) 4. This is Tony Green, Hes my good friend. Green is his _name. A. first B. last C. color D. school ( )5. Thank you _ the photo _ your family. A. of, of B. for, for C. for, of D. of, for ( ) 6. Mum,_ my friends,Dale and Helen.Athis is Bthey isChe and she D. these are( ) 7. _ these her hats?No,they_.AIs;isn'tBAm;areCAre;isn't DAre;aren't( ) 8. What's his name?_.AIt's a pen BMy name is JackCHis name is Jim DHe is fine( ) 9. _.Are you Mary ?No,I'm Gina.ASorry BExcuse meCThank you DGoodbye( ) 10. _ Thank you. A. Have a good day! B. Good morning! C. How are you? D. Goodbye! ( )11. _ is she? Shes my mother. A. How B. Who C. What D. Where ( ) 12. Kate is my _. She is my uncles daughter. A. sister B. brother C. cousin D. aunt ( ) 13. -What color is that jacket? - _. A. Its a red and blue jacket B. Its a red and blue C. Its red and blue D. Thats red and blue ( )14. -Is that _pencil-box ? - No, its _, A. your , hers B. your , her C. yours , hers D. yours , her( ) 15. What's this in English?_.AIt's my ring BYes,it's a ringCIt's a ring DThat is a ring ( )16. The CDs _ in the bookcase and the notebook _ under the dictionary. A. is ,is B. is, are C. are ,are D. are ,is ( )17. -Excuse me. Are you Tony? - .A. Yes, you are. B. Im not. C. Im Tony. D. No, Im not. ( )18. -Hello, Lily. This is Jenny. - .A. Hello, Mike. B. How are you ?C. Nice to meet you . D. My name is Lily. ( )19. -Whats her phone number? - 0854-8281369 A. Its B. This s C. Thats D. Its ( )20.-How are you, Mr Hand? -_.A. Im fine , thanks. B. How are you?C. How do you do? D. Nice to meet you. 二.完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)My name is Grace. Look!This is a picture of _21_ family. A boy is in it._22_ is my brother,Tommy. Tommy is _23_ the sofa. A woman(妇女)is in the picture,too. She is my_24_.She is at the table. My father_25_ in the picture. He is at_26_with his students. A plant and a schoolbag _27_on the table. The schoolbag is my brother's.Two_28_are under the chair. They are also my _29_.You can see some_30_.They are in the bookcase.21A. his Bher Che Dmy22A. She BHe CIt DThey23A. on Bat Cunder Dof24A. teacher Bcousin Cmother Dfriend25A. isn't Bare Caren't Ddon't26A. desk Btable Cschool Ddresser27A. is Bare Cam D/28A. rooms BkeyCeraser Dbaseballs29A. brother Bbrother's Csister Dsisters30A.ID card BCDs Cbeds Dplant三.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AMy name is Tom. I'm nine. This is my motherHer name's Linda Johnson. Her telephone number is 13052864515.And this is my fatherHis name is Mike Johnson. His phone number is 13120884699.And this is my sisterWhat's her name?Her name is Mary. Look!The boy is my brother Nick. Mary is eight and Nick is six.31Mother is _.AMary Johnson BMike JohnsonCLinda Johnson DNick Johnson32Father's telephone number is _.A13120884699 B13120884966C13052864515 D1312088946633Mary is_.Asix BnineCeight Dseven34My brother is _.ATom BMikeCNick DJohnson35My family name is _.AJohnson BNickCMike DTomBLost & Found Cindy,Your red notebook is in the lost and found box.Mike36Mary's school ID card number is _.A236­0731 B695­6385C2007712 D695­863537The schoolbag is _.Agreen BwhiteCred Dblack and white38Mary's phone number is _.A695­6385 B2007712C236­


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